Infiltrator melee need an overhaul ...

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Bape, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. illgot

    I think it would make things too easy on infiltrators. Imagine how easy it would be hack a turret with an enemy player, turn around and instantly gib him in the chest for a 1 hit kill.

    I would rather keep the damage where it is, but add in a cert that when you stab a person their movement speed is reduced 25-50% allowing you to quickly follow up and stab them again before they bunny hop and start shooting.
  2. OldMaster80

    Some sniper rifles can 1-shot.
    Some Max weapons can 1-shot.
    Some heavy weapons can 1-shot.

    Now Infiltrators have to invest points in stealth, we have a 10 seconds cloaking, we must try to get behind our enemies with that silly cloaking that it's not full invisibility and it can be broken by a 100certs attachment (thermal vision), keep our fingers crossed that he/she doesn't hear the uncloaking sound, possibly invest other cert points in Melee Boost, and THAT would be too easy? :confused:
    Imho getting in range to use a knive is already hard enough to justify the 1-shot. But still 2 shots with Melee Boost and special knive would be ok, imho.
  3. Tiju

    You cannot expect to stand in front of a guy holding a pistol or even a rifle and stab at him without been shot down. Stab wounds usually don't incapacitate the victim immediatly. IRL at least. The game is highly unrealistic however elsewhere too, so a two/three-stab-kill from the front and a one-stab-kill from behind should be possible with a special perk. So you can put out the lonely victim but don't own a group with knife spamming.
  4. Kaisuke7

    sounds easy enough that is if they dont here your foot steps, dont here your tracking beacon cuz ur try to see how many there are, but say you dont use the recon device, then you couch and sneak slowly only to fin 2 or more with shotguns and autos, that is if you survive the mines. Dont get me wrong this has worked a few times, but for the most part they turn around and shotgun to the face...
    and the range of the knife seem a bit short.
  5. Kaisuke7

    like i said before this has worked a few time but, more than like someone is with them, they here me coming a noise cloak, load footsteps, by time you uncloak start shooting and are about to knife they turn and unleash.
  6. Haya jii san

    I do not even play Infiltrator and i do support this option :)
  7. Ghostfox

    Knife damage is fine.

    Knife hit detection isn't.

    Trying to knife someone who is moving is neigh impossible unless you get lucky.
  8. Chemicalnurd

    Give us equipable knives, at least for the infiltrator. Bring back this wonderful feature from planetside 1 I hear about where you could actually turn your knife on (Why do the TR hit people with mini chainsaws that aren't turned on? Why is the 'force blade' just a regular knife? What makes the mag cutter a mag cutter as opposed to just a cutter?).
    I'm really ******* sick of games where you just hit a knife button, inexplicably shove your rifle up your ***, unsheath the knife, slash with the knife for an insane amount of damage that'd be more realistic with a stab, sheath the knife, pull your rifle out of your *** and ready it again... All in the space of like half a second.
    I don't like Blacklight: Retribution as a game but offering the option between hitting people with your gun as a quick melee attack or pulling out your knife for a melee attack that is a viable weapon in its own right works much better than the stupid COD style knife we get here.
  9. Helwyr

    Before anything else they need to fix knife hit detection. Doesn't seem to be an issue for some, but for others like myself it's a roll of the dice whether I hit someone. Never mind moving, I've knifed a target that wasn't moving nor was I, and some knife attacks would miss and others hit. That's simply broken.
  10. Hoki

    I mentioned a while back in a thread I created that all knifes to the back should kill non-max infantry instantly and do no damage to a max at all, and that a MAX suit's melee attack should always instant kill non-max infantry, and do about 1/3 a max's health as well as damage vehicles.
  11. serenekaos

    Isn't knife a two shot kill for even a HA? I knife people from behind all the time when I can or when I'm in a prolonged fire fight, run out of ammo in my clip and the guy is right in front of me so I cut his throat for the win.
  12. Hoki

    If thats the case then knifes and headshots might ignore the shield entirely. I've never had a shield stop a OHK, but nanoweave 5 has.
  13. Lucidius134

    \When i'm infiltrating and sneak up on some poor *** hat in ANY class, 2 suppressed beamer shots to the torso and a knife drops them before they can even react.

    Pistol to Knife:
    - Insanely fast TTK
    - Alerts enemies by sound (not 3d spotting wise)

    Knife to Knife:
    - Slower TTK
    - DOESN'T alert enemies by the sound.

    You're trading lower TTK for much less noticable kills. This seems like a perfectly fine trade off.
  14. The King

    Yeah, I "snuck" up behind someone for them to run for 1 minute to a terminal.
    Then I stabbed... stabbed him again.. then again.
    Then the dude started running and turned around and killed me.

    I was like... wtf?
    So knifing sucks as an infiltrator. But I seemed to get killed FAST when I get knifed. Something seems off.
  15. Lucidius134

    Admittedly the hit detection on the knife is a little off. If you swing too quickly between swipes it wont 'shoot' the knife's damage at them. I think that is what really needs to be fixed.
  16. Ghostfox

    Eh, you can still get two knife swipes off before most but the most insane people can do more than turn a little bit.
  17. serenekaos

    I'm pretty sure that the first knife drops the shield and the second kills them. Maybe having the buffed health might prevent a 2-shot kill but I haven't run into one yet.
  18. Drazen

    same old scrubs like oldmaster, trying to keep the infiltrator class weak. Oldmaster you must be on the infil boards more than your own class. Way to go bro! Gotta keep the infil class weak and nerfed! YEEEEEEEEEE HAWWWWW!!!!

    p.s. gogetalifeplzkthnxbyenoobscrubscrotieeelicklickguy
  19. Timeraider

    Sad how much disappeared. Loved Stalker cloak XD
  20. Kaisuke7

    What do you all think about the idea of shooting/knifing to uncloak; So you don't stay invisible but you at least you don't have to wait the dreaded one second hoping they don't here velcro tearing a pair. Simply press the fire/knife button to knife and uncloak.