I switched from TR...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by alecholman, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. alecholman

    To Vanu (best NC...pfft) and now I'm conflicted.

    What would you guys do?
  2. Slyguy65

    Well heres your options


    Choose the difficulty you wish to play the game on and i will respond with what faction you should choose
  3. alecholman

    Well I spent all my time on NC maxing out my SAW, which I find better than the CARV now.

    Lets see what you've got for hard, surprise me with a surprise.
  4. Iksniljiksul

    It depends on what the players are doing. If they are capturing empty bases (which is what most Outfits do) or cowering behind rocks and walls afraid to die (this is what most others do) then it's time to log off.

    Don't stick to one color, it is what stupid people do.
  5. alecholman

    I don't want to spend station cash on something just to switch to another colour again.
  6. Avicii

    Currently (state of empire weapon/vehicle balance):

    Play VS if you want to play the game on "Easy".
    Play NC if you want to play the game on "Moderate".
    Play TR if you want to play the game on "Hard".

    VS weaponry is very user friendly -- they benefit from little to no recoil, and high velocity weaponry. They also currently benefit from the best main battle tank that has little to no downsides to it. Their empire specific fighter is also very good (not as good as TR's)

    NC weaponry is powerful, but can be difficult to handle sometimes -- they benefit from the highest dps weapons in the game, but sometimes have hard to control recoil. Their main battle tank is decent, but not as good as VS. Their empire specific fighter is not too great right now, however.

    TR weaponry is unforgiving and clumsy -- they are advertised as highest rate of fire, but other empires can access that high rate of fire weaponry as well. Their weapons have unpredictable recoil, high cone of fire bloom, and low damage per shot. They have the worst main battle tank which is clumsy and difficult to use/control. Their redemption is having the best empire specific aircraft fighter.

    There ya go, summed it up quickly.
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  7. Yetii

    I switched from TR to NC. Kinda liked the weapon models more.
  8. Slyguy65

    And this is the difficulty levels of the game. BAM
  9. Clay Pigeon

    For Infantry:
    Play VS if you want easy modo
    Play TR if you want medium
    Play NC if you want hard

    For Armor:
    Play VS if you want easy mode
    Play NC if you want medium
    Play TR if you want hard

    For Air:
    Play TR if you want easy mode
    Play VS if you want medium
    Play NC if you want hard.

    I hope this helped.
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  10. bendplz

    haha you are so such a pure TR
  11. gunshooter

    You're just bad and looking to blame something other than your own bad aim. This is coming from a TR player. Both TR and VS weapons are equally easy to use.
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  12. whaleboy

    VS don't have bullet drop...
  13. gunshooter

    Bullet drop is a complete non-factor in this game. Within range where a kill is realistically possible, your bullets go where you point.

    Sorry that your excuse for doing poorly is gone.
  14. RynoManiac

    I mainly play TR but I'm tired of everyone saying vanu is OP and easy.

    So I made this.

    The standard TR and VS LMGs have the EXACT same recoil. (I don't know about the "sidegrade" ones as I see no point in purchasing them)

    The NC however, I do pity them in the LMG department, but some people like it's slow-firing chug, chug.
    • Up x 1
  15. Autarkis

    I don't think any of you know wtf you're talking about. The efficacy of the various faction weapons are extremely similar and each faction has great and below average options. People just like ********.
  16. Advent1s

    NC have the most potent MAX unit, TR have the most potent AIR unit, VS have the most potent Armour Unit

  17. Dubious

    Saron is the only VS weapon with no bullet drop and no damage loss
    I find it easier to kill with TR weapons at range
  18. Tact

  19. cardboardbacon

    I think VS would be easy mode for air, not TR.

    I'm a terrible pilot and the Scythe's clear cockpit view (no vertical bars blocking your vision), superiour hover stability and lack of bullet drop allow me to kill way more enemies more efficiently than I ever could with a Mossie.
  20. Samx45

    This thread has really helped, thanks for everyone that has shared their opinions, especially the summary from City Pigeon