[Suggestion] Changing the Faction Voices.....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kantner, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Kantner

    For the Ultimate Empire Showdown, maybe they could change each of the faction's voices to the Leaders voices.

    Vanu Leader Bold Voice Man to Tobuscus.

    Terran Republic Victory Mascot Man to Total Biscut.

    The NC freedom Chick to SeaNanners.

    I'm talking bout the voice that tells you to capture or defend the point or you will be disowned or dishonored or let down something. I would love to have Tobuscus' voice for Vanu, and I'm sure TR would enjoy TotalBiscut's brisk voice rather than a nameless dude. Not sure about Bannanners, but it could be fun.

    Plus, it isn't like we know who the voices belong to anyway and now they would belong to an actual person/character.
  2. HadesR

    Please No .. I quite like the NC chick
  3. Kantner

    But who is she? Do we even know? I'd rather have a voice that matches with a face.
  4. Kantner

    Cm-on guys this is a great idea!
  5. DJPenguin

    better yet, replace the female nc soldier voice with someone. anything would be an upgrade. all my friends except me play fem-soldiers and i just want to put a knife in my ear anymore.

    -enemy sunderer spotted-
    -enemy sunderer spotted-
    -enemy sunderer spotted-
    -enemy sunderer spotted-
  6. huller

    there should be an option to select which voice you use and hear, for me I'dd go TB all the way (eg friendly fire--> "quit shooting me or you'll be executed as a traitor") and have some more in game music to select from, they could aditionaly offer even more voices and soundtracks for SC, but the faction leader's voice for free. The NC and vs leader.. I'dd rather go for other people since those don't realy give crediability to their dedication. how about Kane (command and conquer) for the VS if they manage to persuade the guy?
    • Up x 1
  7. Lafayette

  8. Aggh

    Someone hasn't played blacklight and had to deal with the Seananners voice pack. He's funny if you watch his videos every now and then, but having to hear his voice over and over again is annoying as ****.
  9. Monnor

    No thanks, i like the voice.
  10. Isila

    Would rather have a return of the voice pack select from PS1. Having a variety of soldier voices on the field was fun and immersive, especially if you ran with a regular squad/outfit or frequently faced the same group of enemies -- you'd get to know people by their character voice.
  11. Kantner

    I will donate money to have Tobuscus be the voice of VS.
  12. Dr. Allcome

    Haha, I can feel with you.

    No offense to the poor girl who recorded this, but her voice just doesn't fit in the game. I think it is because she is too young. It sounds like the NC are a bunch of child soldiers and that destroys the immersion.
  13. Jimmy DeSouza

    How so? According to the backstory they are a bunch of brainwashed people fighting for corporate greed. Or if you take the 1 word "faction cause" they are freedom fighters. Neither of those are unreasonable situations to find child soldiers, look at Syria or the various African hotspots.

    On topic. As long as it is optional. I would have to mute the damn game if I was forced to listen to TB for any length of time. I like the TR's default announcer, very fitting, unlike the announcers for the other factions.
  14. TheBloodEagle

    No, I don't want the overly hyped gimmick.
  15. Dr. Allcome

    It does not matter if child soldiers fit into the setting. It's just wrong.