[BUG] Fix C4 Explosion ownership.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Keelin, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. Keelin

    Please do something about the damage caused when C4 is blown up by some other explosion.
    Currently the person who detonates the C4 with their rockets or whatever is credited the damage.
    It's MY C4. I spent 100 res on it - i ran up to that tank/sunderer/etc and placed it - it's MY damage and not someone else's - period.
    I'm getting quite frankly sick and tired of this.
  2. Arbite

    I completely agree with this but would like to bring up another point. I am now seeing this so frequently I won't put C4 on a Sunderer unless no other friendly units are around. I fly over to an enemy Sunderer, and placed my C4. As soon as my second one is placed a heavy with a rocket launcher (this is most common but I am beginning to see it with any infantry with a grenade) shoots my C4 not only before I can detonate but before I can get clear. This means that the Heavy gets the credit for the Sunderer death and any surrounding infantry kills caught in the blast. I get a TK. This is becoming so common that I no longer believe it is poor timing. I don't care if I have to die to take out a Sunderer. I don't even care if I don't get the exp for the kill. But at least give me some kind of assist points to go with my death from team mate!
  3. Krona

    Seriously, this combined with the fact it feels like it takes years to throw it means we'll probably always lose the kill, even though we did most of the work.
  4. Big Cyz

    I've been on the other end of this and it makes no sense. I was attacking a tower on the ground floor under A, there was an enemy sunderer that had just spawned and was trying to turn around to leave. I fired a Decimator at it's rear, there was this MASSIVE explosion, the sunderer died instantly, as well as 3-4 inf plus I got points for explosive destroy and terminal destruction. Totally did not expect that to happen. So I guess someone loaded the vehicle pads or the sunderer with C4. The guy who risked his *** to lay the explosives should really have gotten the kills, and me the assists.
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  5. Yalk


    Happens to me all the time
  6. Rothnang

    I disagree on this, if I shoot an enemies explosives and he blows up because of it why shouldn't I get the credit?
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  7. Zotamedu

    Try reading the thread one more time.
  8. Rothnang

    What else is there to read? Sure, it sucks if a friendly blows up your explosives and kills an enemy in the process, but If someone comes at me with a flash full of C4 and I hit the thing and the C4 blows up I want the kill, I don't want him to get a suicide instead.
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  9. Xae

    No, Don't.

    Every time a Magrider runs me over I go LA and put 2 C4 Blocks on his face.
    Next time he gets hit with a shell he goes boom and I get 0 grief.
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  10. Talizzar

    How can the game go both ways so to speak? The one that causes the detonation should be getting the exp. Just laying it is 1/2 the equation.

    Someone else can do 99 percent of the damage to a vehicle or infantry but if I land the killing blow I get the kill, not the guy that did all the work. What exactly is the difference?

    When I play my HA with rockets I certainly do not have enough time to sit and watch you place your C4 on a sundy or tank and then fire. The goal is to quickly kill the enemy, right?
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  11. Chiss

    Owner = guy who threw C4;
    Damage against owners enemies goes to the owner.
    Damage against owners allies goes to the person who caused its explosion.

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  12. LameFox

    Do you have any idea how annoying it is when you're lining up an enemy tank/sunderer or even already firing at it, and some random hero runs right up to it in the explosion radius of your shells to drop mines or C4? Fair warning, if this changes I'm not going to wait around for you to get clear of it.
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  13. Parity

    It seems logical to me, the person who detonates the explosive should get the kills for it. Detonating it with a bullet/rocket or a button seems rather moot.

    As it were, if I shoot explosives someone else laid down, I'm detonating them, not the person who laid them down. And if you're really annoyed that your suicidal rush to an enemy sundy to throw down bricks of explosives is unrewarded then you have a sick sense of entitlement.
  14. Achmed20

    i blew up so many sundys and didnt got a credit for it because aftter someone fired a rocket at the sunday, while i was still busy getting away, that thing insta explodes. which is fine but where is my ******* assist?

    fun fact: the kill cam usualy shows the C4 as primary kill weapon and its not even theirs.

    fix your ****, make my C4 cost less or make c4 only destroyable from my remote detonator. its not like C4 would even give a **** in RL if you fire a rocket into it.
  15. MaxDamage

    It's not just limited to C4, I got a kill on a magrider and its driver when I jumped into somebody else's stationary, and otherwise empty sunderer, fired at the magrider, and the exploding sunderer took the magrider out.
  16. Ganelon

    At least give an assist.
  17. NightFall

    read post #1 one more time.

    And at the same time you can brush up on normal English reading comprehension skills.
  18. fish998

    The XP should clearly go to whoever placed the C4, not whoever detonated it. The reason : it cost them resources, it took time and effort to place, and there's often risk involved in placing it. The person who detonated it with a nade or rocket may not have even known it was there.

    Bad game design IMO.
  19. Keelin

    Without the C4 you wouldn't have blown up that tank/sunderer etc with that one rocket. So no, you shouldn't get the credit for it.
    Not to mention that you don't have to spend 100 res per rocket.
  20. YellowB

    Funny how heavys feel they deserve the kill as they sit back and the LA does everything. Not to mention they kill their ally and spend no res.
    LA does all the work, takes all the risk, spends all his res and gets none of the credit, not even an assist.

    Put it this why, without the heavy, LA gets kills and possibly lives. Without the LA vehicle lives... Honestly who gets the raw deal here.