VS MAX unit's niche?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Randomguy365, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. Randomguy365

    What is this worthless thing supposed to be used for? Losing 1v1s to heavy assaults in a straight out manfight? Because they do that pretty damn well.
  2. Obscura

    We have no niche, we need a huge buff. NC scatmax beats us up close, and the TR max beats us up close, AND at range! Woo balance!
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  3. Kiddneey

    Looking awesomely biomechanical is the niche. Other than that, the VS MAX is arguably slightly better against tanks than the TR, and outranges the NC MAX. There are your strengths.

    I don't have all day to list the things the VS MAX can't do, or is really bad at.
  4. Randomguy365

    it doesn't outrange the NC max though.
  5. Bape

    I don't recall an NC max having any range beside CQC im not understanding this ? Maybe you speak french here you can have this?

    Vous devez parler français ce que tu racontes?
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  6. Sebyos

    I was thinking of doing a thread for the exact same thing. I really don't know what the hell the VS Max is supposed to do. Obviously NC Max is CQC, and TR is pretty much medium, but we got nothing as VS. Maybe we should be LR with the no bullet drop, the problem is any guns we got is very inaccurate passed 20 meters which is pretty much the same as TR who's slightly better in CQC.

    Please give us a niche SoE, something that VS Maxes are good at.
  7. Anagram

    What we need is Twin Lashers on a MAX
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  8. Shiaari

    This is actually a very good idea.
  9. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    I asked for that in like two other threads already.
    I'd even be content with a smaller magazine, and no buffs (where as on the Heavy, I'd really like the damage to go from 150 to 167->143, like a Flare); I mean, you can get two, that's not that bad.
    It's certainly decent killspeed.^^
    To what we already have: Comets are pretty useful. Weaker in CQC, but they are decent long range AT.
  10. Vanu Sting

    I want a Saron Laser on the Max, I think that would be pretty darn sweet :D
  11. Veri

    Vanu obviously have not found any useful ancient tech to make maxes useful in CQC.

    I only pull out the max when there is an enemy ESF zerg.
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  12. Sostratos

    You're NC, so it's natural for you to not understand things. No AI MAX is any good outside of very close range, and whatever slight disadvantage an NC MAX might have at the outer limits of that range can be nullified by certing slug ammo. If I used too many big words, I apologize.
  13. Locke

  14. Inactive

  15. Arcanotechnician

    That is exactly what is needed.
  16. Jawa


    NC MAX will always win because they are the best at CQC. And CQC is the only scenario in which MAXes are used to begin with (biolabs)
    They play no real role other than being AA at all other stations due to vehicles being present.
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  17. Hotel88A

    I pretty much use my MAX only for dual burstin'. Every now and then i take out my AI speced MAX in a bio lab fight, get ista gibbed by a lone HA, and then rage quit.
  18. Evregade

    MAXes are pretty much the ideal AA platform at the moment. The infantry variants are all rather lackluster but NC can certainly pummel down troops faster in base battle scenarios. I'll pull a dual-AV MAX during armor pushes though, you're a small target that's likely to be ignored amongst the big angry magriders, and the VS MAX is unique in that its AV weapon flies straight, allowing for very accurate long range attacks against enemy vehicles (or stationary troops).

    But yeah, the Quasar and its sidegrades are all pretty worthless in the grand scheme of things.
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  19. Sebyos

    This is exactly the problem I have right now with the Max balance. You really just need maxes for AA and CQC in this game and NC has the best Max by far for CQC to the point where I completely avoid NC owned Bio-Labs it's just not worth it when they can.
  20. SinerAthin

    The VS MAX's strength is long-range, accurate AV vs stationary targets.

    Nothing else, really.

    We need some AI weaponry that can match the Dual Mercies or the TR MAXes, or the Dual Hacksaws of the NC.
    Rather than introduce a completely new weapon for the VS, maybe we should just rebalance an existing set of weapons for the VS MAXes, maybe the Cosmos, so that it can match the quality of Dual Mercies.

    Rise up for balance for all MAXes!
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