The reaver sucks hard and the mossie/scythe are way stronger..true or false?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kimble, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. Kimble

    I keep hearing it sucks and if you like to fly dont go NC...true or false?
  2. LameFox

    The flight physics are a bit screwed up right now. It'll probably be good again later.
  3. TerroDragon23

    I like the Reaver more then Mossie and Scythe :)
  4. Chubzdoomer

    As a Reaver pilot, it definitely seems that way sometimes. That's not to say that I can't kill Scythes and Mosquitoes in one-on-one battles, because I have and often do, but at the same time there are some undeniable advantages that those aircraft have over the Reaver. I can say without many doubts that the Reaver is the weakest aircraft in the game.
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  5. Rothnang

    The reaver works just fine, if any aircraft is weaker than the others you would need pilots of incredible skill in both machines before it became an issue.
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  6. T0rin

    The Reaver is not as good, but still potent. If you plan to learn how to fly and dogfight, I would recommend a Mosquito. From an ESF balance perspective, it is worse, but that isn't saying that it is "bad".
  7. BlamTown

    I wouldn't say it sucks, but yeah it's not nearly as good as the scythe or the mosquito. Maybe you just need to get the dogfighter airframe thing.

    Imo, scythe > mosquito > reaver
  8. xBoneBreakerx

    i have tried all 3 and to me they handles basicly the same... not that big of a diffrence... the scythe do turn and hover a bit better and the mossi has a smaller hitbox but beside that i dont really see eny diffrence...
  9. RaTzo


    Bad pilots suck. Pilots that try to fly an aircraft as though it is a different aircraft suck. The Reaver owns if the pilot knows what it is good at and what weaknesses it has.
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  10. KoSGunny

    Take my post with a grain of salt as last time I flew a Reaver was in beta.. But it wasn't any worse than the Scythe then. NOW however, well I'm not aware of changes made since. I do know the Mossie is, as with most things TR, easy mode. Only ESF that allows a bad pilot to simply fly straight and get out of a dogfight, while Reaver and Scythe actually have to be smart as they can't outrun their opponent.

    Btw off-topic but curious: Has the NC HA default gun been made better than steaming cow poo yet?
  11. T0rin

    Please tell us, what is the Reaver good at?

    If you spend 330 certs on it, it is good enough. Still not good in CQC, but long/medium range it is excellent.
  12. Daedrick

    This thread serve no purpose and isn't constructive at all. You should be ashamed of your behavior, this isn't going to help fix anything.
  13. Banick

    Mossie and Scythe out of the box have a lot more maneuverability than the Reaver. That is a big advantage that will get you killed very quickly. Cert into dogfighting frame and it balances out a little.

    But IMO if we're at a disadvantage, we need a bit of love on another side of the Reaver. Whether larger mag size, faster max speed, or more health.
  14. LameFox

  15. Exolus

    I can't exactly put my thumb on why the Reaver just feels off in comparison to the Scythe. I have no experience in a Mosi, so I can't comment on that.

    I think the most obvious disparity for me when I first got into a scythe was how easy it was to kill basically anything in just a Vanilla Scythe then it was the Vanilla Reaver. I believe it was mainly in how the main starting gun handles, because it seems like the old NC adage of "Slow firing, hard hitting" translates absolutely the worst in Aircraft where you only have a short time on target most of the time. I could easily flip around, pick off a few infantry, shoot down a bird and zoom away in the Scythe whereas I would be lucky to actually hit a moving infantry as a Reaver.

    This probably could easily be attributed to a l2p factor... but honestly, the Reaver just feels clunky and downright unresponsive in comparison. I'm all for VS showing off there superior tech in certain ways, but the disparity is a little high.
  16. Toshogu

    No not really it's just you. Scyths are the most agile but have the least hp
    your Reavers have most hp and your weapons hit hardest
    Mossies are middle hp middle agility but we are the fastest

    The reason why I'm a great pilot is because Most that I ever see on NC and Vanu are MP noobs who sit still and hover, or A2A noobs who spam missles. I fly a gun boat, rotary with afterburners. every kill I've gotten is always on the dude that's hovering, or flying straight for lock on. I fly high, I slot in right behind em unload an entire clip which usually kills a scythe, or smokes a reaver. Then they react try to break or AB out, I just stay on their *** and unload second clip which finishes off. I am a dedicated Anti-ESF pilot.

    If you wonder why you get smoked so often by other ESF then you have to ask this question, how often do I sit and hover over things?
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  17. BuzWeaverPS2

    The Scythe is incredibly responsive. Just playing the basic loadout with 0 certs invested it just feels so much more maneuverable than the Reaver.
  18. RaTzo

    It hits hard from a long distance. If the Reaver engages first at a long distance it almost always wins. If a Reaver gets into a close battle without first damaging the mossy it will almost always loose. The mossy is exactly opposite. If you engage early you loose. So you get close first and then take out the reaver.

    Once the Reaver has a mossy on the run it WILL win unless the Reaver breaks off.

    That you don't know how to fight your weapon doesn't mean it sucks.
  19. RaTzo

    The Scythe is evil. Unless I can completely surprise one they win every time. I have to surprise them and get a full magazine into them to give me any chance to win.
  20. jackrandom

    I'd say mossies win hands down you wont be disapointed, there hit boxes is so small it's a huge advantage in it self. Scythe are way way easier to shoot down so I can only imagine what it's like to shoot at a reaver.

    You can do really well in all aircraft, but I'd say mosquito take it ease as the best.