So, joysticks and flightmodel

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mietz, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Mietz

    I got a Saitek X52 for xmass, the whole shabang with throttle controls and glowing LEDs:


    I tried to control any plane in PS2.
    No go.
    The sensitivity is turned down to 1.0 and the slightest movement of the stick sends the vehicle in a turning/rolling/pitching fit.
    Not only that but if i re-center the joystick the vehicle has "lag" stopping the movement and it overshoots any and all movement.

    It feels completely wrong to pilot anything in this game.

    Just to be sure the joystick wasn't weird I ran the calibration/test tool on my second monitor while playing.
    The stick re-centers fine, yet the aircraft still moves past my input when i let go of it.
    The **** is wrong with this? Is it some "emulated" control where the analog input isn't really supported but works like pressing a digital button? When I move the stick slightly it moves the vehicle at full force.
    Thats not the point of an analog input.

    Next I tested it with Star Conflict and it works absolutely amazing in it with the necessary precision.

    Does anyone else have the same problems?
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  2. Chiss

    Nice, i hope you get it working soon :)
  3. Tigga

    I've found my joystick very tricky to use with this game. There's just not enough low end sensitivity. As far as I can tell I have the same sensitivity between 0-10% power as 90-100% rate. This is clearly wrong.
  4. PsychoBat

    Yeah, the sensitivity problem can be fixed with manually changing the configuration file. I think it was usersettings.ini or something in the game folder. You can set sensitivity lower then 1.0 there. Mine is either 0.7 or 0.6. Otherwise the devs have acknowledged the problems with joystick support and they're working on fixing them.
  5. Yuzral

    Same problem here with a HOTAS Warthog. It's have a top of the line stick useless because of sloppy centering and a weird response curve in game.
  6. Tuco

    Yes, it flies like on gamepad controls. It's kinda Disney.

    Give us proper controls and we'll take care of the air problem.
  7. Battlegear2099

    Find the UserOptions.cfg file.

    Go to this setting:


    Adjust to suit yourself.
    The lowest the in-game options will go to is 1, but in that config you can set it to 0.000001 if you want.
  8. Mietz

    Yeah i since found this "fix". Now the plane is just sluggish (especially Liberators) .

    The problem is still that i can't control the force of the turn, thats the whole point of an analog stick.
    When i slightly press left, its supposed to go "slightly" left in game, if I jam it all the way to the side, its supposed to do respond with the maximal velocity of the craft.

    Right now it seems to only have two settings: centered (no movement) and OMGWTFBBQ FULL POWER TO ENGINES!!!!

    The throttle works fine, its just the axies that don't.

    PS: Does anyone know why yaw seems to have a completely different sensitivity than roll and pitch?
    My stick has 3 axies and the Z turn (i can "twist" the stick for this) is a lot slower than X and Y.
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  9. Frozenkilt

    I've been having the same issues with joystick sensitivity, tried editing the UserOptions.ini file and it had absolutely no effect. Even tried playing around with it a few times logging in and out to get in a mosquito but it doesn't work. This really sucks cause it's the flying that draws me to games like this and I can't fly at all in in this game.
  10. Yuzral

    It's not quite the sensitivity though, at least not for me. It's in two parts. The first is that the aircraft's response to the stick dosn't feel linear at all, but exponential. The second is a distinct tendency to wallow when returning to zero from high deflection which might be related to the odd response curve.

    Assuming that the joystick sensitivity setting acts as a multiplier between the controller's actual input value and the value used by the aircraft then I can see how reducing sensitivity below 1 would mask both of those problems by effectively capping the aircraft's agility...but in doing that you trade off performance, which may be why the menu doesn't allow you to go below 1.
  11. Antumbra

    Yeah, I just got an X52 specifically to use in Planetside 2 because I had seen people raving about how well it worked. They're full of crap.

