Why does the NC on miller suck so much?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hashi, Dec 22, 2012.

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  1. Hashi

    I've taken the leap into miller since game launch with my main account... and all I wonder is why we constantly get stomped on by the TR/VS?
  2. Boogy

    As a solo NC player BR 42 who is allergic to organized teamplay i have no real answer.. But i just rolled a TR twink on Miller and i'm having a best time of my PS2 life!
  3. ThreePi

    There's a bunch of small little reasons, actually. Right now the Reaver has no unique advantage over the other two ESF, NC are slightly more visible than the other two factions in the dark, the NC have generally the,most disadvantagous (is that a word) warpgate placements, the majority of infantry weapons are less forgiving than the other factions. Its not like one big glaring thing, but a bunch of smaller issues.
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  4. Hashi

    But it just swallows knowing that no dev has said ONE word about most of those issues. My thoughts on the guns though is that they do work... but the horrible optimization is what kills this.
  5. Fooks

    The fact the Reaver is bugged (no inertia) and is now the worst of all aircraft is a big one, then there's the fact the 4th faction don't like the NC (just look at world pop, it's either TR or VS with the larget pop, and it never balances).
  6. Hashi

    the reaver does seem to suck, but I feel like at the same time, our biggest problem is the map itself and how much it doesn't favor us...
  7. Odan.be

    Just to many lonewolves not teamplaying, just intrested in K/D and whining on the forums to make this game as easy as COD...
  8. Securion

    I was NC before i got tired of the lonewolfs and made a VS character.
    Its not a Night and Day difference, but it is noticeable.

    Also, i almost doubled my K/D ratio from having better weapons as VS. I dont really care about K/D ratio though, but it shows that NC weapons are really bad...
  9. JonboyX

    What a lazy post. Troll +1. That kind of view is statistically unviable too... go look up the law of averages/binomial curves then come back and say what facts you have to say that NC would have fewer outfits/alliances etc. per player.

    >> Simple fact of the matter looks to be server population. Thereafter, VS and TR seem to both prefer fighting the NC rather than each other; this is a view I've seen posted on these forums by tr/vs players.

    My opinion is that this is down to the other two empires weapons being fractionally easier to use/more effective for the average player. In a game where ttk is so low with any gun; it's all about landing shots not really how hard they are - and as has been posted elsewhere the flinch aspect of being hit by gunfire multiplies the 'scatter' factor of even burst fire, never mind suppression. If Joe Average TR is better than Joe Average NC, that's where the difference is made; not in the top 10% or bottom 10%.

    To be frank though, in my opinion it's really only a small fraction of a difference, and with a small tweak we'll probably see NC pops rising again... especially if they start server merging.

    Anyway - OP - if you're looking for an outfit - give me a shout in game :) (assuming you're going to stick with an NC char on Miller)
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  10. pnkdth

    NC have gotten a bad wrap for the get go. First everyone whined so loudly their weapons got nerfed, then the Esamir incident happend, then people whined about NC's bolt action, and so on. First impressions last, and today, people will with a straight face say they suck because they're COD kiddies and whatever ad hominem, or logical fallacy, enters their mind.

    Like pointed out numerous times, high RoF is favoured in this game because of flinching when taking damage. A fleeting glance over which of the NC weapons are the prefered weapons also show this.

    Currently, the GD-7F is all the rage, and what characteristic does it have? Why, high rate of fire, of course.
  11. Being@RT

    Small differences end up having compounding effects though.

    Also have to keep in mind that a population spread of 28% NC vs 35% VS vs 37% is quite significant.. assuming both the stronger factions spend half their effort in fighting each other, that's still 28 vs (35+37)/2=36, or fighting against a 28% more numerous force (remember how the percentage-unit difference was only 9%), on average. However, it seems that both VS and TR prefer fighting the NC. And if you really start losing ground, you also lose the resources to fight back with.

    Of course the population numbers are pretty much 32/33/34 or closer during prime time, but any territory lost during the non-prime time is much harder to win back during this period of balance. Of course NC also gets to conquer their fair share of territory during non-prime time, given how 3 factions and 3 continents work out, so I don't really know how much is to be blamed on population imbalances. A 34/32% population difference lets one faction roam around with an extra zerg of 40 people (assuming the server is at population gap), who should be able to make short work of all the non-essential spots on map.

    I forget what my grand plan for this post was to be about, so I'll finish with this:

    Vanu do well because more of them roll in vehicles.
    TR do well because they have the numbers advantage.
    NC do poorly because we have "the most damaging guns", encouraging more infantry.

    (well, it's obviously just a guess, and an exaggerated/simplified one at that.. but still).
    edit: I haven't rolled around on other factions, but the bit I tested on vanu and TR during beta left me with the impression that the two factions have actual coordination in pugs. Could have been just a fluke for the TR and VS, but I've never seen/heard anyone chat/voicechat in an NC non-outfit group.

    Also for clarification, I don't think NC in general fares badly in fights where the proper composition is present, so I wouldn't blame balance (except perhaps map design) for the poor performance NC has... but 'perceived balance' can be a biggie.
  12. BigMacDeez


  13. Hashi

    Yeah... sorry... Just can't take you seriously right now. First of all if you've got reasons to state that the NC are balanced, please tell me.
  14. BigMacDeez

    If you have any facts that actually back up your claims, you should post them. Otherwise, I defer you to my previous statement.
  15. GamerOS

    Just report him for not being constructive, not contributing to the topic and plain trolling, it's easier then arguing with him.
  16. gimmethebullets

    I suppose it's to be expected. Imagine a new player who is trying to decide what faction to join, so he watches the recruitment videos and reads the background info.

    He sees the TR video which asks him if he wants to be part of a well oiled machine, to be more than just a single man.

    Then he watches the VS video which asks him if he is a man of intelligence and wisdom and if he wants to live up to his true potential.

    Finally he watches the NC video, which asks him if he wants to fight against the values of the other two factions and do things his own way.

    Teamwork, intelligence or ****YOUIWONTDOWHATYOUTELLME?
  17. SOE-MOD-05

    This thread has been closed for being non-constructive.
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