Proximity mines

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Napkin, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. Borderline

    You can see them with night vision scopes. You can clear them with bullets or a grenade. You can resist them with Flak armor. Personally I just wait for a Max or a few pubbies to run in ahead of me.

    These are options available to every class.
  2. Aelloon

    What's the counter to being headshot by an infiltrator from long range?
    What's the counter to turning around a corner as an Engineer and running into a HA?
    What's the counter to rocketlauncher spam in slugfests?

    As we've seen from "AT mine whine" threads people do not want mines to be used as an active explosive when C4 is in the game, so why the change of heart on AP mines?
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  3. smokemaker

    Adapt or die
    Adapt as in there are mines in this game and zones around generators, teleporters, jump pads, spawn rooms are dangerous for those that run blindly into them. Then come here hoping for a game mechanic change vs. A mentality change. You cant code foolishness out of the player.
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  4. CDN_Wolvie

    This thread = QQ

    If you don't think it takes skill to place mines in such a manner to catch your opponent off guard, you've plainly never tried.

    If you think mines can't be blown up before some inattentive fellow faction member wanders past one, you really haven't tried.

    If you think they can't be seen, well, you're just not paying attention to where you put your digital feet.

    If explosives of any kind really grind your gears, cert up and put on flak armor already, sheesh.

    The Engineer had to spend quite a bit of certs to get even the few mines they do get and there is always a path around them because they are so few. Like that dude describing his biolab fight, Baustin, why didn't they go Light Assault? Or heck, any class can get out the balconies without taking damage at the top of the stairs of that spawn, I do it regularily in huge fights, those mines can't cover everywhere, they are usually only near a few key points (so the sly Engineer has to figure out where to place em more to ambush than defend), other explosives will set em off and everyone gets at least one grenade.
  5. PurpsUK

    The Infiltrator has EMP grenades too, these will clear a room, corridor of explosives very quickly.
  6. Tobax

    You can't cry for defensive items like AP mines to be changed cause your killed by one, we spend certs to unlock them, 75 resources to buy them and then I put one down near a CC to guard it and will be lucky if it kills one person. Meanwhile you buy nades for 45 and could get 1-6 kills per throw but cry that the AP mines are "cheap kills" and needs chnging? no.
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  7. KoooZ

    Minesweeping with a metal detector NAOW
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  8. Nonune

    Ok ok ok.

    Like in another thread about this same issue I'mma bring up an experiment I did at an AMP Station.

    Amp Stations floors and gens are mostly white, and as my Avy probably gives away, I like Vanu most. So my Mines are bright purple with bright cyan green accents.

    I laid my mines so they stood on two points face up like the claymore is naturally, (Why these don't lay down I don't know, But then if your not hiding them around corners... Your not thinking.) Stood out like a bleeding gut wound, right in view of the door.

    I sat back in my little hideaway I sit at waiting for a boom to run in and check if dude has backup, which before you guys go all awol on me and flame me try and remember, I am DEFENDING my bases objectives here. Still, only one in about ten booms went to me not getting a kill.

    Again, you Guys KNOW there are people laying Mines. Your not effing looking for them. One grenade can destroy an entire Team of Engineer's mine field. (Chain reaction explosion.) I even had the misfortune of setting a mine and reaching for a drink. While my hand was off the keyboard I saw a TR Infi, destealth and switch to his pistol and blow my mine up to kill me. (Which btw, Props on style to that dude.)

    TL ; DR

    If you Know people are using Mines, and your NOT looking for them... You satisfy Einstein's theorem for stupidity.

    P.S. Do Mines show up on an Infiltrator's little Prox detector? If so good. If not, they damn well should.
  9. Keifomofutu

    #1 Movement
    #2 Headshots
    #3 Movement.

    More questions? Mine on the landing pad of a human launcher what do you do?

    I'm sensing a lot of people afraid of losing their crutch. I personally play light assault the most so you avoid 90% of this cheap ********. What part of "they sink into the ground they are placed in and disappear much of the time", don't people understand?
  10. Daddy Tickles

    Ahhhhh... there's the nub of it, they make you look silly, don't they? All that shooty, shooty and someone PLANS for you to die and then you go and do it. Too painful, make it stop. Yes?
  11. Tapioca Express

    Mines at the landing spots of the mancannons? You can redirect your landing spot by moving mid flight. Hell if you move backwards mid flight on the biolabs mancannon you can actually miss the pad and fall to your death. If you judge the landing zone by the landing square size, you can land a whole 3 to 4 squares away by sprinting onto the man cannon and continue holding sprint and moving in a direction.

    Seriously, its not hard.
  12. Keifomofutu

    "They sink into the ground and disappear".
  13. Tobax

    Come on don't be silly now they aren't counters otherwise we could argue to use a different door instead of the one with the mine at it which would be just as silly.
  14. Gavyne

    No apparently you missed the threads where people made videos, proving that you can't see many of the mines because they sink underneath the ground texture.
  15. bPostal

    Think you missed the sarcasm there. Pointing to BR and KDR isn't exactly an indicator of skill though.
  16. Keifomofutu

    "They sink into the ground and disappear". How would you know which door has the mines? People have more than 1 you know.
  17. Daddy Tickles

    Indeed, but stopping them sinking into the ground =/= getting rid of them.
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  18. Tobax

    Please go re-read what I said, I said it would be a silly argument yet you quote it as a real one, no.
  19. Keifomofutu

    You're the only one who has suggested removing them entirely. They need to be changed yes, but adding a counter or weakening damage so you have to actually finish people off yourself does not equal outright removal.

    Sounds like some people are upset that their kill streaks are ended by a mine. WAH WAH WAH! Could they be a tad more visible... sure. Should they be one shot kill... yes (that is realistic) but should be dependent on the class you are.... MAX should not go down in one for example . Should they stay after death? yes they should stay... it is called strategy and defending a position. Would you rather have an engy sit around and camp the area (b/c that is fun for them)? It doesn't take skill to repair things, heal people, deploy and AMS Sundy so I guess they should all be nerfed to or removed from the game... right? I mean that is your rationale...I do agree that the area should be able to be cleared via grenade or c4 or something else with large splash damage. All the nerf crying is stupid. From day one people were crying about nerf this and that. Here is a crazy idea.... learn and get better.... I suck but my gameplay improves everytime something happens, I take a step back and THINK about what happened and what I could have done differently.