Cert points, oh god why.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DrageonPL, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. Sheherazade

    I played no more than 160 hours tops since release day and I made 4800* certs...and that probably is still considered low.

    You just need to stop afking in the game or trying to catch bullets as fulltime job.
  2. irewolf

    Are you sure about this? That's about 10certs per hour? I'm not sure that's even possible? I mean, I have 200+ certs on my NC char and I have played maybe an hour max on him, the rest of the certs are all passive gain. Are you sure those stats are correct?
  3. VRex

    I love my heavy assualt too, but i make way more XP as an engineer or medic. Run one of those for a while and bank your certs, then spend them on your HA as you see fit.
    Or you might find that you really like one of the 'healer' classes and want to cert those up.
    I certainly did. Engineer has replaced HA as my #2 favorite class.
  4. Lucanesti

    You did not gain 200 certs in an hour.
    • Up x 1
  5. DrageonPL

    I knew about it, but unfortunately I could not use it to the fullest as my job and school leaves me no times sometimes. It's still nice that Sony at least in some ways cares. But unfortunately not in all ways.
  6. VRex

    When i started I think I made about 10 certs an hour. Now I think I average about 30. Hard to tell during 2x days. I know I could make more doing other things, but I *like* playing the slow and cautious infiltrator or the only engineer who stays behind after the zerg to repair terminals and stuff.
    Once you get the higher tools and mines and stuff, XP does start flowing a lot faster.
  7. IshanDeston

    Yeah, so you went to that store. Clicked on the weapon. checked the options and completely didn't see the blue string which asks you if you want to Trail the weapon.
  8. Sheherazade

    Most classes have some low cert point cost upgrades to give you a slight edge.

    Fighting as Medic is an easy way for close and medium range combat to stay alive and kill.

    I personally recommend investing into the Nightvision scopes for whatever machinegun you're using as long as you dont plan on long range fights as it makes aiming down incredibly easy even for bads.

    Engineer repairing is also extremely easy to make certs with.

    If for example you say you make only 800 certs in 100 hours of time you did nothing but spawn at the battlefront and run into the enemy mob expecting to survive....
  9. Jestunhi

    Why not, easy enough to do especially during double xp.

    In double do this should be achievable for support infantry such as engineers and medics wo support and kill, even without double xp a lib gunner can rack p hello xp.
  10. Sheherazade

    Also I regularly play with a friend of mine who is terrible at the game and even he already made 1000+ certs as engineer in about 50 hours despite is badness....

    So get your game on!
  11. Nocturnal7x

    If your that ineffective at paying HA maybe you should try medic. Ive earned 2k+ certs in 90 hours. No boosts, no passives.
  12. DrageonPL

    Thanks for the tip guys.
  13. Themanwithaplan

    That's the problem with the F2P model, if you lower the price of weapons the devs won't be able to eat and eventually will die out.
  14. warmachine1

    Problem is some weapons can really change game ballance, like AA
    Cost much, earns poor --> libs EWERYWHERE

    Some weapons are not sidegrades but direct upgrades!
    There is absolutely no way afterburner fuel can compensate A2A & A2G missiles!

    So in short term, PS2 = P2W
    In long term not, but many ppl will get pissed off faster that we can consider long term.
  15. Talizzar

    So you think you should be able to fly in anywhere and ROFLPAWN and not have to worry about being shot down....Your decoys will distract one missile. The other 9 are going to hit, maybe.

    Your comments just shows exactly how much you expect everything to be handed to you.

    Take a look at the many youtube videos of ESF pilots owning. One of them from Europe has not bought a thing and does very well.

    You can also try out add ons for 30 minutes every 4 or 8 hours. If it bothers you that bad spend your lunch money and buy whatever it is that will make you happy.
  16. Jestunhi

    Only if you ignore the definition of P2W and make up your own.
  17. irewolf

    No and that's not what I said. What I said was, that alot of that was from passive cert gain. As in I log into that character from time to time, but, have only played him for about an hour. Most of that, as I said, has been passive cert gain.
  18. DrageonPL

    I don't think you read what I wrote carefully.
  19. warmachine1

    Havent make my out, just separated into time frames
    New player cant get those gamebreaking direct upgrades (800+) in short term --> P2W
    It will take weeks or months to get 1 specific vehicle or class to level of other ppl that u have to fight against -> there i no MM that match u with same rated players like in other MMOs, where u may buy better stuff but then u get rated & matched against equal opponents
  20. ReactionDT

    I usually average 40-70 certs an hour but I can say that if they keep releasing new weapons at the rate they are then cert prices for weapons DO need to be reduced. Keep the attachments where they are but weapons should be between 200-500.