I stopped playing because of the people in this forum...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jamieprittpeter, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. jamieprittpeter

    ...being correct. Coming in here to try to learn some tips and tricks really opens ones eyes to issues in this game that i did not even experience myself. This game needs to be rethought which I don't think is possible. I ended up paying $110 for Battlefield 3 + premium and it was worth it. In fact, I would pay more. I would be willing to pay the same for Planetside 2 if I thought it would be worth it. The problem is, it is hard to see where this game is going and if the time/money spent will be worth it. The product itself is hard to see through the smoke. Sometimes I think it is incredible and sometimes I wonder what I am doing playing it.

    Does anyone see bigger changes ever coming to this game or just a series of small tweaks?
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  2. RykerStruvian

    If players leave in droves and reports scare investors enough, sure there will be big changes. Otherwise, no.
  3. Ixal

    And the change will be "Make it more mainstream*".

    *Investors solution to everything.
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  4. dragondrop

    Do yourself a favour and verify the reports in this forum through your own experience.
    I've been following a few threads myself and I can see how people might think that the game sucks big time. For me it hasn't. There are some issues, but some people here apparently like to dramatize and/or exaggerate.
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  5. jamieprittpeter

    I agree 100%. Not every "two sided" battle here is legit but there are so many, at some point, you have to trust the community that plays the game. There are so many discussions on so many issues, they cant all be trollers.
  6. CoffeeBreak

    I really hope you're just trolling. Incase you're not trolling and are new to game forums...this is normal.

    Every new game has a forum with hundreds of posts crying about everything. If you can think about a complaint it's either here or will be here eventually. (OMG HUNDREDS OF PLAYERS AND BUILDINGS...but not one bathroom?!?! WTF I WANNA ROLEPLAY IN MY FPS)

    In the future, if you like a game and you personally don't see any issues with it avoid it's forums.
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  7. Tigue

    This is all part of the game known as Forumside 2...:rolleyes:
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  8. jamieprittpeter

    It is my vast experience in game forums that allows me to see that these are not trollers. There appear to be very serious issues with this game based on the discussions here. Sure, in BF3, people complain in the forums. Honestly, all BF3 issues are very small in comparison to what is occurring here. The size and scope of this game has magnified many of these problems.

    Forums exist for a reason and I will continue to use them, not ignore them.
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  9. WhatsThatNoize

    When a good chunk (not all, but a good portion) of the threads are well-reasoned, thought out discussions on issues in the game, I personally take that to be a sign that there are SERIOUS issues...

    When the more mature crowd comes out and says "Uh, excuse me, but this isn't right"... then we have problems.

    The ZOMGNERFMOAR crowd can be ignored, but when they're not the dominant chunk of threads, you know there's a problem.
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  10. H0urg1ass

    I hate to dissent with you, but this is not how the MMO world works at all. When a game is released too early, and it flops, then the result is usually abandonment or simply minimal sustainment.

    I have seen this time and time again in the MMO world. Game releases too early, people join in droves, then they leave in droves a month or two later and the game is abandoned. Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa, Hellgate London, APB, Warhammer, Matrix Online, Asheron's Call 2... the list goes on for quite a while, but then I start getting into game that released so poorly most have never even heard of them such as Section 8.
  11. Uben Qui

    They could take one side on all of these posts, implement them, and it would still be the same in the forums. The very next day there would be just as many posts about the opposite that should be implemented or new reasons that the game is going to fail.

    Somewhere in history somebody thought the King should move more spaces at a turn, or that the Knight needed a nerf because it could leap over other pieces. We see Chess as a set in stone thing these days. No amount of forum posts will ever get Chess changed.

    It is not the case here. Ever since the devs decided to rely on less vision and listen to the crowd instead, we have gotten worse games.

    Mainly, because nothing of genius was ever created by committee. It just gets watered down by slighted opinion.
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  12. Flarestar

    This. MMOs typically don't recover. They inherently die slowly over time anyway, and between negative press and word of mouth, once a decline beyond the normal curve starts, the game doesn't recover from that.

    Vanguard's a great example. Terrible launch, lots of bugs and problems. They got most of it fixed, tried to relaunch the game as F2P, never managed to break 1k online during primetime. A lot of people wouldn't even try it due to the past problems.

    Gamers are a fickle crowd, and once you lose their attention your game is extremely unlikely to get it back.
  13. bPostal

    I played the Section 8 demo because it reminded me of drop pods, didn't scratch the Planetside itch though :(
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  14. WhatsThatNoize

    While I agree with your main point, keep in mind that the same does not hold true for revision. Creation, perhaps, but revision is a whole other ball game. Without feedback, SOE is flying blind, and what better way to improve your product than to listen to your consumers? You wanna know who is REALLY good at this? Apple. Look at their products and their market dominance! Do I think Apple is evil? Sure, but I admire their market strategy because it works, and it works **** well.

    SOE, on the flipside, is run by a bunch of chimps with pencils. Their grasp of simple economics appears to be... well... limp.
  15. TrenchDigger

    I come to the forums everyday and read all the nonsense drivel that people post. Then i go play the game and enjoy myself the entire time.

    People come to the forum to whine for attention plain and simple.

    The game does have some minor issues, but nothing compared to how the forum trolls would make it appear. Stop listening to what people say and make your own informed decision.
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  16. Mietz

    Did you play vanilla or Prejudice?

    Because S8: Prejudice is the superior game....if you can find a populated server.
  17. jamieprittpeter

    To the above posts.....

    How do you feel about the numbers that are playing the game right now? Has there been a substantial drop off or a reasonable one? Based on your experience with other MMOs, how is this game doing?
  18. Esxraptor

    Your main problem mate ...... is patience

    Fine you've gone to BF3 and congrats on a future of paying out lumps of cash every few months from now on in ..for game changing patches/DLC. Use whichever of these words you like.

    Just be aware that any friends that cannot afford the patches/DLC just won't be with you.

    PS2.. what 4 - 5 weeks old now? If they bring out changes to this game... we are ALL still here. Be that monthly, 2 monthly or whenever.

    Perhaps you should have scanned the forums over at BF3 instead first :)
  19. bPostal

    I'm gonna have to guess vanilla because I've never heard of Prejudice.
  20. WhatsThatNoize

    Give it 3 more weeks. We won't really know until then.
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