Airspam - just logged off

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Snaffe, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Snaffe

    Was just fighting on Miller (EU), Esamir.

    5 Liberators, 5-6 single person fighters (ESF whatever).

    Logged off. I am not an early adopter, or quit easily - I tend to stick it out. If I get fed up - something's up.

    I know there are tons of threads already on this subject. I rolled a max. Got killed. Rolled a max at another location running towards the location where I got killed to try and help my team - got killed.

    Just ridiculous.
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  2. Clay Pigeon

    The only counter to air spam is more air spam.
  3. Hydragarium

    Except you did, quit easily...
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  4. Snaffe

    Well I generally just continue playing until it's bedtime, but today I had enough.


    FIGHT THE POWER..ok back to my office job tomorrow.
  5. Smaisteri

    Meanwhile Im laughing my *** off at enemy fighters and Liberators getting torn apart near any stronghold or bigger facility. After that I take a Liberator and laugh my *** off at dumb little AA MAXes who are firing at me in a little outpost, standing right next to the control panel.
  6. ent|ty

    This is the most recent tactic to capturing entire continents. If there is any resistance, just trap them in their spawn while 1 guy caps the 0/6 flag. Happened all day yesterday; how do I know this? I'm one of about 3 guys who actually try to defend.

    One night we had 10 people trapped in spawn while libs and esf spammed the spawn to poop. There was 1 guy on the flag. He would not be able to do this without the overwhelming air support.

    Before people say 'oh get out of spawn', we were out of spawn, but could do nothing against the massive air spam.
  7. Swoll

    No actually he didnt.
  8. Tasogie

    Wait you were running around in open as a max?, your fault you died, sorry... but that is jsut stupid. They are slow an have no ability to duck an move...
    I bet you were not using an AAMAX the way its meant to be used were you....Where was engi, or second max....
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  9. Goden

    Logging off is really the only thing you can do to combat air spam.

    Once enough ESF's or Libs get airborne not even AA can stop them at all. The nanosecond you have a red dot on your head you are vaporized.
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  10. Snaffe

    It's just dumb. I mean Bad Company 2 had more purpose than this game at the moment. Might actually reinstall.
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  11. Snaffe

    Agreed, not the best tactic. But as no one else felt like trying to get the base back wtf are you supposed to do when you feel loyalty until death! Oh cwap wrong faction. I mean when vanu tells you to sacrifice yourself for the greater good!
  12. Tasogie

    na if theres 5 libs on the post, just leave. even an AA max or 2 wont stop that..
  13. Snaffe

    Where is your loyalty to the..ehm......owning the territory, which has no purpose anyway. I'm just asking.

    As a senior forum master, I can assure you that this is a l2p issue and you just need to get into an AA MAX and the problem is instantly solved. Additionally, secondary sources tell me that you need to use teamwork, which is defined as standing behind some useless infiltrator so he gets shot instead.
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  15. Snaffe

    You live up to your name. I feel better prepared now, with the anger I mean. This must be tested. Okey, any infiltrators around? Let's team up!
  16. Ronaldspiers


    Learn 2 sit in warpgate until everyone goes to bed and ghostcap a continent.

    What? It's a legitimate tactic? :p
  17. Goden


    Getting real tired of people offering this BS response.
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  18. Xiphos

    Spawn room and vehicle exits as well as anti-air turrets are conveniently exposed to the open sky so that aircraft doesn't need ground forces like it should in a real combined arms game. Well, they do... for the capture point that is.
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  19. Opticalsnare

    I watched VS storm the bio-lab near the crown and everyone who was at the bio-lab when it went down went and spawned at the crown, then VS spammed ridiculous amounts of aircraft and musta thought they go for a farming session at the crown. Must have been at least 10 MAX AA's waiting for them on the landing pads at the crown, it was awesome VS got annihilated pretty quick.

    You just need alot of buster maxes working in packs and the Libs and ESF dont have enough time to gain the upper hand and ground based AA units are in control of the area not the aircraft.
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  20. ent|ty

    That's possible but is simply not true. Let's see you step out from your position on a tower, or out of your spawn to take on even 1 Liberator who puts 3 rounds in your face and you die. If not right away, the next time.

    Keep in mind, most bases are undefended and only so by a skeleton crew, so don't bank on an engineer being by, or who will also die from the first barrage.

    I consider myself a pretty innovative player who does what it takes, and personally saying L2P is not constructive or even accurate about players in most cases.
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