Planetside 2 is a poor pay2win knockoff of battlefield

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Randomguy365, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. Randomguy365

    Title says it all.
  2. smokemaker

    Go back to battlefield. Its already been COD'ifed. Leave this game alone. BF 3 is an insult to the battlefield franchise. Ruined by mainstreaming.
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  3. Randomguy365

    And you somehow think this isn't "COD'ifed"?

  4. L1ttlebear

    LOL! Gotta love people with no eyes :)

    Smokemaker you said it basically as clearly as can be so ill leave this one alone
  5. Randomguy365

    Gotta love it when you can tell someone is 10 simply by the way that they type and the words that they use.
  6. Imposer

    Pay2win. I have to disagree sure you can pay to get a different gun but the key word here is different. As much as it may surprise you guns aren't the most important things in this game, teams are. The guns are different because people use different guns more effectively than others. Some guns are arugably better, but each gun has it's own situation that it excels in. You can't be a Master Chief One Man army in this game, therefore guns shouldn't matter as much. If you could pay to have good team players on your squad then it might be Pay2win.
  7. Randomguy365

    Tell that to my hacksaws kid.
  8. Imposer

  9. smokemaker

    Far far from it. I can actually pilot my own plane.
    I have more then 1 route to the next control point
    It doesnt matter how well you bunny hop if i but 1 round between your eyes. You still dead.
  10. Crywalker

    This was my impression originally, but I think the game has potentially to be better, and more unique.

    My main issues so far:

    - Terrain is absolutely terrible, we should move more slowly on steep slopes, or not move when they get very steep. Instead, we slide all over the place which often ruins accuracy or sends you gliding way down somewhere you don't want to be. It feels really, really bad - and much of the game involves outdoor areas with terrain that makes this issue apparent.

    - Poor base design makes defending suck, especially with spawn points that are too easy to camp. Getting spammed on by aircraft the second you run out is lame, you might as well deploy somewhere else and give up. And just in generally, bases should have layouts that slow and allow damaging attackers more effectively. Currently it's not very important to have infantry do much of the work for most places simply due to how open most are to being hammered on constantly by aircraft and tanks

    - Lack of structure/organization. Your options are joining the ongoing zerg on the crown, or capping much less populated or even empty bases and getting less XP. The feeling of accomplishment(or failure), and the feeling that you contributed in a meaningful way to your team's success, is usually just completely absent. The social aspect of the game could be more fleshed out too - with more accessible and visible organizing tools. Some main cities where you could safely organize, and maybe learn more about your faction, would be nice and improve atmosphere.
  11. Randomguy365

    oh, like battlefield!

    Even smedley said this game is a battlefield clone, you're so blinded by fanboyism.
  12. L1ttlebear

    imposer who were you talking to? I agree with what you said, but this thread wasnt about a P2W. It was (i think) about the simplification of this game resulting in a copy of Battlefield.

    That claim is wrong on virtually every level imaginable and the OP is a troll or a angry teen (not sure which yet) but it was not a thread on P2W :p
  13. Phyr

    Fun Fact: People on the BF3 forums also call BF3 P2W. Shows the average intelligence of a forum right there.
  14. L1ttlebear

    I'm with you crywalker. I'm not terribly happy with the game BUT the game has done nothing but get better from the moment i joined it in BETA. I think that the solo issue with the game was that it was released before it was ready. My guess is that the 6 month plan that will come out in the next couple weeks will improve the game by leaps and bounds.

    If not than maybe we can start REALLY griping :p Yes SMED said that he drew some ideas from BF3 but he did not say it is a clone nor is the game an actual clone of BF3. 1 hour on each game proves that :p
  15. smokemaker

    This game is everything battlefield should have been. But alas bF3 will be the last battlefield game i touch. PS2 is awesome. The scope of the battlefield is the biggest thing its got going for me. i would not play this game if it had the same crap that BF3 has in regards to hit damage and other balance issues.
  16. zimz0rz

    LOL, Get a life dude! It's sad that you have to post on a game forum to achieve some attention.
  17. Cyridius

    Yeah, because Smed is going to come out and rip on the most major FPS release SOE is going to be putting out for over a decade by saying it's a Battlefield clone.

    Also, this game is not Pay2Win. Pay2Win is when you can't beat people who pay. False. I used to beat people who payed all the time before I started paying. I now am beaten by people who use stock weaponry, stock tanks, who gun me down with rotary cannons and who are obviously not paying.

    I sense Mad Cuzz Bad. Planetside 2 is a sublime creation, yes it has been released to hold appeal to the CoD kiddies INTENTIONALLY. If you had any kind of foreward thinking you'd know this is what SOE meant things to be for the first few months. Open it up to a large demographic and then fine tune it to their ACTUAL demographic.
    The only sad thing is that the demographic they're trying to appeal to is a bunch of impatient dicks(How did that get past filter? dicks dicks dicks) and will quit before they get around to fine tuning the game, and the demographic they left it open to(CoD kiddies) basically have ADD for video games and will be gone <6 months from release for a generic ****** shooter with hitscan weaponry and no tactical or strategic skill ceiling.
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  18. StoneRhino

    Can I have your certs?
  19. Dasmasterneko

    Because its not like planetside came out about the same time as the first battlefield right? Besides what is even remotely similar? Especially when you compare it to battlefield 1943.
  20. Imposer

    It may not have been his intention but he specifically stated that PS2 is pay to win thus giving me the reason to explain that it's not. Since saying that PS2 was P2W was only a small part of the statement it only needed one person to answer, me. Allowing everyone else to continue on with the more prominent part of the arguably false statement.