Genudine: Cross-Faction Cooperation

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jrv, Jan 5, 2013.


    That's funny because you registered on our website, were never officially a member, never started any discussions, etc. . The last time he was with us was in November ( around the 25th), we're now into the game a few months. I'm certain every outfit was far from perfect in the first 5 days of existence.

    But that's just my take on it, you're entitled to your own opinion.

    So everything that is stated on the forums is everything that is done exactly to the point right? This is what makes everything frustrating. We try to work together as NC and then people go and make naive comments like that.
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  2. irewolf

    Funny thing is, while there is no cease fire from any side, on Miller server VS and TR hate each other. I mean, both VS and TR will more or less ignore NC just to hit each other as hard as they can. At times, especially on Indar TR will ignore NC back capping in an attempt to gate lock VS.

    /order "Ignore the NC primary is VS" is a common thing. The NC are fought, but, 90% of the time the most savage and bitter fighting is VS vs TR.
  3. Jrv

    My comments are far from naive, and if you've ever seen =VX9= in action you'd know to respect our abilities. We've innovated and lead the tactics in our battles for quite some time, and we're always there fighting at the most critical, decisive points every day. We've done all of these things with much fewer numbers because the guys we get work as One Team and not a zerg. We have a reputation for doing a lot with a little, you could learn a thing or two if you payed attention.

    I intend to cooperate fully with ADK in the coming weeks to ensure our faction's continued success. Your leaders have shown equal enthusiasm, I'm sure they wouldn't want you causing beef.
  4. MiZrY

    o_O It's one thing to stir up the hornets nest, it's another to insult your allies in the same thread. "No offense" doesn't make it any better. There is more then just placing waypoints to ADK, but you are entitled to your opinion.

    Regardless, I just lost a lot of respect to =VX9=
  5. Littledood

    So, if NC is so easy to kill, why does TR and Vanu need to form an alliance?
  6. Sowahka

    I'm confused, isn't this better for you? More fighting options rather than less? Unless both of the faction's are fighting together in the same area I don't see how it's a terrible thing. The outfits are far from the majority population of the server, and of course both enemy factions are going to be more hostile against the continent owner, they want to cap it for themselves, they're not going to let you get the upper hand to keep it. Haven't you had Indar for weeks?
  7. Pat Cleburne

    Yesterday on SolTech TR took Nott Amp Station. We held against the vanu for a long time until the NC started attacking us from the other side. After a little while we noticed that reavers and scythes weren't attacking each other, and also saw NC tanks sitting with magriders attacking us and not each other.

    I'm sure this was probably not a big orchestrated plan, but we have noticed for a couple of weeks that the NC and Vanu on SolTech rarely do major battles between each other. Instead they always push north and attack TR.
  8. EventideOne

    Truces and alliances should happen more often to be honest, so long as they are done with decent intentions. Not like, lets troll a smaller faction, because thats just plain *******. I can see a lot of uses for alliances. I won't mention them though... >:D
  9. NoctD

    Alliances - official or otherwise, are formed when 2 factions are simply outclassed by a more organized/better skilled faction on a server. NC Genudine have shown that, so VS/TR teams up. Same on SolTech, TR there are well organized, so VS/NC teams up or ignores each other to focus on their main threat. In both these cases, its not like the population is skewed in favor of NC on Genudine (they're usually 2nd in pop most times) or TR on SolTech (again usually 2nd in pop).
  10. Brandon

    As people who actually were there have said, there was no truce or alliance, and I seriously doubt TED would engage in one. One person in leader did ask, on his own initiative and without any consent from the others, the TR to leave us alone while we capped the NC. As far as I can tell the TR "representative" said "yeah, sure thing" and then the TR proceeded to attack the VS flanks anyway, crippling the VS front's ability to handle the warpgate push-out from the NC.

    So, there's really nothing to the story more than that. This thread blew it way out of proportion. One squad leader doing something on his own does not cross-faction cooperation make.
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  11. Leopard

    Shhhh... you're supposed to keep the propaganda going they just got to infighting now
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  12. guax

    not to derail this wonderfully childish whine fest. but neither ADK or VX9 is doing a terribly skilled job of tactical coordination. I mean honestly we fight day an night a zervan and tarwich but a gain and a agin you , protoss and damn near everyone screws up covering giant gaping wholes in the defensive lines. Better yet you lot constantly ignore the strategic choke points on the map, a real trick
    since NC's natural territory is all switchbacks and chokes.

    ps: having had to one man murder storm the VS out if these places i have never had Vx9 support.
  13. Boomschtick

    It's great seeing all the names of people that have gibbed me on Genudine in this thread. I'm glad I can help you guys earn xp, and if you ever need more please don't hesitate to shoot first and thank me later. :)

    Edit: I also want to say that ADK has some seriously talented pilots. Some of your fighter jocks are pretty damned fun to watch, but I've seen some of your Libby pilots pull off some awesome flying as well.
  14. Salendrak

    Though I realize this reference will go way over most people's heads:

    ITT Oceania and Eurasia have declared an alliance and are now at war with Eastasia.
  15. wowie



    Must read that book sometime, never got around to it.
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  16. Vempire

    When NC takes 49% population on the map we have no choice but to focus our attention to the NC.
  17. insane2170

    So after spending 6 hours roaming the NC country-side TED at our side the whole time at Tawrich holding the western flank, LUA approach the NC warpgate champaign bottles at the ready when we all crash and have to reboot.

    Nice crash hack from ADK. GG.
  18. NoctD

    NC here on Genudine and I've been crashing mysteriously lately - is this the crash hack you talk of? Someone on your sides is definitely using them then. It happens on Indar.
  19. =ADK= AOB LXIX

    You know you're doing something right when people blame you for crashing their game. LOL You think we don't experience crashes as well?
  20. =ADK= AOB LXIX

    LOL Please read your comments again and look in the mirror when you say "I'm sure they wouldn't want you causing beef."

    And your comments are quite naive as you have no idea how we do anything and like everyone else you just use the "zerg" excuse. Please educate yourself about an outfit before you go make comments like that.
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