Ignore command does not work?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by FuriousG, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. FuriousG

    I have never been able to Ignore a player, the yells continue to come through and it is very annoying when people are spamming. The Forum says there is a /ignore "playername" it doesn't have any any effect.
  2. Darkzero

    According to the reporting players thread, there's an /ignore, but it returns unknown command error when I try to use it. Tried /ignore add "CharacterName" as well.

    Please fix it.
  3. Talizzar

    Tis broke.
  4. Kujo

    Yeah. In-game there's a list of commands in the Help options in the lower left corner of the screen when you hit escape. According to that, the ignore command is supposed to be "/ignore add Name" but it doesn't actually work.

    There is only 1 way to ignore people that actually works in the game right now, and it only works for friendlies. You have to aim at their actual avatar and hold down Q so the radial menu pops up, and then choose the "Ignore/Mute" option. That way actually works. However, that's also the only way to take someone off ignore as well. All in all, it's not worth using right now, in my opinion. I'll be happy when they fix the slash command.