I hope the VS get a NERF tonight too. Those weapons are still out of control

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BigMacDeez, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. BigMacDeez

    I wonder if easy mode will get a NERF tonight...
  2. D0n

    Didn't know TR was eager to take their easymode away, hah.
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  3. Kaibah

  4. Doogle

    Tried of nerf threads without constructive reasoning.

    I hope everything you love and cherish gets nerfed.
  5. Mojo_man

    Well I can't speak to the TRs complaints, but I know for the NC it's beyond obnoxious getting gunned down by pin-point precision Automatic fire at a range where our burst fire is unreliable at best.
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  6. Crywalker

    Get specific with the weapons you're having issues with, there are pretty detailed stats and even COF images to compare with TR/NC weapons that fill the same niche.

    It tells you the weapons you're being killed with in game, and not every VS weapon is overpowered. If they blanket nerfed VS weapons we'd just end up with a lack of diversity in weapon choice.
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  7. Xasapis

    Frustration vent threads, nothing to really look at.
    Nerf everything. Tonight.
    Right on.
  8. BigMacDeez

  9. BigMacDeez

    This guy gets it.
  10. f0d

    asking for widespread nerfs is against the forum rules anyways

    Nerf Calls - Openly calling for "Nerfs" (blanket reductions to abilities) is not allowed. If you feel something is overpowered or needs to be toned back, post your constructive comments and explanations.
  11. BigMacDeez

    Oh geez, settle down.

    Mods, you can shut this down, the hippies have become upset.
  12. Gobmi


    reason: epic fail
  13. Brickwalker

    and I hate getting my face shot off before I can even react by NC weapons in cqc

    Ive been gunned down numerous times at range by your guys' weapons as well.
  14. irraw

    I think the only Infantery-weapon which has to be nerfed is the shotgun for the NC MAX-Unit...
    But at the vehicles we need a lot of balancing corrections. Vanu and NC Tanks are both much better than the TR's. It should not be that a Tank is better armored and has better weapons on it...

    Best way to get a better balance is: make all weapons the same stats... so they just look different :) ... so you can do the differences betweed dropdown, dmg, firerate .... in the different weapons u can buy now... cause they realy do not have that many differences and the Ingame stats-comparing is just amusing.
  15. failbot

    I'm assuming they will nerf the Carv even more. Because why the **** not.

    They should just nerf NC maxes and buff SAW a little. But will they do this? Nah!
  16. JudgeDeath

    Have you noticed how its the same people time and time again posting the same "nerf the otherguys because they kill me" threads ?
  17. RF404

    That's because they are still getting killed by same things and in the same ways.
    If they would've known how to adapt to callenging situations they wouldn't have been crying for nerfs in the first place ;)
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  18. Gary

    Every faction feels that the other factions are more overpowered. Whilst all factions have something that really stands out above the rest one patch of balancing will not fix it.

    Balance is an ongoing procedure and will never been 100% fixed. We will always have 1 item that is better for a short period of time and will see everyone taking advantage of it!
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  19. Zerlibop

    Most people nowadays simply refuse to adjust to a situation, and are too used to 1-manning a match on CoD because of their "superduperawesomeness". However once they get into a game where even a tiny bit of coordination is required... everything that kills them is OP and needs to be nerfed into oblivion.
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  20. olievlekje