[Suggestion] Allow Infiltrators to Attack while cloaked.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Blackhand, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. OldMaster80

    1) The cloak is not useless, it's usefull as long as players realize that cloaked doesn't mean "invisible".

    2) The only problem with cloaking today is that it doesn't last enough for serious infiltration purposes like it was in PS1. Most of times I'm not getting killed because the camouflage is not effective, but because I have to un-cloak too often to sneak inside a base. That's why many think that introducing the Stalker Camouflage we saw during the old beta days is the best way to go, and honestly I agree.

    3) Giving us the possibility to shoot while cloaked would definitely be overpowered: some sniper rifles can 1 shot, and some pistols, if carefully upgraded are also very effective at close range, not to mention scout rifles. Introducing a class that can kill without almost be seen would imho be totally wrong. We saw that during beta because of a bug and believe me I don't want to see that back: Infiltrators that managed to run across the field and kill 20 infantry before getting spotted. That was not fun at all.

    Personally I'm more for an automatic uncloak when shooting, that would be reasonable. But you can almost get the same effect if you bind the special skills to the 3rd mouse button.
  2. Plague Rat

    And the question I was answering was why infiltrators can't shoot while cloaked, AND REMAIN CLOAKED. (note the post I was responding to) There are plenty of ways it can be worked in. But each one comes with adding a limitation onto the cloak, and that wasn't the question posed.

    The cloak breaking is a decent suggestion, but it could also be added as a new form of cloak for us to sink certs into (that sounds dirty somehow) as a combat cloak, leaving the hunter cloak for those who don't care to shoot from cloak but want a long duration quick recharge option. I still think think adding it to nano-armor cloak would be a good option as well. At max rank a sniper would only have 6 seconds to get into position, pick a target, execute, and get back to cover, and could only do this once every 24-30 seconds (not sure of the actual cooldown) To even pull it off in the time given would take a skilled hand, and would add so much needed survivability to the infi class.

    There are plenty of ways to solve the problem. But being able to fire from cloak and remain cloaked is not one of them. However, and unfortunately, this is essentially a Quality of Life issue, and I think that the dev team has more glaring issues to address before they get to our bells and whistles. Still, wouldn't be surprised if there was a notepad on some desk somewhere with a few different options sketched out to be brought up when they get around to that on the agenda.
  3. Blackhand

    I'm all for balance and some good points about sniping while cloaked, but it's just that it makes no sense why I can't fire a weapon or swing a knife with cloaked.

    I'd even settle for only being able to hip-fire from cloak. This would give us more incentive to use the red dot rail attachments. Snipers can still fire their rifles from the hip as well.

    Also, why are High magnification sniper scopes not affected by the cloak while lower mag scopes like 4x are? Im still ooking through an optic attachment regardless of magnification, so why doesn't a sniper scope crosshair dissapear at 12x like it does at 4x?

    Maybe that could be a balance as well. Making long ranger scopes affected by cloak just like the short range.

    As for cloak breaking when you fire...why would it break when I fire, if it doesn't break when I get SHOT 5 times?
  4. Blackhand

    I think the main problem was with the shotguns, not with being able to fire while cloaked.
  5. SilentWindOfDoom

    Nope, this is a terrible idea. I hate snipers. They´re a waste of matter and add nothing positive to the game. Here I am enjoying a nice shoot out and some scrub bodyshots my shield away. Well that´s fantastic, now I can go hide. The last thing they need to be able to do is to fire while cloaked and remain cloaked. Are you kidding me? That would be OP as **** at range AND in close quarters.

    It's not going to happen and I'm glad for it.
  6. ChocolateLoveMuscle

  7. PurpsUK

    If Infiltrators can't do ANYTHING while cloaked, then why can Light Assault do anything they like while jumping, Heavy Assault can do anything they like while shield boosting.

    Our cloak is pretty much a disadvantage at the moment and points certed into are almost as much a waste as MAX Kinetic Armour (sorry but that is a joke for the certs, it should be balanced with Flak armour), I can't count the number of ways people have of seeing you, including basic sight even when you are stationary. Combine that with not being able to do anything for exactly the time it takes a carbine or LMG to kill you from half way across the map because their accuracy is ridiculous and we're not even a support class.

    Rather than reducing the cool-down or increasing duration (from pointless to expensive and pointless) respectively, how about, better stealth and abilities while cloaked?

