Freshman's first impression of the game. (long, long post)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PixelPunk, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Bluecewe

    I would favour a situation where main facility control points are inaccessible to attackers until the attackers have held all facility outposts for at least 30 minutes. Players in the defending faction would be notified - like facility gain or loss notifications currently appear on your screen - that their facility is being attacked if 5 minutes have passed without the outposts being contested.

    This would solve the problem where attackers have established an organised force, while defenders are put in the position of having to establish their own organised defensive force in a matter of minutes before their facility is swarmed. This concept has its routes in Eve Online, where Player Owned Structure shields only go down once a timer has expired, providing ample time for defenders to prepare and man the cannons, as it were.

    It's important to recognise that this system would only be applied to facilities. Smaller bases would continue to utilize the current system, enabling smaller-scale operations with squads as opposed to platoons to work on objectives more relevant to their scope.
    • Up x 1
  2. RaZz0R

    lol maybe quote what you agree with next time? I was just having a stir lol
  3. PixelPunk

    Thanks for everyones support and input so far.