FNO Dev Response on why TR do not have the highest ROF weapons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Natir, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Natir


    Why TR do not have their faction trait of the highest ROF:
    1. "TR High ROF Weapons are not in the game yet." - TR, you want your fastest ROF weapons? You will be paying $7 each for them.
    2. "It is intentional"
    Wait, what?

    Here is the FNO link. www.twitch.tv/planetside2/b/354087896?t=2h11m57s

    Another question was about homogenization here: www.twitch.tv/planetside2/b/354087896?t=2h18m50s

    It is just really sad that TR are kind of getting screwed here since the VS/NC share our high ROF trait... I mean, are there going to be new high ROF weapons specifically for the TR that are like 1,000 ROF or something? Either way, we will have to either spend 1,000 certs on them or $7... Change the current weapons!

    They want factions to keep their traits... Okay... Where are the TR weapon traits? VS have their accuracy and no bullet drop, etc. NC have their hard hitting 200dmg weapons with lower ROF... Even the VS/NC have the fastest firing carbines and we get one TRV that is the fastest assault rifle by 45 ROF.. All others are the same ROF as TR.. Oh yeah, we have the repeater pistol...

    Why are these traits not standard yet? It mostly applies for TR but you should get the picture...

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  2. Azimaith

    None of these empires has a consistent trait except VS with no bullet drop (outside of snipers/tank shells for obvious reasons)

    Many TR weapons have a much greater DPS than NC variants with equal or higher accuracy, with accompanying hitstun, effectively makes them the most damaging weapons in the game, even when talking about 100% perfect accuracy on both sides.
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  3. Natir

    VS nor TR have 200 dmg weapons. None of the TR weapons are 100% accurate... VS accuracy is actually better than TR.
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  4. anaverageguy

    The average RoF of TR weapons are already highest.
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  5. Natir

    Where? Here is an image to help simplify things.


    We have the highest ROF assault rifle by 45ROF and the pistol by 45ROF... What faction has the fastest carbines? Is it TR? No, VS and NC. The rest of the weapons in terms of ROF are identical between the factions.
  6. Glowcat

    I hope it's not intentional since the TR really should have their advantage. The 700 SC thing you can't really complain about since the GD-7F also cost that much and is the closest thing I've seen to "Pay-to-Win".
  7. anaverageguy

    lol. I see what you did there. You took individual weapons and decided to compare those. Brilliantly skewed for your argument, but I said average, which means average.
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  8. Bloodskull

    I'm still a little o_O from hearing this. It's kind of a kick in the junk to know that in order to get your faction's weapon you're going to have to grind 1000 certz *shivers* or pay 7$ for it. So, TR will have the fastest firing weapon but not yet? Sounds bonkers to me.
  9. HeIIsing

    I think the Inf Weapons are allready good balanced...focus on the air and tank issues

    TR is average at range and closecombat (norm inf and maxes)
    NC is only good at closecombat (norm inf and maxes)
    VS Are insanely accurate and best at range (norm inf but i dont have a clue about the maxes...nerver played them :)
  10. Jonesing25

    no one cares about your spreadsheet that someone made with some type of measuring tool that has nothing to do with the game so the data is pretty much made up. Go fire the weapons, the little to no bullet drop, recoil, and spread/cof of the VS is there. The TR weapons fire faster than the others and they have larger magazines. The NC have a fast firing carbine.....
  11. Natir

    The weapon data was extracted from the game files... I see what you did there. Trying to say the stats are fake... Nice try.

    Weapon stats. http://ps2.dynet.com

    If you are unfamiliar with them, you should look at it.
  12. Seafort

    Just seen the reddit posts. I agree the supposed NC weapon damage is very sacred as not even the NC has that damage :p

    The NC bullets might have a higher damage value than TR/VS but they have to hit the target to cause any damage. With lower RoF and lower accuracy cos of higher recoil and screenshake we miss alot more than we hit so every bullet counts.

    This results in lower DPS in total than TR/VS.

    Stop moaning about 1 or 2 weapons with a bit higher RoF for NC which we have pay $7 for. You still have the highest RoF and better accuracy therefore highest DPS overall.

