TotalBiscuit has fallen to the Vanu Queen

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ViXeN, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. ViXeN

    So yes, I guess these guys do actually play.

    Even though I have had one of my worst days on PS2 so far I managed to take down TotalBiscuit and several other TR a few minutes ago. I was starting to wonder if any of those guys actually play the game at all but apparently I was wrong. Seananners you're next on my list. LOL

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  2. OvenTop

    Ahahah, even though i'm TR I think he deserves that.
    Good job man ^.^
  3. Cinc

    If you think OUR leader deserves it, by god, look at the other guys
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  4. HadesR

    As a loyal member of the NC ... I will send you his location if I ever spot him :)
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  5. 4set

    You will have to play on Helios if you want to fight SeaNanners - SeaNannos ingame I.D - (I belive that is the right server), but if you do, then you will be able to fight alongside Tobuscus, because I am pretty sure he recently switched over to Helios also..
  6. Itermerel

    You have commited suicide.
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  7. TheEvilBlight

    Need to kill Tobuscus one day. I might even just TK him myself. :|
  8. eldarfalcongravtank

    i'd so teamkill tobuscus, for being such a nerdy freak and not a half-alien creature (as the vanu leader should be) at all
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  9. ViXeN

    Yeah, I won't mention what happened next after I killed those three guys and another one rushed in behind them. It was not one of my finest moments. LOL Like I said, I'm having a bad day.

    Boooo. They should all play on the same server!

    Yeah it was nice but the TR is winning the war today. We're getting spammed into oblivion by a massive TR Liberator zerg. LOL
  10. ViXeN

    Tobuscus is just the puppet leader anyway. I am the real power behind the Vanu!
  11. sustainedfire

    AH - HA!

    I knew the Vanu were a bunch of queens! :p
  12. Brainpan

    We're Queen fans? Thank you! Freddie Mercury was awesome and taken too soon-
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  13. Hydragarium

    Meh - If only any of the ecelebs actually played on European servers.
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  14. Zorro

    Typical Terran logic is to send their leader directly to the front lines. :p
  15. OvenTop

    I only play once in a while, after my upgrades and the optimization patch I will get back to my mosquito with rocket pods/a2a missiles :). Who knows, might even find you in the sky xD.
  16. Wibin

    I feel bad for the NC Getting SeaNanners, He's about as derpy as it comes.

    Toby at least admits and acts insane like he is.
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  17. bendplz

    thanks for the support bro, its not easy having a battle rank 1 leader.

    as for TB, we were keeping him and his squadron in the warp-gate yesterday, apparently, even tho I never spotted him personally.
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  18. Ultralord

    TB actually plays PS2 quite regularly from what I understand. Toby and Nanners have only recently begun playing.
  19. KiddParK

    ya know... as a purple card carrying Vanu for nearly 10 years now i have to say i don't dislike Tobuscus (that's as good as i can muster i suppose at this point) I enjoy his performance that does not take it seriously and hope to see him in game someday... anyone.. anyone... bueller?
  20. JohnnyMaverik

    I play on Miller... you can kill me if you like... I know I'm not a celeb but it's the thought that counts :(