Infantry fights in this game are just.. "meh".

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AzK, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. smokemaker

    "You don't have any control over it as soon as you leave the spawn"
    ?!? do you lose control of your character when you leave spawn? my W,S,A,D, keys still work for me. And that i am willing to use situational awareness... and cover, and move a lot, and run with a squad with others, and have AA and Air over head both scanning the ground and killing other aircraft...
    There are a ton of things you can do to help yourself.... or not, depends if you are willing to adapt.

    "I have bf3 depending from sniper type and range it can take 1 to 2 headshots to kill someone on normal."
    Wrong. There are NO absolutely no 1 hit kills in normal mode 2 to the head to kill. In hard core mode there are 1 hit kills.

    "there has to be room for skillful play and counterplay,"
    No sir, you mistake this game for some arena style shooter. This is not quake. If you are waiting to react to an attacker, you sir are going to die a lot. Your "counter play" should have started as soon as you left your spawn.

    "It should take 3-4 seconds, increasing more and"
    yuck, your difinition of skill is way far from mine. You reward the lazy and stupid with a one hit kill.

    " seconds of carefully aimed and hit shots"
    Take as long as you can to aim. Pull that trigger and your target will drop in less then a second. This is most rewarding.
    If I do my job right, you will never have the chance to show me your mad skilz.

    Thats the current reality of PS 2
    Adapt or die.

    Arena style of game play, next company over to the left, right next to unreal tournament, across from quake. and to the left of CS.
    Have fun.
  2. Pella

    That is the current reality of PS2, And 90% of the scrubs who think how this game works. SOE love you.
  3. smokemaker

    Roger that and i am digging this game.
    Sorry it sucks for you.
  4. Eli

    I never played PS1 so I don't really know how long is its TTK, but I agree that PS2's TTK is too short.

    I think a slight increase in TTK (3-5 more bullets required to kill) as well as a better walking speed (it just feels terribly slow to me) and better cover elements (I rarely use cover during gunfights) would make the game much better, without having to redesign the game too much. I don't know how a TTK of 3-4 seconds would work in a modern shooter, but overall I agree that this game needs a better gunplay with more skill involved.
    I'm not a game designer though, so I'd like some sort of beta server where we can suggest changes and try them in the game.
  5. Reaver027

    If you played PS1 this game is just boring.
    PS2 got better gfx and better gun mechanics and perhaps a better netcode but the gamelay is just inferior to the original.

    I wish i had not spend 21€ on the first tripple station cash event prior to launch. Well i will just wait until PS1 goes f2p and play that then. We just need 1000 players each evening in each reagion to make that game great again.
  6. Meiu These would be his stats.
  7. Meiu

    I don't mind the game the way it currently is, but I do mind people leaving it in droves because the game is very unfriendly to anyone who isn't spawn camping/c4ing shieldwalls/bombing. I want the game to be populated full of veterans and fresh players alike. Currently, the game chases people away more than it attracts :/ I don't want another PS1 where its a ghost town.
  8. QuantumMechanic

    Infantry tactics are currently WORTHLESS. Infantry vs infantry combat *which should be the backbone of this game* is and has been broken since late beta. Of course I'm talking about the infantry render distance issue.

    You simply can't employ tactics against an enemy that you can't see 90% of the time, and the rest of the time they are randomly appearing and dissapearing right in front of you.

    And we are 5 weeks after release now and not a single attempt at improving this game breaking problem? Really SOE??
  9. Megaduck

    I just figured out why you have a short TTK...

    That said. I happen to love this games infantry system. It's a true fire and maneuver system. They key to victory is flanking not charging straight forward.

    Yes, it's counter intuitive to anyone whose played Halo or CoD but I hope that having a totally different combat system will help PS2 stand out as something different.
    • Up x 1
  10. BengalTiger

    I'd blame the lack of in-game tutorials, bad base design, underpowered AA (or overpowered bombers, depending on who's opinion is to be quoted).

