Why the **** does NC and VS has weapons that can fire faster than TR ones?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by lyravega, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. rumblepit

    not a carbine... its a compact lmg...... it hits harder than every lmg the tr own.ac x11 is a joke.
  2. Auto_Bob

    Nope. You didn't all caps the whole post, so I still have no idea what you are saying...
  3. rumblepit

    try it man, prove me wrong. dont just be a troll ,be constructive and back it up.
  4. Phichi

    If your owning all the factions then apparently your weapons are just fine. the 666th says hi.
  5. Skadi

    Um forgive me by what do you meen by "just shoot one bullet", as the first bullet for all the TR guns i own is always accurate.
    Is there a specific range it starts at, a specific gun?
  6. rumblepit

    ahhh those boys love me over there lol.... as long as you keep feeding me that stream of kills ill be in this game.... fyi as16 night hawk will bring balance to any fight.if they would stop crashing me i would be killing for days,its been hard to fram you guys lately .i still wanna see your stats
  7. RageTimeMonkey

    As primarily a TR player, this is indeed an issue.

    The TR have no version of the Serpent / GD-7F. The Lynx is somewhat close at 800rpm, but its a substantial loss in TTK. A comparison:

    Max Damage /w SP Ammo
    GD-7F 143 @ 15m
    Serpent 143 @ 15m
    LC2 Lynx 143 @ 15m

    Min Damage falloff /w SP Ammo
    GD-7F 100 @ 65m
    Serpent 88 @ 115m
    LC2 Lynx 100 @ 65m

    GD-7F 845 rpm
    Serpent 845 rpm
    LC2 Lynx 800 rpm

    GD-7F 0.3 ↑ , ← 2x first shot 0.5x move mult
    Serpent 0.22 ↑ , ← 2.5x first shot 0.5x move mult
    LC2 Lynx 0.3 ↑ , → 2x first shot 0.75x move mult

    Hip Fire COF Still/Move/Sprint/Jump
    GD-7F 1.5/2/5/7
    Serpent 1.5/2/5/7
    LC2 Lynx 1.5/2/5/7

    COF Bloom
    GD-7F ADS: 0.06, HIP: 0.12
    Serpent ADS: 0.05, HIP: 0.1
    LC2 Lynx ADS: 0.05, HIP: 0.1

    Reload Time
    GD-7F 2.7s/3s
    Serpent 2.65s/3.8s
    LC2 Lynx 2.8s/3.5s

    0m TTK
    GD-7F 0.43s
    Serpent 0.43s
    LC2 Lynx 0.45s

    The big difference between the LC2 and the other factions? The LC2 carries 10 more rounds per clip. The Lynx is outclassed in almost every way. It will lose fights in CQC to the Serpent and GD-7F and it will badly lose fights in mid-long range to any Vanu carbine. The Lynx will still win fights when you get the jump, as you should. It's the fights were you happen upon an enemy HA/LA and open fire at the same time... TR is at a severe disadvantage in that situation.

    Is being inferior in actual TTK worth the 10 extra rounds? I can tell you in practice it really doesn't feel like it.
  8. rumblepit

    after 20ms or so we its random. mite hit 1 out of 3 times.....
  9. Cyridius

    Nobody cares that you're in the 666th. Nobody (who isn't an idiot) cares about your K/D or whatever the **** he wants to know.

    It's common sense that what the issue is - the faction(TR) whos MAIN TRAIT is RoF has slower RoF weapons than NC or VS, but we don't have any weapons with traits of NC or VS. We also have the fastest tank - whos main ability is to sit still... Looks like devs were smoking pot when designing us.

    I'm totally against the homogenization the devs have done with weapons. VS and NC should in NO CIRCUMSTANCE have weapons with 800+ RPM. At the same note, VS or TR should never have 200dmg weapons either. But seeing as the Devs decided to give NC the most weapons options out of the whole factions in terms of getting a taste for TR and VS style weaponry, the favour should be returned.
    • Up x 1
  10. K-On

    ^ this, the last nerf did this. No questions about it, that's how sometimes u all get shot first and still turn around and kill us because our recoil starts going 3 way.
  11. Monnor

    GD-F7 is a close quarter only carbine. Noting else. Sure it hits a little harder, it have 10 bullets less then all yours carbines.
  12. Skadi

    I still dont see what you speek of...
  13. rumblepit

    thats like 10 ms away, 20 ft, try to double that 20m 40 ft. unless the trv dosnt have a fsm... its a close range weapon, it may not.
  14. irishroy

  15. rumblepit

    also it warms my heart to know that all the boys at 666 know me by name..... it really dose:)
  16. D0n

    It's like using CS guns vs CoD guns but both are almost equal in stats.
  17. rumblepit

    was looking at the weapons stats and testing 20 to 30ms is the range where the problem begins...... there is no reason anyone would fire this way unless they where far away, but it compounds over range. so if you in a range where you have to burst fire your going to lose...... because of this problem., also i never use the trv,but i know it has adv laser so its a cqc weapon. it mite not have the problem. mid range its just one more thing that we have to compensate for while we fire.
  18. Skadi

    Aye i posted a video of my "long" range SOAS-20, and the second first shot seems to be the only one that hits where im aiming, the rest of the shots stay in that one spot above it and realy dont deviate.
    although if you give me the names of any wep you experience with it ill be happy to try it, i want to see what your speaking of.
  19. rumblepit

    i was second guessing myself... but its very hard to notice at that range..... the problem is that most engagements in this game take place at 60 m. higby was the source .... what seems to be a tight pattern at that range has compounding effects at ranges like 60 ms.
    the problem starts at 20 to 30 ms.

    i was at the warp gate testing and i was standing on the end of main pad shooting the reload tower. i saw my first shots miss every time.by a foot to the left or right. i think that was 60 m. also had 4x and flash suppressor so i could watch the bullet.
  20. anaverageguy

    TR weapons on average have the highest RoF

    NC weapons on average have less than half the RoF of the aforementioned weapons.

    VS weapons on average are somewhere in between.

    What's the problem? One gun that completely gives up the damage per hit of its faction for RoF?