Some More Hacksaw Carnage!

Discussion in 'MAX' started by DrankTHEKoolaid, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. Randomguy365

    It's not pay2win, honestly!
    Nothing but flat out lies on weapon descriptions and no refunds if you should choose to believe them.
  2. Saviorself

    Good play there. As for NC weapon discussion, it would be nice if people confined it to the other two major threads on the topic right now.
  3. Armodeen

    This is ordinary hacksaws + extended mags right? No slugs?
  4. Jawa

    You should feel ashamed for using hacksaws in the first place, they are outright OP
  5. Swordlord

    Hacksaw MAX is excellent at the range this video illustrates - CQB. The TR Mercy MAX will shred infantry at CQB, shred infantry and other MAXes at medium range, and has the ability to rattle ESFs at medium range as well. It can even put a round or two into careless soft targets past medium range, but not enough to do more than make the target find cover. Hacksaw MAXes are the CQB monster.

    I don't think the NC Max is OP. It does its job well.

    A 2x Mercy TR Max has less killing power but has longer range. I just think the VS max needs buffing.
  7. Xanrn

    Also the fact that the Vanu were dribbling in 1 or 2 at a time, helped him.

    You could easily replicate with a dual minigun TR Max, probably not a Vanu Max cause they pretty rubbish.