Razor GD-23

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Jourmand1r, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Jourmand1r

    Best gun in the game for NC.

    If you aren't using it, use it now.
  2. TormDK

    I like your explaination as to why.
  3. SmileyBomb

    It is a great NC Engi/LA gun. It is kind of crappy it doesn't have under-barrel rail attachments, though. I would switch over from my Piston if they allowed smoke grenades on it. :(
  4. Phryne

    It's kind of like a mid range automatic sniper rifle. I enjoy it a lot.

    What about damange and acuracy
  6. Phryne

    It's extremely accurate down the sights but terrible at hip firing. Damage is similar to the default carbine.
  7. lsp1

    It's exactly the same as the af 15 don't buy it.
  8. InducedApathy

    I only use the higher rof gunsand hipfire. Horrible gun for me. Piston or the gd7f is the best option for my nc engi. Using piston atm no slug ammo (sucks on shotty) extended mag 1x and done.
  9. japro

    Trialed it today an outside of wall shooting experiments couldn't really see much of a difference? I essentially observed the same thing as the extracted data suggest... slightly lower fire rate in exchange for a slightly reduced recoil on the first shot. But in a "blind test" I wouldn't be able to tell it from the mercenary. The only attachment it has over the mercenary seems to be the compensator? So unless it suddenly becomes amazing with the compensator (which I doubt from my experience with the Gauss Compact S) it seems like a very minor sidegrade? Or am I missing something?
  10. SkepticJerry

    Get the advanced laser pointer and never ADS again. It's a killing machine.
  11. japro

    You are thinking of the GD-7F I think?
  12. Runkel

    I bought it and was pretty disapointed, i perform much better with the default carbine, especially at higher ranges.
  13. Ebil_Piwat

    My NC engi set up:

    GD-23, 3.4 LACO, Comp

    Rebel, with a Lazor

    Mines ( your choice, but I prefer A-P, for base fights, and defending generators..)

    This is a great all around build as your rifle is great at mid-long, and in close you have the Rebel. I was out in the open, and spotted a infiltrator, went ADS, and saw he was aiming my direction. So I did the wiggle dance ( side strafe ) and heard a shot ping near me as I returned fire.. After he went down, I got a /tell saying he was gonna report me for aimbotting, as I out sniper'd a sniper..

    I laughed as I replied saying "go ahead, when a GM see's my KDR / hit rate. you might get banned for a false report "

    As a support player with more assists, than deaths and kills combined. The GD-23 is great at beyond CQB with the right attachments. Play to it's strengths and you won't be disappointed.
  14. SmileyBomb

    I honestly enjoy the Razor. I use it on Esamir, where the land is so f*in barren and the Piston is not viable. After playing with the shotty for so long, the reload speed of the Razor blows my mind. I definately wouldn't say it is the most accurate weapon available, but it is certainly better than the default during bursts.