[Suggestion] Certification Refunds. A MUST!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by YelkoBurger, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. YelkoBurger

    Let us be able to undo what we spend our certs on. Maybe add some timer on how many times you can do it a day or something, but something you can't do is make us pay station cash to do it, that would be a massive F U to the players.(you already have enough items in the store to make tonnes of money, just leave this aspect alone please.)

    Today I accidentally spent certs on something that I didn't want to. Was it my fault for not paying attention to which NC pistol i clicked on in the cert menu? yes. I spent 200 certs on the default pistol when i wanted to upgrade my Rebel, why should i be punished for that? Sure it's double XP weekend now but now I have to earn another 200 certs for the suppressor and laser sight and it won't always be double XP. Now don't make this thread about which NC pistol is better than the other, this thread is about allowing us to get refunds on where we distribute certs, that's it.

    And that's my two certs on the issue.;)
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  2. Yetii

    I'd like to be able to throw everything I've spent certs on away to get them all back. So many silly mistake upgrades :(
  3. Hydragarium

    I think you confuse "We're trying to run a business here" with "Lets alienate our entire customer base by pissing them off". Making it cost an amount of Station Cash is perfectly acceptable.
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  4. Meiu

    I would gladly pay 1000 station cash to uncert all of my non-weapon spent certs. In a heartbeat.
  5. ForceM

    There is surely a role playing and character development aspect in the game so being able to respecc neds to be an option like in any RPG. But dont overinflate it please. Make people pay for it or cost a percentage of cert points. Not everyone should be able to completely change his class and spec 10 times a day.
  6. Garakan

    Yep. Paying Station Cash would be fine with me.
  7. Sinoby

    I don't think that complete uncert is fair. With such mechanics one can switch his certeficates from e.g one vehicle to another as
    T a heartbeat. I do believe, that there should be a way to either trial cert upgrades or undo them during 20-30 minutes after buying them.
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  8. wobblyone

    Yep, I spent around 500 certs on tank armor ( Front, Top, Sides ) only to find I can only use one at a time !!!
    I would take them all back and put them on auto repair.
  9. Believer

    Just one of the many reasons we should be able to respend our certs. I dont think its reasonable to expect a player to do a bunch of out of game search to avoid wasting certs. If we dont get a cert refund option, its safe to assume ps2 is just a hit and run cash grab. Im looking to the big january patch talked about to bring this to us, if not, assume the worst.
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  10. Ravenorth

    I only see this working as a one time use only, so you could get misplaced certs back. When you undo certs from something then you cant undo them anymore even if you cert it back later.
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  11. PunchinPaul

    Accidentally bought infrared optics for the wrong gun. Wanted it on the rotary, not the needler. Only 50 certs but still DX
  12. Kilborne

    I wouldn't think that this would be a big deal. Put a 24 hour cool down timer on it or something so people can't just max out whatever they are going to use for the next 30 minutes.
  13. Bravedog

    Well, in the original Planetside, whenever they changed costs or implemented new things to cert, all were refunded. The same thing happens in WOW. It is only a matter of time.
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  14. Protential

    One problem I can see with this, everyone is going to re-cert into libs and just farm the **** out of the world, especially during x2 exp..

    While I did waste a few cert points here or there, I do not think games should be so forgiving, its not like you ruined your character by buliding it wrong, you can just instead go for what you want instead. I am kinda on the fence with this one.

    In RPG's of any kind, respecs lower the life span of the game by like 200%. Look at diablo 3, played it for a week was like man this is wack. No need to try to find the perfect build by building characters different ways, Just oh well this is OP now I will switch to that!
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  15. icesail

    I think a re-spec or two available at level 10 or 20, which would last one level only (so you would have until level 11 to use it, or level 21 to use it) would be very welcome. At those lower levels, wasting a few hundred certs IS a big deal, and with the documentation this game has (read LACK OF), it usually takes a new player until level 10-20 before they start grasping what works or not and they play style. For high level players, re-certing is not as important, since there is no cap for certs.

    That said, if SOE makes a dramatic change to in-game items/skills, I think it would be nice if they offered to refund that specific item/skill so people could get something else.
    For example, if SOE decided to remove the dumbfire mode from the G2G and G2A locking missiles, it would make sense to offer the players that have them certed the ability to trade them for any other HA weapons system up to cert value, like the decimator and the annahilator, if they chose to. Or they could decline the refund and keep what they have.
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  16. Malsvir Vishe

    Someone else suggested having one free re-cert and after that it would cost SC. I would personally LOVE that because I made a couple of mistakes on my certs. I'm pretty sure they can track what SC purchases were made, so letting people undo their cert-bought weapons would be possible. This is actually the whole reason I deleted my first character: So I could have a fresh start.
    I'd pay 500SC in a heartbeat for a second recert chance after the first one.
  17. Fooks

    They didn't do it for the NC Reaver decoy flares price change (bug fix) and ppl lost certs, so I don't think they will do anything alike anytime soon.
  18. Uben Qui

    There used to be a time where you either wanted to be able to spec into different roles and eventually spec for all roles, or be limited to one role and have a re-spec option to compensate...

    This is the first time I have seen them give the ability to spec into everything, given enough time... and people wanting to have the re-spec option with it. :(
  19. CobraBoss

    No Cap
    No refund
    As much as we would all want to save all the time we wasted on certs we wont use , its not like you have to manage a certain amount of certs wich would lock you out of options ...
    Get more certs ! its pretty much the goal atm , trial and error with certs and fight for more until you get what you wanted.
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  20. RaTzo

    As much as I regret having dropped 400 certs on Level 3 hover tonight and would love to get them back, this game is about character development. Making choices and suffering or enjoying the results of those choices is what it's all about. I don't think they should allow changes after certs are spent unless of course they nerf the thing certed.
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