    Hunter Cloak
    1. You get the cloak.
    2. Better stealth, increased duration 5%, can use spotter tool.
    3. Imp. stealth, increase duration 10%, can hack.
    4. Imp. stealth, increase duration 15%, can use knife.
    5. Imp. stealth, increase duration 20%, can shoot secondary weapon, but drops the cloak as soon as you do.
    Rank 5 might seem OP, but that a lot of cert points to get there.

    Nano-armour cloak
    1. You get the cloak.
    2. Better stealth, increased duration 1 second, 5% more damage reduction.
    3. Better stealth, increased duration 2 seconds, 10% more damage reduction.
    4. Better stealth, increased duration 3 seconds, 15% better damage reduction, 10% speed buff.
    5. Better stealth, increased duration 4 seconds, 20% better damage reduction, 20% speed buff.
    Might be me but that seems fair, but am open to suggestions.
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  8. TehBenju

    at first i was all "YOU CRAZY?" but then realised, this is honestly pretty fair. the knife needs to break cloak on hunter 4 as well after the first slash just like the pistol in 5.

    by making it the pistol and NOT the primary that can fire, you are making it so that the "surprise" drop in pretty much balances out their lower health in a straight up fight that the infil has to deal with. i NEVER play infil but could agree that facing them with these changes would not be too heavy-handed of a buff for the infils who could honestly use a touch of love
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  9. Mr.Croupe

    SHUT UP!! Cloakers are disgusting bottom feeding cowards! Shooting while cloaked is only fair because your a coward and are to afraid to face the other players. Shooting people in the back while invisible is NOT fair its pathetic. Grow a pair and play a real class.
  10. LeanV

    I see middle school just got out for winter break.
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  11. Blackhand

    Rage much?
  12. icesail

    Please move the drifter jetpack to be available to infiltrators. I know I would ditch my cloak for the dirfter in a heart beat.... I am tired of having to kill myself to get down from cliffs and tall buildings..... since my spandex wearing special Ops guy can't even jump 6 inches or climb over a tiny bolder.
    If they were to keep the cloak as is, but make it so that it lasts until canceled, with the recharge timer being how long it would take for you to re-cloak. At least it would be somewhat helpful to close quarters infiltrators, since you could take your time and crouch walk to your objectives and not have to worry about the annoying sound of uncloaking every 12 seconds.
  13. Skadi

    you should be alowed to shoot snipers while cloaked, but the first shot needs to uncloak you immediatly.
  14. Gunhazard

    It should just do it the Crysis way and let you attack while cloaked, but doing so immediately saps the rest of your energy bar. So you can't sit there and stay invisible while shooting, but you have the option to either 'ambush' by attacking while stealth at the cost of your cloak, or you can drop cloak then attack, at the cost of a delay and exposure.
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  15. Prince Planet

    I'm for this, you should be able to perform actions however those actions drop your cloak. Shoot, hack etc.
  16. Blackhand

    How about this.

    Hunter cloak-You can shoot while stealthed but it either immediately breaks stealth or rapidly drains it. Also get shot while cloaked drains it.

    Cloak Armor(or whatever its called)- allows you to fire from stealth but is limited due to its already quick drain time and slow recharge. Getting shotdoes not drain it because its a "thicker" cloak. Its a combat cloak, allow us fight back with it engaged!
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  17. icesail

    Leave cloak as is but make it to "last until canceled" once you max it, cert levels would not reduce the cooldown but instead would increase time cloak lasts. Cooldown applies to the time you have to wait to re-engage it once dropped.
    Make Dirfter jetpack available to infiltrator so you can replace your cloak with the drifter. That would make more sense for snipers, and the cloaked until canceled with a cooldown to re-recloak would make life a little easier to base infiltrators. None of those 2 would make the class OP, since snipers could still not get UP things, only come down without having to suicide and infiltrators could still not do actions while cloaked, but would have more time to slowly move to the location without having to worry about the loud decloaking sound.
  18. JudgeDeath

    Really ... you would think it as smart or fun gameplay option to run around invisible and kill people without giving them and their friends even the slightest possibility to respond ?

    I guess using tactical nukes to fend off pickpockets seems like a good idea too ?
  19. EvadableMoxie

    For awhile in Beta infils could attack while cloaked and it was just as overpowered as everyone thought it would be.

    It's not a good idea for the balance of the game and will never happen.
  20. Arcanum

    Great ideas. The cloak armor would be OP, though. Guaranteed multiple kills using the automatic rifle or pistol while all your opponents can do about it is running. And doing that to the Hunter cloak is hard to get used to, IMO it should be made optional somehow.