C4 or other Exploit?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Imnuktam, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. Imnuktam

    While doing a video capture for a buddy in a bio lab I noticed something outside repeatedly destroyed our terminals, as well as damaging / killing players inside the shielded respawn. You can see from the video it isnt c4 or claymores on the door and they were taking out both terms at same times most everytime they did it.

    I have seen this exploit abused to the point where the attackers were able to kill everyone that was standing on the lower floor, which was EVERYONE in respawn except me and another light assault on top floor.

    This also shows another bug at the end of the video where I make my instant action exit to late, die to the pain field but then still instant action away anyways.

  2. siiix

    i'm kinda torn on this issue, it does feel a little bit like a bug/exploit, on the other hand if the enemy is able to do that, WHY ARE YOU STILL THERE ?! at this point the facility is already lost, move on... i have never seen in any fight a facility being defended when you are so surrounded

    all you doing is racking up free kills from inside a shielded room... thats an other thing that feels wrong... push out and try retake the base or spawn somewhere else

    many suggested to shield the entrance with a wall , but that would only protect the enemy as you could not shoot out the shield.. you could still not leave the spawn room with out getting slathered
  3. Imnuktam

    I stay til the last second to kill as many as possible everytime I am at one.

    The whole reason I go to and fight in bio labs everyday, is its the only place i can get my fight on w/o getting vehicle spammed to a sickening degree. Since it is the only single place in the ENTIRE KNOWN PS2 universe where that is possible, I personally milk it out as long as possible.
  4. siiix

    so your infantry fight is shooting out a shielded room and then complain about that someone killed you once from the outside with C4 ?!

    does this not feel like a bit hypocritical ?!

    now i'm not saying i maybe not do the same to rack up points... but i do know how lame it is what i'm actually doing , and also i would not complain about someone killed me once because the walls are shaking when there is a bigger impact WHILE i'm doing just as a lame strategy

    the spawn room needs a wall so we cant shoot out, and the walls should shake a bit less to reduce damage from explosions... both of this problems would have an easy fix
  5. Tobax

    Things like C4 and claymore explosions have always gone through the shield so as far as we know this is not an exploit, though it should only damage people next to the shield.
  6. Imnuktam

    So the only one out there is a little troll who feels like starting an arguement? Sigh , its to the point im ready to just do anything forum related on ps universe instead and quit using these forums.

    The point is an exploit is being used to destroy whats in the spawn room and is supposed to be protected. If you watched all 4 videos in the series you would see the fight only ends with you trapped in bio dome spawn like many do since at the end you insta die for peeking your head out, just like people who stand in wide open looking at the SHIELDED spawn doors usually get shot.

    Thanks for the bump , but I am really looking to talk to the mature players who dont feel like picking a fight about this, and find out what exploit is being used to do this.
  7. Imnuktam

    If you watch the video all the way through you will see they are doing it through the walls themselves not the shielded doors as far as I can tell. I never saw a single bring of c4 anywhere near that middle door, which is where it would have to be to keep taking out both terms at once. It happens probably around 6x through the vid.

    I am guessing they know just where to put it on the outside wall and just put one by each term on the outside and blow up what is in there, then head back to resupply.
  8. Xasapis

    it's an exploit all right. sticky grenades on the force field take out the entire room. clearly unwanted behaviour and clearly abused. I report anyone that uses it with the hope that SOE will act upon those reports and against the bug exploiters. We really could do without them in our game.
  9. Abyll

    Something it might have been is friendly explosives rather than enemy. It looked like you took damage from your 3rd bouncing betty you dropped outside the door, which a TR blew up. And, I know some people are also getting the bright idea to drop explosives inside a spawn room before a flip, to spite the attackers when they rush in 'Geneva Contravention' style.
  10. Linedan

    Guilty as charged.

