[VS] MadCast Gamming Community

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by Jobotoo, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. Jobotoo

    MadCast [MCG]
    We're looking for new members to join us in our Planetside 2 Outfit as well new members to join our Full Member ranks. Please submit any questions by posting in this thread or via PM here on the PS2 forums. There's a lot of information both in this thread and linked to our site.

    Primary Timezone:US East
    Faction: Vanu Sovereignty - VS
    Server: Waterson
    Quick Summary: MadCast is a gaming community that spans multiple games and aims to provide a great experience to both members and guests who stop by.
    Website: www.madcastgaming.com
    About MadCast: Back in 2007, MadCast was founded on two basic principles. It would be a gaming community that would be bigger than just one game and it would be a community that doesn't live or die based off a single leader or a handful of admins at the top. We get into games based on the interests of our community and our hard working admins are picked by our members. Since 2007, we have been involved in Battlefield 2142, Call of Duty 4, Team Fortress 2, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Left 4 Dead, Brink, Call of Duty: Black Ops, World of Warcraft, Battlefield 3, League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Minecraft, Dota 2 and more. We have experience in running successful servers, competitive teams and MMO guilds. Among many other games that our members play our currently top played games include League of Legends, GuildWars 2, and Planetside 2. With admins hosting events in those games as well as others, there's always something to do and someone to play with. We run a very successful LoL tournament with 11 teams, and we are looking to go bigger and better in the future. Right now we are focusing on Planetside 2 with four scheduled squad nights a week, as well as impromptu events, and taking great strides in recruitment.

    What sets us apart from other gaming clans/guilds/communities is that we have a very strong focus on our website and TeamSpeak. When you have a community with gamers who play various types of games, there's going to be others you won't see playing the same game as you. Our site is what brings everyone together and if you're not active on our forums and on the site in general you're missing out on a lot. For starters it's a great place to meet everyone and more importantly you stay in the know of what's going on. We're currently upgrading and adding new features.

    Helpful Links
    Throughout this post I'm going to be linking various threads on our forums with info. Here's most of them all put together for quick access:

    ·Teamspeak 3 Info
    ·MadCast Code of Conduct
    ·Full Membership Terms
    ·Forum Guidelines
    ·Applying for Full Membership
    ·Admin Requirements

    MadCast in Planetside 2Our plan is to grow the outfit and hold regular events. Every Tuesday we hold Squad Training for new players in the outfit. Squad Training is for people to get used to playing together with the outfit as well as for developing team skills. Currently it's set to every Tuesday at 9pm EST. Chances are we'll be doing Squad Training every Saturday afternoon to make it easier on people's schedules. Currently we usually have a full platoon on a nightly basis and will soon be running two platoons to organize the amount of members playing on a regular basis.

    Every month we plan on having an organized operation where we have a plan and everyone has their defined roles. As the outfit grows these may become more frequent, but for now it will just be once a month. Outside of our operations, we run squads on a nightly basis and do a variety of things from tanks to air to spec ops. A lot of times it's spur of the moment, but it's always about having a good time and trying to succeed in whatever we do.

    How to join the Outfit
    Contact any admin on the site or in TeamSpeak for an outfit invite. Your best bet is to go to our site, post an introduction thread and your info. We'll shoot you an invite whenever we can. Your best bet for joining any event is just to hop on TeamSpeak and hop in one of our squads.

    Joining MadCast
    Being a Full Member isn't required for being part of our Planetside 2 Outfit, but it does have a lot of benefits. It's there for people who want to have a community to be a part of. Full Members get priority access to events, first dibs in giveaways and plenty of other perks and opportunities both within games and community wide. Joining MadCast is a one month long process and you have to do the following:

    ·In your Introduction thread, state somewhere that you would like to become a Full Member. Your 30 day Candidacy period starts immediately after you make your post.
    ·During your 30 days you will be assigned a mentor, who you should get in touch with (your mentor will also try to contact you). Your mentor will give you a rundown on how everything in the community works out and helps you along your way to Full Membership.
    ·After your 30 days are up, the Senior Full Members vote on your admission. Criteria the SFM's look for are mostly character and personality based. Is the candidate active? Do they contribute to the community? Are they nice to hang around with?
    ·If you get in, your welcome thread is posted and once you've replied accepting the terms of Full Membership you're now a member in MadCast.

    Thanks for taking your time to go through this thread. I know it's a lot to cover, and if you want you're more than welcome to hop on TeamSpeak and join us in some games and get a feel for the community. Guests are always welcome to join us both in regular games as well as events.
  2. Mulenkoh

  3. Jobotoo

    We tore it up tonight, along with may other Vanu Outfits, for some real fun! Come join us tomorrow!
  4. Jobotoo

    Having tons of fun on all three continents! Come join us for the fun!
  5. Jobotoo

    Taking, losing, taking, losing, taking continents and getting tons of CERTS. Can't wait for DOUBLE XP in a few hours!
  6. Fear The Amish

    Great group of guys/gal's would highly suggest to any newer players
  7. Jobotoo

    THANK YOU! It has been great working with you!

    Happy New Year all! Its been a blast with the Double XP, but once I think starting next week everything will be ramping up!
  8. OneOneSix

    Officer Himntor reporting in from MadCast. Joining MadCast Gaming for teamplay in PlanetSide 2 has honestly been one of the best decisions I've made. These guys can get stuff done, and I'm proud to be one of those people helping. (Cough Specifically being the best pilot in our group Cough)

    It's not that hard to join up, and even if you're looking into leading squads yourself you are fully able to apply for Full Member position on our site and then for Officer to help recruit, pull together organized squads and do attack/defense objectives or whatever you choose. It's great fun, but can also be serious business. Course, even if you aren't applied to be an Officer/Full Member, doesn't mean you can't pull together squads in the game when there are none. You're free to play together whenever you'd like. Being an Officer/Full Member just has a few extra benefits.

    So if you're new to the game or looking for a good team, feel free to come on in on our site or TeamSpeak server and play with us!
  9. imb0r3d

    It was great working together last night. I look forward to more allied assaults with you guys.
  10. Jobotoo

    It was great!!! Thanks for the fun!

    We now have scheduled weekly events 4 days a week, so come hang out with us in TeamSpeak and in the squad/platoon!
  11. Fear The Amish

    bump for my VA brethren
  12. Jobotoo

    Thanks again!

    Great Squad Night tonight! More on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays officially. And every other day unofficially.
  13. Jobotoo

    We had one of the most fun Squad Nights last night, and things are getting even better. Come join us! All are welcome!
  14. PoisonTaco

    We'll be participating in FNO this week. Anyone who wants to join us is welcome to come along and be part of the fun.
  15. MadCast: MrEpic

    Admin MadCast: MrEpic here, attesting to the sheer awesomeness that is MadCast Gaming.

    Check us out at MadCast Gaming or check out are Outfit [MCG] in game. We are a very open community that look to making your time in any game a memorable one.
  16. Fear The Amish

  17. Jobotoo

    Join us for our regularly scheduled OPS on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Or on any other day as we tend to be on all the time.
  18. Stringz

    More fun, more bases, more MadCast.
  19. Jobotoo

    Hotfix!!!! OK, servers are back up! Let's do this!
  20. MCKhaos

    If you are looking for a Vanu Outfit on Waterson backed by an outstanding online gaming community, look no farther than MadCast. If you see me online send me a tell for more information (IGN: MCKhaos).