    Then there's the dropping in a shootout on the first spawn as a new player, which shows nothing of the game's real depth and gives players the impression of PS 2 being Battlefield in Space, and not a full scale war simulation, complete with multiple platoons coordinating using the /leader channel to attack multiple bases at once, on a wide front.

    PS 2 is also so far the only game I played where it's possible to just go around a strong point and cut it off from the rest of enemy territory to deny them the benefits of having it- again a feature only veterans know about.


    If TTK was 3-4 seconds, how would it be possible to kill anyone single handedly outside of CQB?
    It most likely wouldn't be, making the large size of the battlefields pointless... I'll agree with smokemaker here fully.

    How many people could one kill having a 2 second advantage during an ambush before 10 enemies return fire?
    Zero, making all the effort put into setting up the ambush and outsmarting 10 guys a waste of time.
  11. Eli

    I'm not charging straight forward. And about the cover, I said during the gunfights. Of course I use cover, but when someone tries to kill you, the short TTK makes you unable to run behind cover, or try to escape. You have to fight back or you'll be dead immediatly.
  12. Crywalker

    I think part of the issue is the class balance, and high ROF just being too good in CQC so certain weapons pretty much guarantee a massive advantage when you run into another person in a face to face shootout.

    Personally, I think it'd be a major improvement to scrap classes and just give us a certain amount of points to spend on a loadout. Maybe you want to play a highly specialized anti-vehicle infantry with tank mines and a launcher at the expense of an active ability or whatever. Maybe you want to play a longevity focused character with the AoE heal and ammo packs, but without the medi-gun, repair tool, turret or whatever. Maybe you prefer certain guns from classes with abilities you just don't care for right now. Custom classes would make infantry much more fun. If they made the better abilities reasonably expensive I think it could be balanced.

    Then instead of 6 classes w/3 loadouts, could just have like 10 loadout slots.
  13. InZanity

    M98B, M40A5, JGN-90 and L96 is all OHK of hit in the head at any range in normal mode..
  14. Slyguy65


    They need to NERF VANU ROF because of their insane accuracy.

    As a TR player i feel infantry death time is perfect.

    The idiots need to NERF the vanu in many ways to balance them out.
  15. Crywalker

    There are only a few good VS guns that have good ROF(relative to TR) and accuracy. TR has for the most part the best CQC guns(probably why TTK feels fine to you), VS maybe better at longer mid ranges. Snipers I'm not really sure, I just know the default infiltrator rifle sucks really hard for VS while the rail driver is solid.

    VS isn't really that far behind TR, maybe even better in the long run when it comes to certain gun types I will grant that. However TR has better default weapons - the only starting VS weapon that's good is the Orion for HA. Your higher clip sizes are also a significant advantage for Carbine and AR users. As an engineer I'd love a carbine clip of 40 rather than 30, would get me significantly more kills.

    I think balance between VS and TR is overall not a big difference, just certain areas are weaker for each. NC seems to be the only clear loser.

    Also VS pistol sucks. :[
  16. Crashsplash

    I found these stats. They date from 2005 and I can't recall whether the Rexo buff had been added at that time.
    I'm guessing that this is without health bennies but I don't think these are too slow. ~I also recall Higby saying that a ttk of 1 second was what they were aiming for in ps2.

    Make of this what you will.
  17. Deronok

    2005 was around the time they were working on BFRs and battle islands, so it was after the rexo buff. These numbers seem about right, the only time TTK was higher was when people missed, which isn't too much different from here. Medium range TTK was a bit higher than what we see in PS2, though. Partially due to the massive warping issues of PS1.
  18. SavageTwinky

    infantry is designed for CoD fans, where its easy to kill people to rack up kills but hard to survive. The vehicles don't help but I wish the went more with Halo's style of enemies are hard to kill but surviving bad engagements is higher.
  19. AzK

  20. AzK

    I've been playing everything BUT ps2 for several days now, thank you, steam sale.