    Here are the problems I've identified so far:

    Analog Throttle is COMPLETELY broken: Having it mapped at all prevents you from landing. This is because...
    The control setup prevents you from landing an aircraft if EITHER decelerate or accelerate are active. The analog throttle is a cruddy hack that automatically 'activates' accelerate/decelerate based on the position of the throttle, but they clearly never tested this feature because it makes decelerate stuck on all the time when you're at 0, making it impossible to land. This makes it pretty much impossible to use the X52's throttle with the game even if you map it such that 50% is 'neutral'.
    Even if Analog Throttle weren't completely busted, its response curve is utterly insane and makes it extremely hard to dial in the speed you actually want.
    PS2 has a bug where it randomly drops input from higher-numbered buttons. Some of the buttons on the X52 (mostly the hat switches) are numbered as high as 130, and while PS2 will let you bind them, they will randomly stop working in flight and get you killed.
    Roll, Pitch and Yaw are all binary instead of analog. The game will let you map axes to them, but they're all-or-nothing resulting in a completely out of control experience where you slowly adjust an axis and suddenly your ship slams to full acceleration on an axis, and continues blazing into the wild unknown while the stick recenters.
    In addition to this, the binary roll/pitch/yaw seem to have a bit of a response delay, probably designed to let people 'feather' them on the keyboard. Applying this feathering response to a joystick axes is UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY INSANE.
    PS2's deadzone and sensitivity are both locked to absolutely stupid ranges that make it even harder to use the game with a precision joystick like this. The joystick has its own deadzone settings in the control panel, and out of the box with those deadzones at 0% almost all the axes are perfect so you don't need much of a deadzone. The minimum deadzone in PS2 is high enough to make this a problem, and for a sensitive joystick like this PS2's minimum sensitivity is too high as well.

    I've been flying Liberators with a 360 controller for a while now and have managed to get the hang of it despite these issues. At first I thought maybe they had designed the joystick support for 360 controllers, but then I realized they're not using xinput, so you can't use LT for aim and RT for fire - one of the most obvious configurations. I can't figure out what kind of controller they tested the game with, because even basic testing of the joystick support would have revealed SOME of these issues. It seems to me like the joystick support is a completely unfinished afterthought and Sony would be better off if they removed it from the UI, because as-is it's just a trap for the unwary that will result in minutes (or hours) of frustration, crashed aircraft, and wasted resources. TBH I'm incredibly angry that anyone posted to the contrary on these forums - I saw people raving about how great it was flying with an X52 and it is simply not possible for that to be the case with how the controls worked unless there's some sort of special flag you can flip in the game's INI file to provide proper joystick support.
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  12. SupeDupe

    I have the same problems with a sidewinder force feedback 2. You kind of get used to it but it still sucks and you miss a lot of opportunities because of the sluggish controls.
  13. Malonez

    I just use KB/M in this game instead of my Thrustmaster t16000 :(
  14. Iksniljiksul

    Any controllers other then keyboard and mouse are not support nor is there any intention to support them at this time. It's a known issue, go to the tech support forum.
  15. kaalen

    I also got the Saitek X52 pro for Christmas, the only way i could get it to work was to use the Saitek software to bind the mouse to the x any y axis of the joystick, it took me a while to realize you have to unbind the mouse control on the throttle first, then bind the joystick.

    in the actual game i couldnt get the analog theottle to work very well in ps2 so i just bound the accelerate and decelerate to the throttle instead,

    i also bound the ascend and descend to the precision slider on the throttle

    i am still tweaking the sensitivity of the mouse bound joystick but i actually managed to have a couple of dogfights that lasted for about a minute each.

    i am still hopeful SOE will implement proper joystick controls rather than the farce they have now. or just make it so they stop interfering with our own joysticks software.
  16. Sancus

    This is awful, I really wanted to fly using an X52 as well and there's really no excuse for having such broken joystick support.
  17. Ngbaka

    Hi Mietz sorry for the offtopic question, but how to you put your josystick to work with star conflict?

  18. LazySpoon