    Sticky grenades to the shield are nasty. The full explosive effect goes right through and will clean out half a spawn (particularly bad in bio lab teleporter rooms). Also, the HE leakage through the shield is why I don't lay mines down right outside our spawn to try and catch campers. Very few walk right up to the door anyway, and if they grenade it and it goes off, the splash will be guaranteed to get me a bunch of TKs.
  11. Imnuktam

    I have seen this happen before, I was running up stairs and as i got to the midpoint of stairs the enitre spawn room was blown apart. EVERY single person that was on the main floor was dead. Not sure if it was the sticky grenades you mention or not, I never saw them.

    Just like in this video, there is never a time when I actually see what is destroying the terminals, but is obviously an explosive.

    The first time this happened that is exactly what I thought it was, but it happens so many times its obviously someone outside spawn that knows how to exploit it. There are 3 other vids and you can see it happen throughout, here they are if you guys want to watch them and try to figure out what is going on. They add up to around 30min.

    Seems the 3rd didnt work, will have to upload it again. This was my first run at video capture and upload so made a few mistakes and had record settings too low.
  12. siiix

    i disagree, if your stuck in that spawn room you should use redeploy so you dont lose a life

    if you do not you deserve to die, and in fact if you do not leave the room you will be dead anyways once the capture finished, you be dead one way or the other, this way at least someone get something out of your death and it not just becomes suicide

  13. Imnuktam

    Unless they changed redeploy, it kills you after the 10sec period and you redeploy so you have been losing a lot of lives w/o knowing it.

    Many people leave when bases get to this point but i have stayed to the end, snuck out topside as base capped with light assault and retaken base after zerg left, so its all in how you like to play.
  14. Boris

    Edit: I see sometimes you're getting repair XP so it can't all be FF must be a bug/exploit
  15. Imnuktam

    Watch the bio dome 1 hot drop video and at around 3:30 I am looking at both terminals as they blow up and you guys tell me what you think did it.

    Sometimes i get exp from ff damage but usually not, damage I do my self is always 0 exp. Like crashing up your esf and repairing it, get 0 exp for all the damage I did to it myself. I have seen a friendly prowler shoot a terminal I fixed while playing tr though and I got exp. Was a while ago though.
  16. Xasapis

    I was talking about the bio lab spawn room, nor a general spawn room. You can't redeploy from there since you are meant to attack the lab. The room is also small enough that a single grenade on that field will clear the room.

    Besides, redeploying means giving up, which iI suppose is the only choice sometimes when facing rabid hacking and bug exploiting.

    As for dying, death means little in PS2.
  17. Jac70

    I do this and I am also undecided as to whether it's an intentional game mechanic or an exploit. It's usually when we have overrun the base and there are a few stragglers farming kills from behind the spawn room doors so I don't feel bad that I can occasionally spoil somebody's spawn farming fun.

    It's actually quite hard to get a c4 pack on the force field without getting yourself killed or the pack exploded by their guns. Still maybe this should be fixed.
  18. SixVoltSamurai

    They only take out the entire room if the entire room is standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE DOOR.

    I haven't been killed by explosives in a spawn/teleport room in quite some time because learning what explosives can do through the shield isn't hard, nor does it take very long. You either back the F up, or stay at the shield and die to a combination of C4/tank mines/AP mines, grenades and your own team doing the same. One would think that a few deaths in this manner would generally wise people up... then again people still run right in front of the shield doors for people to shoot so I guess common sense does not run rampant in the playerbase.
  19. Tobax

    If its coming through a wall or something then fair enough to the OP, otherwise your right they are stood too close to the shield.
    What's funny is seeing enemy cry in /ye that C4 is killing them through the shield and that its an exploit (it's not an exploit) but they want to stand next to the shield shooting out killing everyone and racking up kills while they are untouched? Ohh yeah sure that's fair.... (sarcasm).
  20. Imnuktam

    That is exactly what I think is happening, here are all 4 vids back to back and are pretty much a seemless run of me hitting a hopelessly outnumbered bio dome and staying til its capped to show my buddy a few things. Only part missing is when I grabbed a beer and repaired some maxes in respawn.

    Caught those blowing up about 7 times throughout. In the first video you will see it happen around 3:30 and it doesnt even kill the guy right next to the door which is what makes me think it is coming through wall instead.