This game is amazing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AlexR, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. maels7rom

  2. maels7rom

    I'm sorry that's your opinion but I have been playing since week 2 of the beta and haven't gotten bored of one aspect of PS2. The flaws are there but its only been one month and servers have been up and running(well not all of them) since launch.
  3. maxkeiser

    This. It's because, like BF1942 and BF2 (with very small maps) no encounter with the enemy is ever quite the same. There is brilliant emergent gameplay in PS2. So many options.
  4. Mustarde

    I like this thread and it's nice to have a little bit of positivity in-between all the complaining. I have confidence that the bugs and balance issues will continue to improve. In the meantime, this is a blast of a game to play, even on a server that is lower pop than others (SolTech). My outfit is awesome (DSAR)
  5. Linedan

    I played PS1 when it first came out (for several months), and played WW II Online for several years as "fpmoose", in fact I think my account is still active over there. I also played SVGA Air Warrior back in the '90s on GEnie ($6/hour for 2400 baud baby), Confirmed Kill, Warbirds, and Aces High, so I've been getting my *** shot off in MMO combat sims for 20 years now.

    The thing that sets this game apart isn't just the scale, it's the cooperative side of a competitive game. It's the fact that you only get the full experience of it when you're working as a team with your faction. You don't need much teamwork when you're playing a 6v6 game of Kill Confirmed in MW3. But try sitting at an amp station outpost and holding off an attack from the amp station, fighting off superior forces, desperately hanging on until the cavalry arrives in the form of the friendly zerg. You need teamwork, you need support, you need combined arms. Going 20 and 0 might be helpful, but then some schlub like me is going to spawn from the base that you let get captured while you were padding your streak and take you out from behind because you didn't have a team watching all around, or some Scythe is going to ZOMGRAWKETPAWD you and your epeen because you didn't get in a Burster MAX. THAT is what sets this game apart from the BF3s and CODs of the world. The individual player can do great things, but it's only when you hook into a larger group and begin working with that group that you really begin to realize the scale and complexity of what you can do with your PS2 experience.

    When this game works, it really works. Last night my outfit snuck a squad over across winding mountain paths to join an attack on The Ascent. TR was defending it hard. We ended up having no choice but to make an uphill charge to try and force our way to a capture point, seven or eight of us in a line, smoke grenade billowing out ahead of us, yellow tracers flying up and red tracers from the towers zipping over our heads, a backdrop of gunfire and explosions and screams, dozens more infantry and tanks firing uphill on either side of us...

    ...then a TR Lightning came out of the smoke and ran me over like a possum crossing an Interstate. BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT.

    For all its flaws, PS2 is amazingly immersive, intense, and addicting. And while we do have to watch carefully to see if SOE is actually going to listen to the playerbase and fix any of the game's many problems, the potential here is way too boundless to give up on it just now.
    • Up x 3
  6. RF404

    Bump of approval to topic.

    Let's bring this thread with us into 2013. Happy new year from Miller!
  7. AlexR

    Best wishes from russians ;) 2013 already
  8. Auto_Bob

    Agreed. The game is awesome. I expect it will get even better.
  9. maxkeiser

    This. Had some amazing games just today. And almost every battle was totally unique and different!
  10. maxkeiser

  11. Gavyne

    Completely agree, amazing game, even more exceptional when you know it only took them a year and half to create it! Yes it's got bugs and optimization issues they need to address, yes it has balancing issues they need to address, yes they will need to add more content and meta game. But those things will fall in place soon.. Can't wait to see what they have coming up this next 6 months. In Jan they'll be giving us their 6 months plan, will be very interesting to see what's coming up.
  12. maxkeiser

    I'm looking forward to the buggies and snow-ski sunderers!
  13. maxkeiser

    Also hopefully some different continent design - bridges, for instance (which are actually tactical) could be fun.
  14. Bobajol

    The game have a ton of flaws and bugs (the optimisation could be better too, especially on AMD's CPUs), I wouldn't say the game is amazing, it's just ok right now. Maybe in 6 months or one year it will be amazing.
  15. maxkeiser

    Lol ? It's as good as BF1942 was and that was a 10/10 game for me.
  16. Joehunk

    Bump for positive thread. I too am excited about where this game will go over time, and being F2P I can take breaks and come back whenever they add stuff I want to look at.

    The main reason I bought into the game is how committed SOE seems to the game's future. They hear the community's concerns and I have little doubt they'll evolve the game to the best of their ability. It's easy to complain about how the game is now, but when I compare it to PS1's release there is no comparison.
  17. maxkeiser

  18. maxkeiser

    2013 here we are!
  19. serenekaos

    Thumbs up!
  20. Jex =TE=

    I'm loving it. The battles can go on for ages - back and forth and then suddenly something changes and your winning or pulling back but whatever, you felt like it was a battle, not a fight. Even the small skirmishes are great - but this game shines with a squad all on voice - on your own I don't like it so much but then that's a good time to get in the tanks. Don't really have any bugs so it's all good here! :)