Why have the NC not been nerfed yet?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ErrdayHetzering, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. ErrdayHetzering

    well oh ****, we have the most recoil, the most spread, slowest ROF, the slowest moving tanks and ESFS, and certainly the most infantry because air superiority aint gonna happen. w u no nerf?
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  2. Dictatorfish

    Your music is OP and have the only female announcer.
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  3. Banick

    Yea I noticed a TR putting up "Why haven't VS been nerfed yet?" and then a VS putting up "Why haven't TR been nerfed yet?".

    Thanks for the chuckle.
  4. ErrdayHetzering

    True dat. the NC cap music gets everyones adrenaline pumpin, i can see how thats an extreme advantage over the 50 rpm and anti recoil guns ingame.
  5. DevErik

  6. Jaquio

    Because whenever we successfully zerg, we get 100 people /yelling "Space Murica!" while rocking out to Space Kid Rock.
  7. Rainfey

    Ahh the irony,
    VS wants TR nerfed
    TR wants VS nerfed
    And the NC? pffft
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  8. Banick

    It certainly is an indication of things in their current state.
  9. whaleboy

    Decent players want the parts of the VS that are crazy broken to be fixed and VS players want to counteract it by claiming TR is OP.

    Look at the post times of the threads, its really just spamming.
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  10. DevErik

    You are crazy broken.
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  11. ErrdayHetzering

    Decent players re-roll the NC. noone wants to play OP races, unless they hate the underdogs.
  12. Rainfey

    I know its just spamming, but that doesn't mean i cant make a (slightly) funny post.
    What can i say.. i'm bored (why else would i forum troll)
  13. Bill Hicks

    Well get nerfed soon as they make mini magriders for vanu
  14. ErrdayHetzering

    stood still on a highway, i saw a Magrider by the side of the road. with a Agility that i didnt know by my own, he reflected in my window light, 2000 meters away and he started insta pounding like where theres nowhere to respond. He got shotback with my AP rounds then he ****'ed then he walked up in my quarter eye. hes anti recoil paralyzes me in my shadows. He said son "what are you doing on the NC? my easymode genes have turned me in my grave" this is the road to facerolling. I said stop playin easymode, your fear has turned you into the valley of the rich, youre fearfull treasure is me to sell. He said "son this is the way to roll"

    On my journey across the wilderness across Indar to Amerish, i have strained across the easymode to underdog.
    And i chose the underdog.

    Well, im standing by indar, where the easymode doesnt flow, where the accuracy and movement with a 10/mph Vanguard matters to dodge the 70/mph vertical Magrider flows.
    This aint no upwardy road to freeway, oh no. This is the road to hell.
  15. justme

    great troll thread
    2/10 may have sex with it
  16. schwarzklang

    All stuff that can kill me is op. Nerf it. So i dont die.
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  17. Xervces

    well said sir
  18. HerpTheDerp

    NC music is bad and the announcer is one of the main reasons why I don't play NC anymore.
  19. Dingus148

    NC blend in with the sky. Nerf NAO.

    On topic, this "Nerf This Faction" debate is stupid. I'm mainly TR, I enjoy playing NC occasionally and think Vanu are purple space jerks (although with some nice bits of kit). NC need a buff, no doubt, and a big one. I'd like to see Magrider nerfed in the form of being given the screen shake other tankies have to deal with, because I can't think of another way to make things fair. (Mind you, even though I hate coming up against them, I don't think they're cheap and ridiculous per se.) But all in all, most elements of the TR/VS are on par. Most cases of "weapon X is OP NERF NERF NERF" seem to be kids pissed off that they selected the wrong tool or took on the wrong fight. There are balance issues, but they are far broader than "Faction X is OP"

    But still, buff the NC with a flinch reduction. I look forward to fighting the smurfs on a fair playing field
  20. Llaf