Will /report Do Anything For Players Blaring Music Over Voice?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Armor9, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. Armor9

    Of course there are a ton of idiots that think we all want to listen to their crappy music so they blare it in local voice chat. The problem is the if you try to mute it, the mute does not always stick so when you run into them again it happens all over. But when you are in a fight, you can't always go to mute them again.

    So is there anything we can do to report them and have any action taken?
  2. Armor9

  3. Boris

    I think /report is only for when someone has been mean to you in chat. SOE see's the report and takes the snippet of chat and looks to see if you are telling porky pies or if the nasty boy did really tell you to **** your hamster.

    So to answer your title question, no.

    There are methods of reporting someone to CS.

    This is one reason why I turn in game voip off, the other being that it's so low volume I have to turn down game sounds to 1/3 or less to hear anyone and the audio ducking is annoying.
  4. Underbalance

    Unusual, when ever I mute it, it works. Why should they be reported when you have ingame functions for stopping it?

    1. Mute
    2. Volume all the way down
    3. Turn off voice and use TS
  5. Tsavo13

    so you believe /report is only for someone being mean to you in chat? grow up mate. Its the primary way to report hackers among other things ( officially they have said to use the /report function). Other things to note: when you do a /report, both parties are investigated. As for the music thing, i dunno... i turn in-game comms off and use private TS
  6. Boris

    Grow-Up? LOL try read the link.
  7. Armor9

    We shouldn't have to turn off in game chat for idiots like this.

    Also /report does not work, consistently say, no such name.
  8. DaftMedic

    It takes half a second to mute them, especially since they are blaring audio.

    Hit alt to show cursor.
    Mouse over their speaker icon in front of their name at the bottom of the screen where it shows who is transmitting.

    Players should not be reported for using their comms, however, the bug that the mute does not save should be reported.
  9. Skadi

    The icecream sundy, dont be hatin on it.
    • Up x 2
  10. LameFox

    I don't think mute being non-permanent is a bug, it's just the lack of a feature.

    Personally I'd only report for playing music if you were sitting in the warpgate doing nothing but that. Without a permanent mute function, it's extremely and unreasonably annoying to other players to sit in a place like that blaring loud noise. And no, I won't disable a useful function of the game because of some idiot in the WG.

    The ones who do it on the move out in the world I don't care about, usually only see them once or twice anyway.
  11. Talizzar

    When you see the name at the bottom left with the slider bar click on it and turn it down.

    The game needs to have an /ignore that mutes chat and audio for that player forever. Unfortunately, the volume change does not save, so you will have to do it over and over.

    I have chosen to mute proximity chat.
  12. Armor9

    Why shouldn't they be reported? By them blaring the music they aren't using the comms for what they are supposed to be used for and they prevent others from being able to use the comms for the reason they are there for. How is that right?
  13. Brandon

    No, but the following WILL do something:

    a) Hit ESC
    b) Select Ask for Help
    c) Open a TOS violation ticket

    SOE will always investigate support tickets. /report doesn't always get acted upon.
  14. Armor9

    When I click on help I don't see the TOS violation choice.
  15. Frozennukelsoforum

    to mute someone active in game in 1st person mode, press the button that will toggle on screen mouse while in first person view, on the screen near the bottom next to the map there should be an icon next to the person that is talking, also there should be a bar, hover over the bar and drag the marker to the left, or press on the icon that is showing, this should reduces the persons sound, and also mute should you click on the icon.

    this also works to raise the mic volume on other units, that you need to hear more, be aware that there is options for overall volume regarding, squad talk, platoon talk, and proxy talk, also outfit talk.

    was this useful?

    also use [ /report ] if the subject is trolling.

    to catch the persons name in the event that the person in question has alot of characters in the name that cant be defined correctly, look at the person [only works if you are on the same team] and then use the QAM [ default 'q' ] menu to select tell, this will open up chat and automatically place the persons full name in the chat bar what you do is copy and repast the name with /report instead of /tell.

    was this useful?
  16. Armor9

    I did know how to mute, just doesn't stick. But that was a good idea to get the name thanks.
  17. The King

    If they're in the chopper playing Paint it Black, I would actually enjoy it. lol...
  18. Beltway

    Yes GM's will contact the person with the open mic and ask them to stop. This has been confirmed by multiple music spammers on mattherson :D
  19. Stigma

    As long as its only in warpgate and its not something directly and intentionally offensive I don't really care.
    Some people just stand around and play some calm quiet background music and I actually kind of like that. Not sure why some people go nuts over that but *shrug*

    I'd more prefer they deal first with the people who intentionally block exists from the warpgate and such - intentionally flip vehicles ect. as that is much more disruptive and offputting to new players.

  20. DaftMedic

    The mute function allows players to use the comms for the reason they are intended even while players are blaring music.

    So report the bug that mute doesn't save and let the GMs focus on things that actually do effect the game and you cant just check a box and be rid of, like griefing and hacking.