Any reason why the Alpha Squad NC and VS camos look like pajamas?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheArchetype, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. TheArchetype

    I just don't understand why the NC faction colour camos are light blue as opposed to the actual shade of the faction colour.

    Just my opinion, but don't you think that the colours should stay consistent throughout all camos like for the the TR?

    It certainly doesn't help that we still don't have previews for camos so we can't even see the camos before buying them, which is probably the bigger problem.
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  2. Bill Hicks

    maybe cus the people playing them are wearing pajamas
  3. Lord Robert

    You don't have previews because they make more money that way. And the pajamas were a special reward for spending $40 to get access to the beta. Enjoy!
  4. JohnnyMaverik

    If I could preview camos I might actually buy some, don't want to put money into somebody I might end up regretting (and camos aren't 10 a penny either). If anybody knows of a site where you can see all the camos then please post, been miffed with this for a while.
  5. QuantumMechanic

    Personally I think that nearly all of the camos look pretty dumb when mixed in with the faction's color. Seriously, what's the point of wearing camo with bright red blue or teal highights? Add a skull mask and then you have a character that looks like he came from Killer Clowns From Outer Space.
  6. OddballE8

    There is a camo preview project thread here somewhere... im too lazy to find it atm (having a migrane) but you should be able to easily enough...
  7. Bad News

    Been posted on this forum also but i can't find it.
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