TotalBiscuit has fallen to the Vanu Queen

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ViXeN, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. medbot544

    You know what bugs me the most about these E-celebs and their legions of fans?

    They all individually stack a server and make a mess of the population balance.

    Before rumors went out about Tobuscus being on Helios...the server was still off kilter in VS pop but after it's just become rather absurb. Last few nights it's been world pops at: 19% TR - 25% NC - 56% VS. Getting worse every day too....

    So like, why can't these guys get on one server and fight each other instead of making 3 different stacked servers?

    And also like to ask the other factions fighting these celebs and their pals; do they have their griefers come over to harrass the enemy in their warpgate like Tobuscus people do on Helios? Seriously, 4 these guys with Tobuscus like names were griefing for well over 4 hours straight yesterday in the TR warp gate, nukin/flippin vehicles we are tryin to repair with rocket launchers/tanks. This is not a rare occurance, VS comes over to harrass all the time. It's kinda pathetic.

    More on topic, glad to see a faction leader out there fighting with the rest of us grunts. I have never ever seen Tobuscus on Helios other than his 100+ odd fanbois with similiar names. I think the Tobuscus army is in for a world of hurt when they fight the others cus they really are not that good even with a major pop advantage. ;)
  2. RubberFur

    Needs more TR lemmings.
  3. Lancener

    Hilarious that everyone hates their faction's "leader." Managed to shoot at TB the other day think I hit him a couple times but a sniper took him out first... If I was on Helios I'd have to play TR, couldn't stand being in a fight with Tobuscus or Seananners.

    TB may not be liked by too many people but everyone has to at least admit he's better than what we have with Tobuscus, or the NC with Seananners. If you see Tobuscus shoot him in the face, for the VS... or whatever faction you want, majority of all three hate him anyway.
  4. Lord Robert

  5. Grotpar

    Denying kills for a strategic advantage, obviously.
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  6. OddballE8

    I thought Totalbiscuits in-game name was TBiscuit?
    It was in the latest video of his at least...
  7. Keifomofutu

    Lol OP killed the guy who jacked TB's name before he could create a character.
  8. ViXeN

    Its TotalBiscuit in this video. Look at #12 in the squad.

    Uh yeah, that's what actually happened!
  9. ViXeN

    You probably won't find me in the sky. LOL I try to avoid using anything that flies as much as possible. I have never really used planes in games so my flying ability is questionable.
  10. Sebastien

    Lead by example. Nobody fights for someone sitting at the Warpgate.
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  11. Badname3073

    No, she lost control of her aircraft while rocket podding and accidentally slammed into the ground.
  12. Scrangos

    I just looked up tobuscus for a second time. No PS2 videos at all, still. At least TB actually does something with the game.
  13. Badname3073

    Actually, here is the likeliest version of what happened: TB and company were riding a damaged Galaxy, and our glorious heroine accidentally slammed her Scythe into it while trying to aim her lazors. Thus there are kills and an immediate suicide. Very nice :D
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  14. ViXeN

  15. Being@RT

    At least SeaNanners now has two videos that mention Planetside up on his youtube channel. I already dislike him a lot less because of that :D
  16. Badname3073

    Right, as I said, you accidentally slammed your Scythe into TB's damaged Galaxy. Or maybe it was a Liberator. Or another Galaxy. Does not matter :D
  17. Badname3073

    Actually, given the fact that your Scythe is not upgraded much, I think that more likely you were farming in a Liberator when TB was passing by :D
  18. HerpTheDerp

    I though the whole point was to have them all on same server.

    What is the point of faction wars otherwise?

    Jesus SOE...
  19. Vortok

    That might explain why my TR alt on Helios was showing a 10% experience/resource population bonus at the character select screen.

  20. Monnor

    I bet you rushed a room, throw a mine and died.