[Suggestion] So I See Where the Enemy is on the Map. How About Allies?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Snow Sheltie, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. Snow Sheltie

    It would be lovely to be able to look at the map and instantly know not only where enemy forces have massed, but also where your allied forces have amassed. It would help players figure out where their team's concentrated and it would better help outfits determine where they can best deploy to either help or avoid friendly public zerging. I know that 'influence' pie chart is supposed to give you an idea of what any faction has on the ground, but it is almost always misleading or outright wrong compared to the actual situation on the ground.
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  2. wobblyone

    I have noticed if you zoom in on the map you can see allied forces and the direction they are heading.
    Well, vehicles anyway:)
  3. Tantal

    I don't understand why this already isn't in the game. You can color code the map based on enemy activity, but doing the same based on friendly activity is apparently out of the question.

    As for the pie charts, I may be mistaken but to me it looks that the more adjacent territory a faction has to the base the bigger the influence at that base.
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  4. Wobberjockey

    i would REALLY like the ability to zoom the minimap. a dynamic, speed based zoom would be amazing, but at this point, just a +/-zoom key would be just dandy.
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  5. SarahM

    Afaik, 'influence' depends on the surrounding territories, not how many people are actually there.
  6. Vortok

    Would help so much, both for solo/small group players to know where an even fight is at and also for larger groups to know if there's already a friendly force there. Not every large group communicates on the leader channel.

    Apparently in the future, all resources were spent learning enemy movements to the point of no longer tracking our own allies.
  7. Renthrak

    You're wasting your time. This suggestion has been made numerous times. The people behind the game are far more concerned with getting new skins in the game and running a bizarre faction-leader contest than listening to anyone who has the brains to speak up about the laundry list of problems with actually playing.

    It was probably too much to expect that a big company like SOE would give a flying **** what their customers think. If you want to be treated better than sheep, find a game with a small dev team.