Is this considered a illegal modding?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Dragonic, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. Dragonic

    i wana play planetside 2 so bad, but if it gets to be over 30 players, i begin to lose framerate due to my dual core prossessor. but i may beable to if i diable some things alltogether. but as i go to look to see if the mods exsist (cause lot of people been having this issue), i read that modding planetside 2 is illegal unless its an allowed mod. so before i continue my search, i wana know if modding planetside 2 graphic wise is allowed?
  2. Kitsune94

    You can't. I tried. I've been able to extract files from the .packs and have attempted to replace textures and files that aren't. While replacing one inside of the .pack wont work due to a CRC32 checksum, replacing one outside should work. However, the large lot of them are duplicated inside and outside of the .packs. You can however freely modify the userOptions.ini
  3. Dragonic

    they should disable shadows, even at low graphics, shadows still exsist. and i find if i disable that in many game (nomraly an option) then my gameplay becomes much more better

    Specialy when light to night comes, i get a bigger jump in the transition.
  4. Dever

    I believe it is possible to entirely disable shadows through the useroptions.ini file. That's specifically OK according to the devs.