Claims to be MMO, has no dance emotes.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ConsoleOperator, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. ConsoleOperator

    Just saying.
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  2. Cloudayo

    So true, every faction and class needs their own dance.

  3. bluEyedillusions

    I thought about this before... I think it would be pretty funny if the faction that finally captures a base after a multi-hour battle would start dancing in the base...

    Then, at the same time, I think it would just aggravate other people. How many first person shooters, MMO or not, have dance emotes?

    /dance is sort of an RPG thing. Not an FPS thing, regardless of MMO status.
  4. QuantumMechanic

    I heard Secret World added a Gangnam Style horse dance emote. Jelly.
  5. Ruffdog

    There's like 700 things they need to do before this. However I'd like to see cabbagepatch come back!
  6. SinerAthin

    That... is a brilliant idea!

    Always wanted to /dance on the corpses of my enemies in Planetside 2.

    Crouch humping is only so much fun.
  7. Being@RT

    a /teabag emote? I mean we have to have it for TR at least, what with their glorious Brit tea-drinking leader!
  8. QuantumMechanic

    Yeah cabbagepatch was pretty damn funny.
  9. Bill Hicks

    wheres the player housing and mounts!!!!!!???
  10. RobotNinja

    Good point. Breakdancing Infiltrators are an absolute must.
  11. Talizzar

    I hope they can fix the S guns before wasting a millisecond on a stupid dance.
  12. sustainedfire

    In game already. Theres alway a crap-ton of soldiers just living in the warpgate doing nothing, and you mount the quads.
  13. OddballE8

    Mounts? we have plenty of mounts... :D Tanks, sunderers, flashes, airplanes and all that stuff... those are your mounts :D
  14. Dingus148

    Stupid dance? You, sir, have no soul. (I agree, balance should come first. But MAN I wanna /dance command)
  15. stug41

    I'd drop a few bucks for hammertime or thriller emotes.
  16. HerpTheDerp

    Well here's a good reason to never even try Secret World then.
  17. jack mehoffer

    NC -> air guitar.
  18. stug41

    Boombox for the sunderers, I want to blast AC/DC NOAW!!1!11one!1!1
  19. McHiggins

    There is a dance. Its called the corpse lag shuffle.
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  20. MaxDamage

    I'm with Warhammer Online devs on this, this is WAR, not a pyjama party.
    In Warhammer Online if you typed /dance each race would say something like "Not on your life", "You what?!" or shake their heads and laugh disapprovingly, and it said "Max refuses to dance." or similar.