Close Combat Infiltrator

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Karohime, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Innate

    Did you even watch the video? He is not using the burst pistol (Repeater), he is using the semi-auto (the Emperor) which is arguably strictly inferior to the Magshot/Manticore.

    The weird thing about this game (I find) is that you can run directly through enemies without any kind of collision/slowing. I use the same technique on Light Assault because I pretty much stick with the 8-round shotgun. I find if you just rush right at people and right "through" them, it will not only confuse them, forcing them to reacquire target, but they'll often hold down the LMB emptying their clip while they're trying to find you. If you run straight through someone, turn 180, and jump, you can 1-shot 60%-70% of targets with the shotgun and take minimal damage.

    One of the things the OP has gotten good at is minimizing the time he is in comfortable line of sight from his target. The analogy I'd use is running past a spawn room door. If you're going to do it, it's safest to run past the door as close to it as possible. This minimizes the window of time which you are vulnerable through the viewport. Causing people to reacquire, move in and out of ADS etc. can make them behave just like the targets in the video. You'll notice that he struggles to do this when there are 2 or more people aware of him - that's twice as many viewports he has to minimize screentime with.

    It's my experience as playing VS that you simply don't hipfire unless you have VX6-7 or similar style gun. I'm sure if the OP played a VS/NC infiltrator against Terran heavies/engies/medics, he'd find it was much harder since Terrans are much more likely to hipfire and thus much less susceptible to these kinds of maneuvers.

    Also I'd just like to reiterate the point that has been made about the fully auto scout rifle being worse than pistols. The combination of few shots per magazine, small damage per magazine, and slow-ish reload speed make this gun barely usable.
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  2. Tyzh

    Oh yeah man, the repeater is totally over powered. That's why he was using the 500 cert Emperor in the video instead.
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  3. Blackhand

    Yea, nuts how people can't just give props on a very nice CQC demonstration video.

    So, nice job Karohime. That's some impressive play, which has given me an itch to try the Emperor out a bit. Post more of these.
  4. Karohime

    *from youtube
    Nice play sir. Makes me want to give the Emperor a shot. Why did you go with it instead of the Repeater?

    I don’t find any comfort with the Repeater , there is so much more control and comfort with the Emperor then the Repeater.
    The repeater IS stronger but! Every bullet must hit the enemy, keep in mind, 3 bullet per mouse click. That’s… allot. You go out of ammo very fast with the Repeater.
    The Emperor other hand, even if it is not x3 per mouse click, it still a very fast gun. All it takes to kill someone is, 3 bullets and one knife hit. That’s all, but if an HA pop (bubble HS) his shield, it’s going to take more fire power.
  5. sunyata1

    Awesome video, glad I'm not the only one who thought that T was a really weird place to put a reliable melee attack.
  6. sunyata1

    By the way I posted a link to this in another thread I'm in, hope that's ok. It's on this site.
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