typical Vanu victory [Mattherson]

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arth, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Arth

    only time the Vanu can win on mattherson is when no1 is on..

    it really starts to bother me that the Vanu on mattherson aren't putting up a reall fight at prime time and pull out numbers to freecap in the night

    i heard however that the Vanu on Connery do fight properly and that they actually have the same problems with there TR as we have with our VS

    namely the following :

    #1 ESF and liberator only!
    #2 avoid all combat and freecap
    #3 (mattherson VS) mag rider is allowed but only if they shell us from atleast 2 miles away (sample, mag rider hill)

    so SOE, how about you swap the Vanu from Connery and mattherson, or the TR from mattherson with the TR from Connery so that we finally have a worthy Vanu sovereignty and they TR

    (i do feel sorry for the unlucky NC faction though)
  2. Thardus

    Funny, I got the feeling that it was the NC that stole the nights on Mattherson.
  3. Kunotron

    This doesn't help either.

    • Up x 1
  4. Bejita231

    There needs to be a vehicle cap, if vehicles werent so powerfull I could understand them not having a cap if a infantry could solo them, but it takes 15 max to just scare away a liberator and not actually kill it, so there needs to be a cap on these things, Vehicles are the only reason Vanu can take anything they rely on overpowered magriders far too much
  5. QuantumGuard

    On Mattherson now. Could post same screenshot a guy above posted. Tanks/air everywhere, everyone of them uses HE rounds, rocket pods, zephyr, dalton. At first I was trying to outmaneuver them, hide, shoot from behind, e.t.c. But it rarely helps. Now I just feel hopeless and powerless in a face of tank or air. Thus I have no choice but to roll an air or tank and add to the problem. I don't want to play infantry now, it is frustrating to say the least. Not to mention cheaters, though so far I've seen 4, with 1 still playing.
  6. Arth

    not even near as much as the vanu