[Suggestion] Seriously Nerf Bursters Already

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eagle6, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. Fox234

  2. Kubor

    That happens to vehicles as well. It's very rare that you actually see the ESF that attacks you because of the limited FOV.

    I hate being in a tank battle and getting killed by an ESF I never saw coming. it happens. It's part of the game. None of us can expect to have an uninterrupted personal battle in a game of this size and scale.

    When the rendering is fixed, planes will still get shot at by AA MAX's they don't see. It happened all the time in Planetside 1.
  3. xBoneBreakerx

    i agree that turrets and skyguards should get buffed but untill they do AA MAX'es is all we got...
  4. Being@RT

    I only got to end of page one before feeling the need to post, so apologies if this has been mentioned already.

    The big issue we deal with on AA vs Air battle is that both sides of the argument are correct.
    Aircraft get torn to shreds by AA!
    And AA cannot deal with aircraft adequately!

    Why can both be possible? It's because of random group play and organised platoon play.

    A group of solo aircraft cannot be countered by a group of solo ground troops, more often than not, but can be wiped away with an organized AA squad. Likewise organised air squads have an easier time combatting said AA group and utterly demolish unorganized groups.

    I don't see a way to solve this issue in such a way that both organised and casual play would be balanced... And of course the render range issues just make things harder.

    Disclaimer: Despite seeing why pilots complain I'm not a pilot myself... I just cannot get to grips with the control system. Give me virtual joystick so I don't get carpal tunnel syndrome while retaining fine control (while you can pitch with keyboard, that's digital instead of analog, for example) and give me ability to disable roll from mouse (with or without adding yaw to mouse).
  5. warmachine1

    Turret is a lot better after last patch, the CoF is still horrible tough.
    SG is 4-barrel, that should be 2*DPS of dual MAX according same ammo used?

    --> OP
    The problem with MAX is mostly caused by render distance, nerfing MAX is the worst thing to fix it
  6. {joer

    No you fire, they flare, you will be reloaded in 5 seconds you fire again, they get hit. As for the terrain, while you dodge around the mountains my cannon will be shredding you, then I'll relock and fire again, and you try to dodge and I'm firing at you. And thats only if I'm the only one fighting you. With 2 A2AM users, you are dead, period. I don't think you fly much around battles where there are multiple bogies.

    Added not all areas have handy mountains. If you try to use low terrain your maneuverability is greatly diminished and you either crash or I kill you with cannons.

    I had flares it avoided the first volley. Then it was lock lock lock, bye bye. The issue is that a br1 with 700 sc can just spam A2AM and bring down most pilots while thinking they are uber players. Its basically like playing with an aimbot.
  7. huller

    I have a better idea, give the HA a tactical nuclear warhead that specificaly locks on to ESF's equiped with rocket pods so I can scream "JUSTICE!" at my screen every time I pull the trigger
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  8. Hoki

    Guys please keep in mind that a proper air deterrent will create a "no fly zone". And if you fly in that zone you will die.

    As people have pointed out you can fly above this NFZ and dalton all of the tanks, skyguards, and turrets. At which point the only possible AA are offensive mossies, and the only think maintaining the NFZ are infantry.
  9. Pinchy

    Does anyone have a video showing how far you have to lead the shot on a full speed fast flyer? It's no ******* cake walk having to lead shots 0-200 pixels variably on a 50 pixel wide object moving full speed in any direction at random whilst maintaining line of sight, ammo counts for the faster reload bonus and making sure you don't get hammered by anything else whilst looking up at the sky.
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  10. Exolus

    So let me get this straight. You want the ability to put 1000/ 7 bucks into something to kill armor on the ground, and expect to get kills and be effective with it...

    But you want us lowly peasants on the ground to spend 1000 certs/7 bucks on weapons that get us, usually, zero kills unless we are grouped up in large masses?

    My A2A missile launcher should blow Air out of the sky... it's missile will miss by itself most of the time, even without flares.

    The skyguard is a complete joke, and a waste of certs. One on one, it can kill an unaware hovering esf. 3 to kill an aware esf. And you might be able to kill an afk Lib pilot. Good luck doing anything to an aware one with any number of them. And your better off not even shooting at a Galaxy.

    The MAX is reasonably effective.

    Honestly, it ALL needs tweaking. The Skyguard, which is a dedicated AA vehicle that has absolutely zero effectiveness vs. any other target needs to be the king of keeping the sky clear. If it sees an aircraft in its range, it should be able to, with some skill, have a chance of killing that aircraft. Just like an ESF has a reasonable chance of killing a tank within its range if it so happens to maneuver behind them.

    A2A missiles should be prioritized to be effective vs ESF's. They should not, and infantry grunts are not, expecting them to counter a 3 man Liberator team one on one. They are, however, expecting them to protect them against solo ESF's scouting out there sundy or ridge position. I propose that there damage should be increased, there range reduced, and there speed and maneuverability highly increased. In other words, there point defense weapons that punish pilots looking to farm infantry and point blank range, but dont completely change the dog fights happening over head or make Liberators jobs completely frustrating. Battlefield 3 had a huge problem with the power of infantry A2A, and used this model eventually to great effect.
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  11. idclev50

    I agree only because it'll look pretty awesome at night. :D
  12. Revorn

    No need for nerfing Maxes. If you realy want to know, how it is to be shooten, blasted or even knifed out of nowhere, Play Infantry.

    You Pilots are the Longliving Species in this Game, no need to cry.
  13. WhiteWolf

    OP is crying because he got shot down while rocketpodding ground troops.

    AA needs a buff. Or, maybe more accurately, Libs and Gals need reduced AA resistance, so they can start to fear AA. But AA still needs a buff.
  14. Bill Hicks

    now flyboys gonna have to learn to not hover all day, and learn to use the ability of aircraft to get in and out situation and not run sorties with impunity
  15. Craeshen

    It's not an aimbot lol they've just learned to lead their targets something most poeple have never learned because both cod and galo are hit scan games.
  16. smokemaker

    "And I have never seen this quote that "AA is only supposed to be a deterrant" but it's stupid, really stupid."
    it came straight from the game makers themselves. They stated in clear terms:

    Air is the hard counter to Air. AA is primarily a deterrent.

    Posted it several times already. I'm to lazy to look up the posts.
  17. Gavyne

    Have you been in a MAX? You think they are mobile? LOL when they have to be looking up at the sky, they are as good as a static turret, and they are easier to blow up than a static turret too.

    Good luck with your request, air is not popular among the majority of the playerbase right now.
  18. FateJH

    I am a dedicated engineer. Whenever I see a MAX with a wrench over its head, I drop whatever it is I am doing and run over to it, even across the fov of an advancing enemy Armor column.

    If Air thinks MAXes are powerful, good; that's the psychological mindset we are going for. If MAXes think they are powerful, good; their line of work verges on insanity and they need all the positive thoughts they can muster. If the Engineers start thinking the MAXes are powerful, that is not good; if there's anyone who should know how fragile a MAX really can be, it's the person who gets to repair it.
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  19. Ronaldspiers

    It's idiotic in my opinion.
  20. MasterChiefette

    NO - bursters are the only AA that actually works as intended. If you think you can sit safely tucked away in your plane, hovering, spamming rockets - then say hello to my little friend. I ♥ MAX with bursters on it. It is the only thing that keeps us safe from the rocket spamming ***-hats.