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Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NightFall, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. Artuskan

    Maybe a little more thickly-veiled than you meant, but, yeah, it does sound suspicious that he could keep it up for an hour. Did you guys try Proximity Mines?
  2. boom boom

    He's just upset because he won't be able to participate in a noobrider Zerg
  3. fish998

    I don't get how having a population disadvantage stops you having fun. You don't have to fight all the enemies yourself. There will still be plenty of bases with even fights, and even a losing battle can be fun and get you loads of kills.
  4. Esch

    Meh, we had even server population last night and took Esamir and Amerish over a couple hours. Had some really great fights, especially when the 666 air zerg showed up on Amerish to try and slow us down. "Don't worry guys, we got this, just a few more territor... OMG REAVERS"

    The problem with VS on Connery is that too many of us are either obsessed with Indar, sick of Esamir, or apathetic about Amerish. Trying to get any of the Indar population to move onto one of the other continents where we might be making progress or where we need to prevent a cont lock just doesn't happen, even if command calls for it.

    To my VS brethren: The key to frustrating your opponent when you are out-pop'd is Sunderer spam. How many AMS Sundy's are at the base you are trying to take? Less than 3? Spawn another one! They are hard to kill and they neutralize many pop-disadvantaged situations because your troops are back in the fight at nearly any location around the base instantly.
  5. fish998

    You just described every faction on every server :D
    • Up x 1
  6. Morpholine

    VS eat the double-team sandwich on Amerish, due to warpgate placement (much like NC on Esamir). That's why we're pretty "meh" about it in general.

    Esamir's practically built for us to take.

    And Indar is .... Indar. In my opinion, it's the hardest continent to take without sheer overwhelming numbers.
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  7. Jokkie

    I was with the TR fighting VS on Amerish last night on server Connery. TR started leaving when the air spam came. Scythes up the ***.
  8. Sebastien

    TR had the big dick yesterday, they managed to cap all 3 continents.
    NC managed to push pretty hard up the North East into TR territory on Indar.
  9. Esch

    Haha, true, but sad.

    At least with NC and TR (on Connery, anyway) the big outfits will send groups to try to slow down or prevent cont locks on the other continents, especially if they currently own the bonus. This is why I think the best strategy for taking a continent is to completely focus on the faction that has the bonus and gate-lock them. This removes their bonus and turns the continent neutral, which means people are less likely to defend it while you mop it up.
  10. SzeronTzur

    I've done the same as you OP... for the opposite reason. I hate logging in to see each faction zerging a different continent without really clashing. Being the underdog is fun because there are more targets to shoot at.. provided things aren't pushed into a spawn camp - I really don't find those enjoyable from either side.

    For better or worse, I think part of the problem is that the public zerg has died down.. so you have outfits pushing a relatively larger percentage of server population around. Because there are less random people running around, it's even easier for outfits to steamroll the zerg - thus feeding a herding playstyle to the of factions becoming a few giant bio-blobs instead of chaotic eternal war.

    Really, the game needs to be more noob-friendly. The average joe casual isn't going to be able to open the map and gauge where a fight is actually taking place and which way the battles are shifting. That's a change that needs to take place, on a lot of levels, to help build up a bigger mutually assured meat-grinder.

    In the meantime, I think the best that can be done is to request all outfits divide their attention to all three continents at once instead of promoting drastic population swings by zerging to a single one. It's not perfect or ideal, but.. we're seeing the alternative.
  11. Raneman

    If you are looking for a good, balanced server I highly recommend Mattherson. There is a large outfit for each faction to join (Enclave for TR, GOON for NC, and Azure Twilight for VS I guess?) There are lots of varied outfits for each faction too, the Vanu have many medium sized outfits rather than a big one.
  12. Jourmand1r

    Waterson laughs at your 38 percent TR picture.

    I've seen 58 percent TR on waterson.
  13. Bill Hicks

    Oh connery the ONE ONE 11111111111 server where NC are strong
  14. Vorpal

    That's actually fairly balanced.

    Try playing Waterson some time. The TR population there will really make you open your eyes.
  15. ElementalFiend

    Its not willpower. I am in the outfit that is responsible for capping most of Amerish and keeping TR at their warpgate so the zerg could finish capping the north for continent control.

    By the time we capped Amerish, which was almost entirely uncontested, we had all but lost Esamir. That night we simply did not have the numbers to fight either zerg or maintain a presense on more than one continent.