So I played Vanu today (Holy Fiddle SOE, fix your game!)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Deweyoxberg, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. KoSGunny

    Orion's not one of the better Vanu guns, despite what 'new users' may say. See, every new gun i unlock seems great, ironsights+foregrip and I feel like a beast.But it doesn't last forever. Usually it's either my optimism manipulating me, or it's a roll of the dice between the following:

    1- I'm on a major good streak, which is why i felt I could afford to spend the certs in the first place..
    2- Or I am more focused than usual because I am trying to adapt to a new gun.

    Honestly though I can think of one VS LMG which is pretty powerful, maybe even unbalanced but it's not the Orion. Pulsar LSW is comparable to a CARV, just lower clip size and tighter initial ADS (pretty random hip-fire in my experience so far, but I never really hip-fire except by accident so it doesn't bother me a bit.) This thing is crazy, to think I never used it before today.

    But really I never liked the orion. It's advantage is that it's the only default VS weapon that doesn't have to be reloaded on a per-encounter basis like clockwork.
  2. Bape

    To make it simple VS>TR>NC that how it is making it very easy for all you VS who trying to denied this fact,

    VS guns are OP compared to NC and this is very serious. Only time NC can win is if they zerg and the other factions aren't zerging. If a vs small zerg against a NC big zerg it obvious the vs will win. Not because of skills its because VS is EZ mode i've tried vs and i had a k/D ratio of 8.1+ in 2 hrs. The other day I tried VS HA i had 86-9 against the NC and 56-20 against the TR.It took me until BR 25 in NC to be good now my K/D is close to 1 yet as VS took me 30 mins to be good and get k/d 8+? ><.
  3. Seryi

    Or maybe VS guns are simply better suited to your playstyle, and thus easier for you to manage? Maybe you can't aim with NC guns?

    When NC players can actually aim, I get put down so fast it's ridiculous. Same with TR players. The most pressing issues with the NC currently are their vehicles handling like bricks. Other then that, their weapons only need a few tweaks (and are recieving them). That's it.

    But hey, your experience is indisuptable fact, and anyone who says otherwise is an noob TR/VS who doesn't want their precious guns nerfed, am I right? :rolleyes:

    By that logic, NC are overpowered, since every time I run into a decent one, I get splatted. Nerf them! ;)
  4. Xae

    I like how they haven't really changed guns around much but NC are now totally convinced that VS is op. When last month it was TR.

    It is almost like people are clutching at excuses for their failures.
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  5. Seryi

    On the contrary, NC guns got a nice buff to their Cone of Fire while TR got a nerf to their accuracy while moving, and increased recoil.

    Don't bring logic into this, Xae. ;)
  6. Bape

    No im actually good with my guns i just play infiltrator 100% of the time with my decrease hp and 20 clip only it not easy to take out 2-3 infantry once they spot you. Since you really didn't read my post i actually just mastered NC guns and my k/d is flying up that sig is outdated my k/d is 0.988 and my average k/d in gameplay time is 4.5k/d. You also have a point that VS might be for me however i refuse to run around with purple spandex screaming for technology. I also was just called a hacker killed 7 TR with my stalker and rebel guess im finally getting into that Oh **** its him player.

    To make it easy took me until BR 26 as NC to be very good with the guns. VS took me 30 mins to be good but that was only HA.
  7. Xae

    Infiltrator guns are goddamn near identical.
  8. Bape

    Would you be better if i told you i tried NC HA for 2 hours and raged how **** their stock gun was? Yes HA and infiltrator are completely different however i did try NC HA and i can tell you it didn't end well? Also with engineer stock my k/d is 3.2 gunning people down because with so much CQC experience as infiltrator im really good in CQC with any class now. I might go on VS now to see how good i've gotten.
  9. Ronin Oni

    Not sure your point... yes, Carv 9 was OP... but post-nerf it certainly is not. It's still good in CQC, but at range it's just awfully and woefully inaccurate now.

