Why I love my infiltrator

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by BubbaMo, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. BubbaMo

    Rather than complain about all the things I wish I could do with my Inf (jump jets, kill tanks, etc) I figured I'd just play as a sniper. So I got myself a Parallax and a 12x scope.

    Now when the rest of the squad goes straight at the enemy I will take a few minutes to go way around the side. What do I look for in a sniping nest?
    Distance: I like to be more than 500m away if I can. Sometimes that doesn't work (either because of terrain or because that distance takes you into a different facility) but I want to be as far away as I can.
    Height: I want to be high up so I can get a good view of the battlefield.
    Cover: I want some rocks that I can duck behind and I want enough of them that I can pop up in different places. I also look for a place where I'm not going to make a silhouette. At that distance I'm not too worried about anyone sneaking up behind me (although back cover is always nice if you can find it).

    Now I crouch down and start scanning the battlefield spotting everything. You can usually see more than your squad can because you flanked out so far that enemies who have cover between them and your squad don't have cover between them and you. Even if I don't fire a single shot that is a huge help. It makes it harder to sneak up on my squad and it lets my squad know where to shoot. Did the enemy just park a Sundy behind a rock? Now your libs can do a flyby and bomb them. Is the enemy gathering up a squad to "outflank" your squad? The surprise will be reversed. Is enemy air coming in over the horizon? Your squad will know and have time to scramble fighters. Don't forget that you get XP for spotting assists.

    At that distance I don't even bother shooting at moving targets but if anyone stands still I'll take a head shot at them. If you hit them, great! If not, the enemy has to keep running around. That makes life harder for all their support troops. So you can make them hole up under deep cover while your squad gets to run around them.

    Last thing. Don't get greedy. If you take a shot immediately cloak and hide. After a few seconds peak out from somewhere slightly different. If you're far enough away they'll never find you. But if you keep shooting they'll see where your shots are coming from and you can expect a lib to pay you a visit in a few seconds.
  2. ChocolateLoveMuscle

    They will always find you. Most of the time after a few kills you end up in a sniper duel. It takes a sniper to kill a sniper. If a sniper misses me as I'm going to find some place to snipe I will immediately look at my map and see where they are. If I don't know where they are I use my sniper mindset and think of where I would go. In general, the tips are good. Just expect after 2 kills and sometimes even after 1 kill assume everyone knows where you are.

    Also, you can use your flash as an early warning system. Put radar on it and park it back behind you some where and also plant some mines on the only positions you think they can come to you at.
  3. BubbaMo

    Interesting point about the Flash. I hadn't considered that. I've always resisted using one because I was afraid it would give away my position to air craft but I'll have to try that.

    I disagree about how quickly you get found though. Yes, I always get found eventually but I'm too far away to show up on their map and most players don't have a sniper mindset so if they can't follow the tracers they end up looking in the wrong place.

    Even if they are a sniper I have the advantage. They will usually spawn in a fairly small arc in front of me whereas they could easily have a 90+ degree arc to scan before they can see me so I can usually kill them first. Of course sometimes the other sniper is smart and spawns way out of the base then I don't find out about it until they shoot me in the back of the head.

    One other thing to consider about long range sniping. If the enemy wants to come after you with non-sniper infantry you will often have a bunch of people wasting time trying to find you. During this time your squad can get a fairly serious numerical advantage on the remaining enemy. If just a few enemy come after you you can often take them out while they spend time climbing up to your precarious snipers nest.
  4. Adamar09

    If you equip stealth on the flash and appropriate camo it shouldn't be much of a giveaway. It doesn't have to be that close to you if the radar is at a reasonable level, which is also a consideration.
  5. Kalocin

    Sometimes being greedy or missing is a lot is a good thing. If you take out a few targets quickly or miss a few shots nearby in a group, it will generally make everyone in the area looking around for a sniper rather than the squad coming to blow em up. I've led a sundy spawners to my direction so the guys behind it could blow it up...Of course don't do that when you're not near any team mates lol.
  6. LachDiggityDog

    I get 50+ kills each time I do this the minions of the tr an nc don't even know or try to find where they are being sniped from lol : P
  7. Dubious

    at 500 meters you will most likely dont see **** (cause of draw distance)

    Flash only last like 5 min?, thats how long it will take you to run up, kill 1 person and run back
    Mines however is nice choice, still need a "Mine" UI, that shows where you have laid them and how many are up
  8. Ghoest

    (Almost) no one is saying infs are not competent at sniping.

    The complaints are with sneaky part - you know the part you expect based on the name "Infiltrator."
  9. Synobal

    I honestly don't like sniping out past 300m if I can help it. I find about 200 to 225 is really the sweet spot for me. It keeps me close enough to the action that I can move in quickly and assist if needed or I see a good target of opportunity.
  10. Dasmasterneko

    Probably because it is not worth it. Its easy enough just to respawn and be back to where you rudely interrupted them and honestly thats the way to go. You lose the least time and you can get the objectives faster.
  11. LachDiggityDog

    I've held off an full 3 sunderer attack at the crown with my friend doing this (infantry that is lol). give it a try its fun!
  12. Dasmasterneko

    I do it all the time. My problem is that i cant carry enough ammo to one shoot all those fools. But i have no illusions of helping my team in any major way.
  13. LachDiggityDog

    Im up grading my ammo belt as we speak fully up graded you will have and extra 30 rounds that a lot for a bolt action so worth the certs