Please bring NC weaps up to par with TR/VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zwan, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. serenekaos

    Honestly, NC carbines are scary. VS carbines are worse though.
  2. rumblepit

    nc dont have carbines, the have compact lmgs
  3. serenekaos

    Whatever you call the Light Assault/Engineer weapons of the VS and NC....they are nasty customers.
  4. Nephera

    Battle rifles hit for 250, but they still suck at actually hitting things.
  5. shadowkhat

    this guy has it right... the ttk is so low in this game that the NC weapons are broken... for a game like PS1 they'd be perfect, here... when they fights over in about the time it takes to hit the aim button, makes NC weapons only able to fire 1-2 bullets before the fights over. at a range... yes NC weapons are pretty good, defending .... dam good anytime you don't have to worry about aiming NC weapons are fine. up close in a base, attacking.. either you walk around aiming down sights or hope for a luck shot if someone rounds a corner.

    all NC weapons need is a bit less recoil, and a bit less "luck" playing a factor if you have to hip fire. less cone of fire... little more accuracy... damage wise the guns are fine its just the ability to hit with the rediculous recoil and cone of fire. simplest thing to fix them would be boosting th damage... but to be honest i think that would make them OP, they just need the recoil cone of fire and accuracy tuned a bit to be a little more like the other factions...
  6. HellasVagabond

    It's funny how in some threads i see TR fighting the VS and not mentioning us NC at all when it comes to OP weapons.....
    The same happens in-game where many TR consider the NC underpowered and a lot easier to fight than the VS......
    Same from the VS who choose NC grounds rather than going up against the TR......
    AND YET we have people saying that NC weapons and vehicles are fine as they are........Logic gone out the window.....
    On a side note HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE :) (ok we are a few hours away)
    • Up x 1
  7. Ronaldspiers

    I agree the VS weapons are awesomely better than our but the NC do not need a buff. The VS and TR just need a bit of tweaking. And not much of a tweak to be honest. I've gotten used to the NC guns now and I am doing better than I was at the start.

    If you enjoy playing medic I suggest you save up for the NS11-A it is awesome.
  8. HellasVagabond


    Wanna stand 20m away from my Light Assault/Heavy and see how many bullets will hit you once i press the button ?

    After we do that test want me to stand 20m away and see how many of your bullets hit me ?

    And please don't start with controlled bursts since TR/VS don't NEED to control their fire.....
  9. Roarboar

    Sorry up but NC is op as hell and will be nerfed soon.
    A good start would be to bring back the ridiculous dmg of the gauss down to 143 and reduce the dmg of the hacksaws by 70 %.
  10. Roarboar

    Surely you dont believe this yourself do you?
  11. Pharadox

    Although I personally like the TR guns, I listen to the TR ******** all day about the NC guns because of how hard they hit. I really think it comes down to many factors including, your play style, range of the target you're firing at, certs applied on the gun, and the situation. TR guns usually are maximized for short range because of the high rate of fire. Vanu, are long range because of their lack of recoil, and NC get highest amount of damage per shot which makes their guns useful for all ranges but requires more skill because of the heavy recoil. I recommend changing the fire rate to help manage recoil. My TR guns, were pretty horrible at a medium range until I put the forward grip to help stabilize a sustained fire at medium range.
  12. breezy808

    uhh I don't mean to be rude, but you know not everyone thinks the same as you correct? Therefor playing the game the same was is irrelevant or are you saying that as bragging rights?

    Cuz I'll tell you this, many people have played all 3 factions, like me. Past lvl 10 like me... And there's a huge difference in the weaponry... Enough to stand out like a sore thumb atleast in my opinion. I think it's obvious to say that if people are whining about em they see a difference too...
  13. HellasVagabond

    Wanna try it ? And of course record the entire thing so everyone can laugh at you later on :)
  14. Skadi

    I dont need to controll my fire?

    I think that may be going a little too far.

    lololo you seriously believe that people on the forums who've supposedly played all factions are making totally unbiased and objective jugdements on current faction balancing? roflmao

    besides that, there have been just as many posts of people saying that balancing is fine. guess we're on a stalemate here unless people start substantiating their arguments with undeniable facts from an objective point of view
  16. SixVoltSamurai

    I almost took this seriously, and was about to type up a well thought out response as to why you're suffering from the grass being greener syndrome... but then you had to type this:
    and I knew that this was little more than a troll post.
  17. Pharadox

    I play on Connery where the NC always have the wold pop advantage, and often have the population advantage on all conts. VS have extremely low pop on my Connery, which makes me feel sorry for them. You may just need to find another server or find a organized outfit. It can be hard to find, but you need to be in a outfit that requires you to stay on objective to get anything done without your team's zerg. DevilDogs 666 plays on Connery, which has drawn massive numbers to the NC on Connery. My outfit, Hell From Above, always has to pull some sort of tactic to be able to make any progress against the NC. As for the weapons, I listen to the TR complain all day about how overpowered the NC. The complaints are that everything on the NC is overpowered because of their high damage. I get pwned all the time by NC's guns, and never once felt that the TR had an advantage except for firing from the hip, which allows the high rate of fire to do it's full potential. It of coarse doesn't mean anything going against NC shotguns, or NC maxes. If you like the TR guns because you're better at firing from the hip but don't like unorganized fighting, I really recommend joining HFA on Connery. We are very organized and require teamwork. If you're committed to you're server too much, then buy a shotty or the NS11 and stick with NC.
  18. HellasVagabond

    Shall we start posting vids now ? Perhaps you missed the point where all your bullets went at the CENTER of your crosshairs ? Do you know where my bullets would go at that distance ? Everyplace BUT the center. So let's not play around shall we ?
  19. Pharadox

    That's a really good point. I never thought about it how constant bullet damage would effect the aim of someone that needs every shot to count. TR guns are extremely weak at a distance because of the large cone of fire, but I can see how annoying it would be to fight back if you're being peppered with bullet spray that prevents you from aiming.
  20. Skadi

    Ok then post a video, and im not talking about flailing the Gauss SAW around to compare it to my midrange assult rifle, get what ever equivilent to the Cycler TRV is for the NC is and test it at that range, and also i dont have ANYTHING to help its accuracy when scoped in like that, so a simple trial of the wep should yield the same results.