Sony wake the f up and fix the crash exploit

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bill Hicks, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Bill Hicks

    The game is unplayable against kiddies on vanu using a exploit they share on justinbiebers twitter acount
  2. VKhaun

    A Bill Hicks post that doesn't include an NC gun whine?
    This must be SERIOUS. :eek:
    • Up x 1
  3. Bill Hicks

    thanks for the bump baddie
  4. VKhaun

    Your mother plays VS!
    • Up x 2
  5. Tapioca Express

    Is the crashing seriously an exploit? Is it actually being intentionally done? I mean yea its very suspicious that our outfit would routinely crash almost simultaneously going against certain factions and certain outfits, but unless you yourself can personally intentionally make other players crash then i don't think you should be making such claims with that much certainty.

    But yes, i do agree. What ever that is causing these crashes needs to be fixed.
  6. VKhaun

    Yes. There is an exploit to cause mass crashing right now. People are abusing it to clear out defenders and break up attacks.
  7. Tapioca Express

    if players are abusing this exploit, then wouldn't it cause the attackers to crash as well? I honestly have no clue about any details of how or what is causing the crashes besides being on the receiving end.
  8. VKhaun

    And that's the way everyone likes it. It'll only get worse if the details get out.
  9. Badname3073

    I thought Vanu are mostly chinese viet cong scum, no?
  10. Tapioca Express

    whelp i just googled it, and wow. This needs to be fixed since players can unintentionally do this without even knowing it since all factions have access to this >.<
  11. Big Cyz

    Not that big of a deal as the game isn't competitive.
  12. Tapioca Express

    competitive or not, there are a few people out there that are having fun playing this game, so anything that makes players stop having fun via an exploit should probably get immediately fixed. But they're all on vacation so nothing will get done until probably mid jan.
  13. Phyr

    If he can't use his guns he can't whine about them.
  14. Hydragarium

    Of course it is - It is a game built around one thing. Player versus Player.
  15. Vepo

    And this is the reason I wanted Planetside 2 to be Pay 2 Play.
  16. Suien Reizo

    So there would be even less people playing as the game sits in an unfinished state?
  17. Glowcat

    Yeah.. As much as I'm in favor of Subscription-based games, PS2 is way too unfinished to survive a non-free release.