As a TR with lvl 5 Adrenaline shield and best guns.A 100% Stock Vanu HA is the most OP I ever felt!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ImGladUmad, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. gunshooter
    I hope 2:1 isn't the best your server has to offer...

    I main TR with a VS alt, there is so little difference between TR and VS weapons that anyone complaining is just looking for an excuse. They feel the same and stats wise they are all very similar.
  2. Wibin

    TR stock HA's own my upgraded VS HA.

    I don't believe your bs.
  3. ImGladUmad

    Show me your pics of a completely stock TR getting 18 kills in 7 minutes.

    inb4 you tell your buddies to let you kill them.
  4. AxynRaven

    both pathetic excuses refusing to acknowledge the stock VS weapon is much better than the stock weapons for NC and TR, i cant believe people can be this blind
  5. ImGladUmad

    So I been trying the MSW(advanced laser sight) and ORION(laser sight),

    and I gotta say that the ORION feels better.

    in 1 vs 1 situations, it feels as it uses less bullets...Maybe is the projectile velocity which is higher than MSW....and knowing the screen shake ruins other people aim, it just seems great in hipfire situations.

    Even though the MSW is more accurate according to the size of the reticule...It doesn't feel like it kills faster.....I even tooked it off to see if it felt better, and it doesn't.

    Another big plus the ORION has,is the movement buff when in ADS compared to MSW.....Is amazing how fast you can strafe side to side, it lets you dodge bullets.....and the AIM at meduim range is very good.

    So yeah ORION>MSW.

    ORION=#1 LMG right now least compared to all TR LMG's.
  6. Aggh

    I love how people always say that the Orion is the same as the carv so there's nothing wrong with it. A carv without bullet drop? Couldn't possibly be better :|

    Nevermind that the stats aren't actually the same. If the stats can believed, the Orion has slightly worse first shot recoil, better moving cof, better hip cof, better ADS movement speed, better bullet velocity, lower minimum damage over range (though it doesn't see that til 112m) and of course, no bullet drop. Also, 50 round mag is still a lot of bullets. NC has to use the gd-22s to get even close to similar performance and it's still worse.
  7. raw

    The Orion is identical to the Carv but has a smaller magazine. Learn to control you recoil better.
    The Carv has no bullet drop on all relevant distances. BD is only there if you are a sniper.
  8. Aggh

    I regularly pick people off with a saw at ranges where I've had to compensate for bullet drop. SAW has exactly the same drop as the carv. Also, nice job glossing over the host of other advantages the Orion has.

    Also, you must be the go to guy to judge a weapons effectiveness while playing at 15 fps :|
  9. Nacasatu

    This has just turned into a trolling nerf thread.

    Having a "feel" that a weapon is better, even though the actual evidence suggests otherwise, does NOT mean it's true.

    Played NC last night and enjoyed it a lot, went 17/8 in ten minutes as infantry and 5 of those deaths were TK's. I don't think NC are overpowered, nor their weapons but hey, I could make a thread and tell everyone I "felt" they were then call for nerfs, get backup support from other trolls and hope enough trolls shout out loud enough so the devs will nerf NC.

    It's pathetic.

    Play the game and shut up. There's plenty of other things wrong with the game that need fixing, like the scum hackers running rampant on certain servers but no, some are more content to ruin other players' fun by trying to get their faction nerfed just because their own factions previously most used weapon, the Carv, was nerfed in such a stupid manner. Two wongs don't make a wang.
  10. MorteDeAmgelis

    I feel that the VS have TR advantages as well as VS advantages.

    High ROF, Quick Loads, No bullet drop.

    I think that the VS could do with a slight ROF nerf on some of their weapons so that the TR truely have the higher ROF weapons.
  11. Sowahka

    Uh, so the gun stopped people from firing back at you and just annihilated them before they could even look at you? To me it sounds like you're implying that the Vanu somehow don't die as easily because you didn't die. Getting 18 kills in a row doesn't mean much in any FPS, it's just a whole string of random encounters you happened to do well in. I've had massive streaks as an engineer with a slug shotty just solo attacking a base with 2-4 defending it. Doesn't take much when you're a decent player fighting bad players.
  12. raw

    In a game like this weapons should really be balanced around 15 FPS! ;)
  13. ImGladUmad

    I tried the gun out more.

    Is better than the MSW...and way better than the Carv IMO.
    Totally......Is sad that they have best of all worlds.

    Im just waiting for VS to have same damage like NC

    VS needs a nice RoF nerf.
  14. wabbitseason

    Yes the vanu are overpowered. Any other position is completely delusional. The .75x multiplier has to go. The increased accuracy relative to other factions has to go. The reduced recoil/second relative to other factions has to go.
  15. Sowahka

    I'd gladly trade all of my VS battle rifles for any selection of TR battle rifles any day, predictable recoil + 10 extra rounds always let me land more hits on medium-range targets, kill more people, and perform better against groups in CQC.
  16. gunshooter

    They don't have increased accuracy relative to TR. On the few occasions they do, it's at the cost of lower clipsize and lower rof.

    VS don't have an AR as good as the T1 Cycler or a carbine as good as the Jaguar, so i'm not sure how them maybe having the best LMG is a bad thing.
  17. ImGladUmad

    LMFAO...You havn't tried the ORION, have the best LMG in the game....and best close quarter gun IMO...maybe best Meduim Range gun as well.

    It actually makes you move faster when Aiming Down sights compared to other guns.

    Face it VS is pretty OP.
  18. Aldaris

    Provide some evidence or stop bumping your own thread with your useless opinion.
  19. ImGladUmad

    The evidence of the Orion making you move faster when Aiming down sights is in this thread.

    The pictures of me owning with it....and my value expert opinion on HA is also in this thread........

    Their so much evidence in this thread.
  20. wabbitseason