Briggs Amerish Night

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pudgeinabowl, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Pudgeinabowl


    Event information:

  2. McHiggins

    Why Sunday night? Was it just last minute, because now you're gonna lose a bunch of players who have to work in the morning.
  3. Pudgeinabowl

    The event was announced on Monday the 31st December, I figured there was little point advertising it so early in the general discussion forum, as it would just get burried under the usual 'magriders OP, NERF TR' threads that pop up every 30seconds.

    We were graciously provided with a new poster, so I decided to put it up here.

    For earlier warning of future events, is a community forum for all Briggs players, and we'd appreciate any ideas people have for other events.

    See you all there tonight!

    - Sunday night was chosen as the event was organised by several outfit leaders on Briggs, and the weekend evenings was the most popular choice. We understand people have work, this event is not on a timer, so just rock up and play on Amerish for as long as you like!
  4. Hammerklau

    A while after the start of the night.

    A while after that.

    Coward Vanu being coward... Trojan Trolls fight like men, the fabulous purple and cyan men that we are... still going to keep taking it to the amerish till we fall asleep on the keyboard.

    I'm ashamed of the rest of the vanu outfits, and believe them to be TR or NC alts, traitors all around.
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  5. Adamar09

    Yeaaah. Vanu pop at 4%. Not even going to bother.
  6. McHiggins

    After a rather spectacular fight for the point behind the NC warpgate, TR has taken the continent.

    Personally I'd like to thank the Vanu leadership for quitting the second things looked hard, it allowed outfits to focus 99% of the TR forces on a couple of hexes and point the zerg dead on at trouble spots. Couldn't have done it without you.
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  7. Marked4Death

    Wish I saw this earlier. Never really thought of the recruiting forum as a place with info. :(
  8. Dingus148

    I wonder if most of Vanu is afk constantly. Haven't seen a good fight with them since before Christmas
  9. Banick

    50% CP and they're the cowards :/
  10. Hammerklau

    We didnt mind staying but after everyone else leaving we had to leave aswel, small platoon cant stand up to 10mossies and a swarm of zerg. But we had to think of the people in our plattoon and if we were actually having fun. People just started getting frustrated and dissappointed in the crap VS pop of organised outfits isnt a very good situation so we went and fully called esamier again then pushed to NC warp gate for some fun.

    I wish we could have had fun with you guys but subsequently VS not only have the lowest time to kill, but also the lowest backbone. When we first went in we had people in command telling us to come to indar, that it's not worth it. We still took a good bit of territory and held our own for a while so screw them.
  11. XRIST0

    That is just stupid , that is literally 5 on 1 and i dont know what could be so fun about that .
  12. LameFox

    I learned so many annoying new things about this game during that fight, but I managed a slightly greater than ~2:1 ratio on my NC alt being swarmed, so it wasn't all bad.

    Also, LOL @ the 'army men' style Vanguards on Amerish.
  13. NovaAustralis

    From one of the numerous NC grunts, fighting from our WG out to Hidden Ridge Mining around about midnight AEST, to the TR zerg:
    thanks for the many, many kills, XP, certs and laughs!
  14. NostalgiaForInfinity

    And as one of the many loyal TR AA max at your WG - thanks for all the donated Reavers, Liberators and kamikaze Galaxies. Much fun was had, and yes you made the cap over that last bit of NC territory all the more bitter sweet - you gave it all you had... not much, but you gave it all ;)
  15. NostalgiaForInfinity

    P.S. It was no zerg that bested you there - it was the Redbacks! And maybe one other platoon, but no zerg :)
  16. ST4LK3R

    I couldn't play this evening...what did i miss?
  17. Pudgeinabowl

    Wasn't just redbacks, Wombats, Knightrage, One blood and a few more were all there. Wombats were the ones who hacked out 2 sunderers in hidden ridge and turned the NC around to fight us. The coordination was excellent between the platoons.

    Also the NC appear to have had a camera man for some of the night.

    We are working on planning the next 2 events, looking to have another war this weekend. If you are on briggs head over to our forums and help us make it happen, especially if you're an outfit leader!
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