    You CAN kill with it at range, but not like it used to... just about anything is better than the Carv past 50m. Don't get me wrong, nerf was needed... just saying it's no longer OP and now limited like most guns are. Oh, and Orion >> Carv. Easy. At least IMO. It really comes down to personal style and flavor for the most part.

    I switched up to the MSW-R personally. It's kinda like the Orion actually.

    Anyways, OP should roll a dual Hacksaw MAX and get back to us on just what's OP in this game :p

    Not that I care... I like that factions have different strengths. Asymmetrical balance is asymmetrical.
  10. Xae

    Here is the problem with Anecdotes: They go both ways.

    My BR1 drop as NC ended with me 15:0 with the AF-19. The first time I played Medic I went 11-0 with the Gauss Rifle. I liked the Rifle so much I purchased the Corvus (VS equivalent) for my VS Character.
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  11. Primacy

    What name do you use for godly VS 8.0+ KDR monster? I'd like to see your stats.
  12. Howler556

    Forced to turn to fire is a good thing. The front armor is the strongest. Anyway, the tank turns as fast as a turret on a normal tank.
  13. weenus

    This is one of the funniest troll threads I've read on here so far. Well done, would read again!
  14. Howler556

    The VS has almost no bullet drop.
  15. Bape

    Ugh give me a few to find it i deleted the character hopefully stat still there. I just scrabble a lot of letters didn't really put a name on it. My plan was to just test the gun out and TK some vs :D but turns out i stayed longer and got addicted killing.
  16. KoSGunny

    Can't argue with that lol. I are invisible night ninja!!!

    Well.. Unless my tank-sized hovering nightlight is on.
  17. SilverAura

    Rebel against the will of Vanu and then cry when you discover our technology is superior. Typical simple minds. :rolleyes:
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  18. Kiddneey

    You know, you have a real point here. The shield for Light Assault is incredible and does need a nerf.
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  19. Krona

    VS guns are best for people with no skill, this is pretty much indisputable, however they markedly lose effectiveness vs TR and NC guns used by people WITH skill, purely because having equal damage and lower RoF than TR is simply inferior if you can control their recoil, for NC the recoil is basically the only balancing factor. Back in beta when NC had barely more recoil than TR it was hilarious how superior their guns were outside CQB, the SAW was the end all be all of LMG's.

    Therefor VS is the best empire for you if you're a bad, but if you're not a bad, and fight someone of equal skill you're at somewhat of a disadvantage, since low recoil means **** to anyone who can actually control their recoil.
  20. iodine

    I like these threads, they teach me so much about myself as a current NC player, such as:
    • My opinions/anecdotes are less correct/worth less than those of the portion of VS/TR players who insist that weapons are perfectly balanced
    • My below-average intelligence prevents me from figuring out difficult concepts such as "recoil" and "burst fire" and "cone of fire"
    • I am below-average in skill due to dying while burst-firing while the enemy fires full-auto and hits more shots while keeping me flinching
    • I have obviously never played any other multiplayer FPS games
    • My having played Vanu until shortly before release/after the NC nerf does not count for as much as the NC alt you played for an hour while your server was down
    • Your BR5 NC alt that went 96-0 in five minutes proves that NC weapons are fine, and NC players are all lying/nubs
    • My NC MAX is strong when indoors at close range, therefore it should be nerfed and other factions given MAX shotguns (faction balance trumps unique factions in this one situation)
    • I killed a Mosquito once in a Reaver by accidentally ramming it with my oversized hitbox, therefore air is perfectly balanced
    • I am a 13 year old kid who likes buttrock
    • I am being deceitful/manipulative when referencing weapon stats, which are just theorycrafting with no base in reality UNLESS the stats show that the weapons are roughly balanced, in which case it is undisputable proof of balance
    • I am not at any disadvantage when, after a 150ms delay confirming that half of my allies in a crowd are actually giraffe camo VS, I do not beat their lower TTK weapons with my 150ms delay + above-average TTK weapon
    • I am a complete crybaby/whiner who refuses to learn to play or adapt to the hand that has been dealt me, and it's my punishment for choosing NC
    Note: This is supposed to be an unfunny joke, please don't get too bent out of shape about it
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