For the love of all that makes the game worth playing

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Mr.Croupe, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. Mr.Croupe

    Please... PLEASE put the potency back into the empire specific fighters!!! My scythe can be shot down by NC tanks, TR tanks, NC/TR libs belly gunners all the while barely being able to scratch the tanks/libs and I am not a sorry pilot. I have over 230 kills in my Scythe. Please for the love of all that makes the game worth playing put the FIGHT back in my Scythe. The current state of the scythe is pathetic at best. MAYBE A LITTLE LOUDER>>> PUT THE FIGHT BACK INTO THE SINGLE SEAT FIGHTERS!!!!
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  2. Elapid

    Get better.
  3. dragondrop

    They are fighters, not bombers.
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  4. Mr.Croupe

  5. Mr.Croupe

    I'm sorry but what's your point?
  6. Mortucus

    learn to fly to be blunt
    you shouldnt be able to stand still and rack up kills in a fighter in truth 1 missile would kill you
    i see no problem other then they were over powerd in the first place
    at least now small arms fire does damage like it should
    you had a good run now live with the fact you are no longer a god in the sky but a man in a tin can as is should be
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  7. Melskaia

    You gotta be trolling.
    Tanks can be taken down EASILY with a SINGLE rocket magazine if you hit them from behind. Even if you don't, they go down pretty fast to rockets+hailstorm. Check your aiming.
    Libs gotta be attacked from their top and if you do it right they won't even scratch you(Takes 4 hailstorm mags... not much really given its rate of fire).
    230 kills is a laughable amount to claim you are any good...

    Learn to fly.
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  8. Sliced

    Planes are well overpowered in this game.
    Now at least you can't just hover there and blast away getting kills.
  9. Melskaia

    In fact, you can. You just gotta be aware of when...
  10. Mr.Croupe

    Check my aim? HAH Im not a **** like you. You think i don't know how to hit my target? Typical response from a troll like you. In just over a month ya **** I had that many kills I would love to see how well you were doing back then big talker. Where is your stats at least i put my number out(time stamped to prove it). Go troll some other post. By the way... I'm not claiming I'm good SON I'm Telling you I'm good. Get used to it... Oh and up date, even with the gimping i bet i could still own your wanna be piloting skill in a heart beat. Bring it on sissy boy, Helios 8pm MST Mondays and Wednesdays come have some humble pie kiddy.
  11. Ziajin

    So you're angry that because you're hovering there and you get shot by someone who knows how to lead properly in a tank and you get blown up? Right. Your argument is fail already sir. Stop trolling the forums. BEFORE the update I'd hit a REAVER (Which has more HP than your cylon fighter) and it'd take it down about I'd say 3/4's (or maybe it was 2/3rds) HP from ONE round from a Prowler.

    Stop hovering or flying low enough for the tanks to get a bead on you. Because I'll tell you this, if you were on my server doing that, I'd bet your **** I'd shoot you down. I'm good at leading with tank rounds, so quit whining like a little baby and learn to adapt.
  12. Shadow-Zima

    OP here's a scenario you fly too low i hear you peck at me i turn with my vanguards main cannon at you and your still coming at me. the single AP shell in the face should kill you cause you are too damned dumb to fly that low and slow. that if the MBT guns wouldn't be bugged to hell and back after this recent patch.
  13. ottomanhero

    Vanus, crying after their planes for a little balance -.-, our tanks aint even working dude, you got mags working atleast, also i agree with
    It totally ***** this game up.One shot and kill every infantry down there, while you can kill ppl with 1 shot, why wouldn't they be able to kill you in one shot too? Go find some other toy to farm with.
  14. Sprintfox

    Wash your mouth, please.
    There are people with lesser time spent on flying and with more kills - due to be flying.

    230 Kills in such long time you're already playing are honestly nothing.
  15. HerbertKnivez

    Really? I have been doing quite a bit better with my scythe after the patch.
  16. JudgeDreddy

    If you think ESFs, especially the Scythe deserve any loving then you are an out and out shameless troll. Sorry you actually have to pay attention while flying now to blow up an armor column and 40 guys solo. And why the hell is this in tech support? SOE can't help you L2P
  17. Kugelfisch

    Firstly: Wrong forum.

    My guide to bombing tanks like a boss:
    1. Have photon pods!
    2. Have Stealth. Helps approaching and escaping pretty easily if you're...
    3. Fast! Gotta go fast like Sonic! If you're fast and not going in a straight line, no tank should hit you. Otherwise, /t and congratulate.
    4. While being faster than red, scan the battlefield, fly away, come from behind and POW! Shooting tanks in the back is awesome!
    5. Get the hell away when you make that tank go boom or you're going to go boom next.

    It's not a Liberator. You can't just casually fly to the battlefield, hang lazily in the air and go when you've killed three tanks or maybe even hang around a little longer. You fly a fighter jet, play it like one. Rapidly approach, dive in and unload your pods and fly away. Like a napalm bomber in Vietnam.
  18. SatoVS

    the poster actually has a point.. if you look at prowlers for example, and their recent buff, theyr HEAT Cannons now have nearly sniper rifle velocity.. A good example - yesterday i went on a bombin run, me and my outfit mates attacked 4 tanks with our 7 liberators. And we werent just hanging in one spot obviously. We circled around them at nearly max speeds, yet this one prowler with a HEAT Cannon just sniped ALL The libs out of the sky in a matter of seconds. Its hard to tell if it was aimbot or the HEAT being ridiculously overpowered, but thers clearly something wrong with this