    TR/VS don't realise how good they've got it ATM. It's embarrassing.
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  13. Jonesing25

    They don't want to admit they have it so good, maybe they like to pretend they're on an even playing field.
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  14. Jonesing25

    yeah like I said - No one gives a **** about that spreadsheet, especially me - measure the weapon damage in game on a character where it matters, not on a spreadsheet. Do you think the 0.025 difference in bullet damage is going to matter in the game....no. Here is the weapons stats. VS high ROF, High accuracy, fast reload, little to no spread/recoil/bullet drop > TR has high magazine count tolerable spread, tolerable recoil, medium reload speed > NC have .025 more damage per bullet more recoil, horrible spread, decent reload speed and same magazin count as VS.
  15. JustSe7en

    Since you seem to know everything about this game...

    TMG-50 (TR) has a max damage of 167, a ROF of 577 and a magazine capacity of 75.
    EM6 (NC) has a max damage of 167, a ROF of 600 and a magazine capacity of 100.

    Please explain.
  16. JustSe7en

    All you said there was... VS is OP with little to no recoil, or bullet drop, TR is tolerable with recoil, and spread, and NC is tolerable with high weapon damage and decent reload speed.
  17. Jimmy DeSouza

    You dont have to pay money, you can get certs, moreover if your weapon has "a bit higher RoF" then how does TR/VS still have the highest rate of fire (though the RoF is actually equal IIRC)? Further actually look at the weapon stats, NC is the most accurate.

    NC dont realise how to use thier weapons, then whine about TR/VS ATM. Its embarrassing.

    Hell I get a much higher KDR with my NC char than I do with my TR. I wish I could have the gauss as my TR. I wish it so damned much. I play NC, but then I hear "You know guys, I would actually like to win this one!", vomit, and then log off my NC character.
  18. HadesR

    Should double your RoF but half the damage per bullet so TTK stay's in line with the other faction's .. :p
  19. Cyridius

    Actually, no it doesn't. Idiot.

    Average means 3 things. Median, Mean, Mode.

    Conventional "average" is just the Mean. But seeing as we're discussing statistics here it can mean any of those 3.

    The Median ROF of TR weapons is 750. Whereas the Mean is 727RPM. This calculated using automatic weapons or else the data would be heavily skewed.
    For proper use in argument, seeing as there are no "727RPM" weaponry it's safe to say the average is 750RPM.

    For NC weapons the Median is 600RPM.

    Also, let me add the weapon with the SECOND LOWEST BLOOM, THE SECOND HIGHEST ROF, AND THE THIRD LOWEST RECOIL(Lowest AR) in the entire game goes to....

    *drum roll*

    GR-22! At a grand price of 250 certs! Congratulations NC!

    Not even going to mention the GD-7F and Serpent. Basically better versions of TR weapons.

    The devs must've been on crack when they designed the weapons.

    I'm not even going to complain about balance. What I want is REMOVAL OF HOMGENIZATION. This game has half-***** homogenization and it screwed up alot of the gunplay, especially in NC's favour. I don't want homogenization. I want unique weapons. TR has been SHAFTED big time in our major faction trait - we're barely more maneuverable vehicle wise, and our weapons have barely a higher average RPM than the VS, with VS and NC having weapons with the HIGHEST RPM available for them to use.

    It's not like we start off with the 845 RPM weapons, we have to buy(or grind) ours too. And THAT is the kicker. That not only do VS and NC have highest ROF weapons available to them - which they shouldn't - TR doesn't get them from the start. Just lol.

    I don't want to see any VS or NC weapons nerfed, because people bought them. I want to see TR weapons adjusted so that we get our damn ROF and still keep a balanced TTK. I don't care if I have 100 or less damage if my ROF is in 4 figures.

    And the BIGGEST JOKE in all of this is that our high ROF weapons are "yet to be released". Just what the ****, SOE? Seriously, what the tap-dancing **** were you thinking? You're making us PAY for something we should have from the get go? Just... Too much facepalm.

    SOE is not getting another dime out of me, in PlanetSide 2 or any of their future games.
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  20. CleverClothe

    I just looked at the data myself and here is what I see.

    Fastest Default Weapons
    Assault Rifle: TR [7% advantage]
    Carbine: TR [7% adv]
    LMG: TR + VS (tie) [50% adv]
    Pistol: TR [87% adv]

    Fastest Weapons (all)
    Assault Rifle: TR [5% adv]
    Carbine: NC + VS (tie) [5% adv]
    LMG: TR + VS (tie) [15% adv]
    Pistol: TR [87% adv]

    There is no doubt that they have the fastest stock weapons, which is where the flavor is. The bought weapons are meant to give you some variety and other options. It is quite clear that the TR live up to their faction focus.
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