Happy New Years, you bastards

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheFatKid, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. TheFatKid

    If at all possible, get off the forums and go spend some time with your friends and family, you bastards!
  2. PhredEx


  3. Phyr

    what are "friends"?
  4. HerpTheDerp

    I think he means like, platoonmates.
  5. Zanobyl

    They're like certification points; you collect them on this website called Facebook. Unfortunately you cant use them to unlock anything yet so they're kind of pointless.
  6. Monnor

    They sleep , cause nobody cares.
  7. Jaggedmallard26

    I am with family. I'm just on my computer while we wait for New Year.
  8. Beartornado

    Looking forward to the party tonight. I'm gonna be going partying hard while standing at the Sporting Goods counter of your friendly Wal-Mart supermarket until 10pm. Welp, shift starts in 20 minutes.
  9. RomulusX

    6 minutes til I embrace my character name and drink some SailorJerry!
  10. Dubious

    To noisy outside, so im watching Iron Man instead..
  11. Kameho

    Im stuck at work, weather so bad that even with perfect view the fireworld cant be seen. yay for stormy weather with heavy rain! BEST NEW YEAR EVER. WORK. BAD WEATHER. well at least i can play ps2 at work since im FOREVER ALONE
  12. MarioO

    I just guess there's someone not knowing there are different time zones...
  13. Dubious

    There is only 1 time zone (GMT+1)
  14. Linedan

    I'll probably be playing tonight off and on, yup. When you get to be my age, the hard partying is long gone in the rear view mirror. So we're gonna let the little one (she's almost 7) stay up as late as she can make it tonight and watch some movies, and when I'm not doing that I'll be sneaking back on Mattherson or Waterson and seeing what's up in Auraxis.
  15. RF404

  16. CommodoreFrank

    I'm stuck at work. The forums are all I have.