Non-Input Weapon Switching

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KoSGunny, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. KoSGunny

    I just committed 11 counts of same-faction murder because I was trying to repair a sundy and my repair tool swapped to a vehicle mine which dropped immediately as I was holding down my mouse button.. First rocket pod near it blew up the sundy and everyone in it and it labeled me as the killer.

    It's been several months, can we fix this bug where medical applicator/nano armor kit swap for no reason when you're using them?
  2. VKhaun

    I've only heard of or experienced this bug when dropping ammo boxes. When the box actually spawns a few seconds later it forces me to pull my gun out, so when I walk up to give a max ammo and repair him, I end up shooting him just a little because I'm holding down the fire button to repair when it swaps.

    If you're swapping to AT mines that'd be a new one on me.
    Are you sure your mouse isn't wonky?
  3. KoSGunny

    Nah my mouse is fine. Usually I end up getting a pistol out, too. This is the first time it ever dropped a mine instead. But point is, swapping without input on a regular basis is still unacceptable at this point 2 months after 'official' release.
  4. Phyr

    I get that occasionally if I use the scroll wheel to switch. I figured it was just the scroll wheel being crap.