Playing the game completely free

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Exostrike, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Pixelshader

    this guy plays no station cash and rips it up. he even flies well.
  2. D0n

    No such thing as free but you can sink 10 bucks and call it even, thats the trick.
  3. Exostrike

    If I did decide to do that, what would I spend it on? I mainly play TR engineer
  4. Brok9000

    Playing the game for free is easy. The gains seem fine. If they were fast everyone would have everything in a few months. Only issue might be a slow computer but that is not SOE's problem.

    Plus, 15$ for a month of bonus xp + 500 SC is not much. If you play a lot for a month or 2 you are basically all set. Anyone can pay 15$, well, if they can't they definitely should not be playing video games.
  5. Xiphos

    If you like the game and play it regularly then you should spend some money on it. It pays the salaries of the people who made and maintain it and the servers. If you don't like it or only play occasionally then no problem, it's free.
  6. MasterCheef

    If youre not in the right position that has nothing to do with rank. If he rolls a heavy, you can STILL kill him before he gets you. It all comes down to skill.

    fact is, as much as you want to whine about the guns, the stock trac-5 kills indiscriminately. When i kill or get killed by someone, there is no accurate way to guess what rank they mustve been until the kill screen. The things you have to pay for ( i say HAVE TO because 1000 certs is insane) are really just toys in most cases. I gaurauntee if you're bad now, you'll be bad with a fully decked out BR100 character. Then you'll complain about some other imbalance.
  7. D0n

    At the moment? liberator dalton or zephyr and get a friend to pilot it.

    Note that when ESf get un-nerfed (not quite sure since SOE likes low pops), you will go back to semi hard unless you have good backup and pilot.
  8. Exostrike

    Can't do that, fps is so bad that aircraft are unplayable.
  9. St0mpy

    like in another thread, either take a break or grind it out till the next x2 or x3 day, (google shows at least 5 a year of 2x or 3xs so it shouldnt be long, easter at latest) then sink a tenner into it, which will get you 4 (on x2) or 6 (on x3) main top weapons.

    I can afford sc if i need it and its honestly quite hard to spend it (Im locked out of buying any boosts, and ofc anyone can go mad buying stuff and only use it once a fortnight for 5 mins). Once you get the few obvious upgrades for your playstyle thatll be all you need, until you want to buy into another playstyle.

    Note: If its still around, the Vehicle Weapon Bundle for 2000SC was a huge buy, has/had a zephyr, lolpods and all sorts of (mostly) useful stuff for each vehicle in it, plus a couple of ok camos to start you off. That and a couple of hand weapons would keep a casual player going for many months.

    Bottom line is, given all the SC you could handle is only like an extended trial mode ... every weapon bought needs more certs, the more you buy the more certs you need to make them any good too ... I bet theres stacks of money players with SC kitted out rides that simply have few/no certs sunk in them to make them truly effective yet, since that in planetside is by far the biggest challenge, rich or poor certs are hard to make and by far is more important than SC.

    So, the smart move would be to keep grinding, specialise in very little, research hard on the forum and save every cert you can till the next x3 day, splash out on the weapons of your desires, slam every cert it needs into it and go out with the best in class from day one of buying it? Just a thought.
  10. D0n

    That bad? jeez.

    Look for your favorite class'es most oped weapon, it should be on the infantry forums, on engi.
  11. Redshift

    If you're fps is terrible then that's why you're dying.
    You're complaining about sinking £10 into game for weapons, instead you should be complaining becauase you don't want to sink a load into a gaming rig.
    • Up x 1
  12. Exostrike

    I'm a university student, I can't do that.
  13. Redshift

    Well then you just have to suck it up and deal with it.

    Sounds harsh, but games aren't made for the lowest common denominator, If your rig can't handle it you either need to find battles it can handle, deal with it, or quit. Whatever you decide to do it shouldn't be complaining on the forums because the root cauase is your issue not anyone elses.
  14. Brok9000

    Study hard, get a great job, retire at 40. Play games until you die. Or learn to smooz and become a politician and never have to actually work.
  15. GregButcher

    I play totally free, i dont have any kind of money to spend on this game, and I'm completely okay with it, most of the stuff i need is bought via certs anyway. My biggest problem with the game is, isnt even the games problem, i have a low spec computer and it cant really stand the big performance requirement of the game.
  16. JudgeDeath

    OP ... Facepalm.

    "I want to play the game for free and get everything straight up fast ... same speed as the people who PAY for the game."

    I think you just [IMG]
  17. gunshooter

    If you're completely oblivious to game balance and don't mind losing, sure, you can.

    But if you're a remotely self aware person, absolutely not.
  18. Mazzar

    Complaining about low xp and cert gain, on double xp weekends.
    Learn to play. i got 150+ certs yesterday, playing for 45 minutes.

    All you need to spend money on is, ESF rockets, Max Bursters, and 1 tank gun.
    Everything else is just not necessary.

    Youre complaining that a free game isnt allowing you to unlock everything for free.
    Thats like getting a free ice cream, with chocolate, and then demanding to speak to the manager because you didnt get sprinkles and a cherry to go with it.

    Get lost.
  19. sloul

    You can really play this game for free, but
    - playing a FPS, people feel the urge to unlock the things they want.
    For instance, if you play a corean rpg and I tell you that you'll need 6 months to max out level, then no problem
    It's the same in Planetside 2, you'll need THAT MUCH to unlock everything on one character.
    But the good thing of Ps2 is that you don't need to unlock just everything and can specialize yourself.

    It is true however that spending some money in the game can speed-up a lot your progression. (A LOT).

    I played 200 hours and I got me 5000 certs without any boost. Just play, and it will come, but you need patience.

    On another page, but I think it is important, imo we are not really well informed on what we buy (what is worth a shotgun? a sniper? what is worth the 5th tier of engineer repair tool?). That is the part that makes people just buy to try, my guess is that half of the time they are not really satisfied with what they bought and they need to grind again and again to get something they'll like.

    Well this is my 2 cents anw >.>
  20. undeadsapir

    the 1k cert weapons are ment for end game free players, or to be skipped to with sc.
    the only weapons i disagree with their pricing are the shotguns which should cost half IMO (or atleast a less costy variant like all guns have)
    the rest are ment for end-game, and should remain that way