Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Asimplicity, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. k4el

    Don't forget a medic for good measure.
  2. 13lackCats

    One thing is for sure. When you're mad, you can't think.
  3. BurialDay

    Hi there! I too can make unfounded but highly authoritative and generalized claims!

    Aircraft are supposed to be very easy to kill. Infantry are the base mode of gameplay in the game and should be able to deal with all threats as long as they equip themselves properly.

    "Load up AA" - is there a button for that or? Right now my only option is to buy another MAX burster and g.i.m.p. myself to anything except air (though air doesn't need to g.i.m.p. itself to anything... wow, that's like, imbalanced or something, right?)

    I will leave you with this gem of advice: BE THE IDIOT YOU WANT TO SEE. If you see an imbalance think how can I rationalize this? Then do it and tell others to do it.

    Good luck.
  4. 13lackCats

    There it is. The real deal Holyfield.
  5. TetrisIsUnrealistic

    1. What makes you think aircraft are meant to be easy to kill? Please explain this. Also the point you made about equipping properly is in point 2.
    2. You can use a heavy with anti-air missiles.
    3. It's not rationalizing anything. It's just dealing with what we have to at this stage. There have been 300 threads before this one about this very issue. I'm pretty sure the dev's know that people think there is an issue. Whining some more really doesn't help anything. Just play the damn game or quit and stop whining.
  6. f0d

    op's story reminds me of today taking jagers crossing

    there was so many esf flying around attacking it that a good 10-15 mid air crashes happened because there was so many esf and they couldnt fit around the base while in the air

    was quite hilarious
  7. Hadesborn

    1. Why are aircraft supposed to be easy to kill. Answers: they have big damage output, that must balance out to being fragile. Also in PLANETSIDE 1, the game was balanced. Air did a bunch of damage like now, but the max and other AA turrets did more damage and also had more armor so could go at it vs air 1v1. Also the game is about ground combat FIRST. You cant cap a bio lab in your mosquito.

    2. TR air starts out with rocketpods, no 1000 cert/750 sc purchase. To get AA missiles, you must pay to upgrade.

    3. You sir are the only one whining about others bringing a balance issue to light. How about you get some experience on all sides TR, NC, and VS. Then play Planetside 1 for about say 4 years to learn what balance is and then come back and we will talk about what is rational.
  8. StockpowerXD

    Uh uh! Lemme try a comparsion:

    Scissors - Tanks
    Paper - Anti-Air
    Rock - Aircraft

    It's a wellknown system except with a twist! The Rock is moving with such a high momentum that it just rips through the paper,
    but for some stupid reason the rock breaks when you kamikaze-smash it into the scissor. (So tanks basically counter everything)

    Plus infantry is the punching bag that looses against everything :p
    They could win in numbers, but people realized that having either planes or tanks in numbers wins even harder.

    No seriously! I frequently see infantry being outnumbered by tanks or fighters. (I mean on the same side... 1-2 infantry for every 3-4 tanks; Most of them Engineers)
  9. Xandax

    It sounds more like somebody wanting to keep his powerlevel and others far behind to avoid them getting to strike back.
    Such people fear balance so they'll forum-fight against it for as long as they can while racking up the benefits.

    They'll properly also jump ship to another game or the next FOTM overpowered thing once their current toy is put in line.
  10. Rothnang

    Right now you can sum up the winning strategy in this game in one sentence:

    Losing? Pull mass fighters.
  11. hsal9

    Problem with air : People arent used to idea they need AA support AT ALL TIMES. There I said it, its almost impossible avoiding air farmers but its pretty easy to get rid of them too.

    As somebody who plays infantry most of time, but I also fly liberator with a friend/esf, I know both sides of this "conflict". Let me tell you up straight, flying a lib over infantry/tanks when they have no AA/air support is free exp, and thats exactly how its supposed to be (its a freaking A2G specialized aircraft, bombs are to be feared, derp). Liberator requires 2 coordinated people, and dont let people bs you how you can do it solo, its on par with 1man mbts that die in a fire after 10 seconds.

    ESF rocket pods are bit problematic, simply because they are so easy to use. IMO they need a nerf cause they are too effective for 1 man vehicle thats freaking super fast and maneuverable (compared to ground). I'm no stellar pilot and can get plenty of kills spamming rockets, its really not hard as people make it to be. Yes, you will die to better pilots but by then you will get 10 kills on average by farming ground.

    TL;DR wise up, and get that left burster arm, its incredibly useful.
  12. Monnor

    How about pulling some air defence.
  13. Bottar1

    I have been killed by rocket pods on an ESF approximately once or twice, and I'm Battle Rank 25...

    I see about 10 times the infantry as I do aircraft...

    You guys are making up ******** and over exagerating, or are trolling, and no I'm not a fan of aircraft, I barely ever fly them, but you guys are whining to much, they are not overpowered at all.

    When someone tries to rocket pod me it doesnt even one shot me, that's ****, a rocket in my face doesnt even kill me.

    When I fly aircraft I just use air to air missles and the main cannon that does most on air to air targets, get more points that way.

    Rocket pods are a piece of ****, from my point of view as infantry.
  14. Asimplicity

  15. Azurres

    Every time i take a dual burster max the planes leave so i don't see what the problem is. Simple as that. With the 3x SC promotion going on i see so many dual bursters after the planes are becoming a problem.
  16. Tuco

    Pickins are getting slim up there, running out of ground targets to shoot at, and the ones that are left are mostly AA.

    So hows those PS1 cloaking AMS, PS1 mines, PS1 spitfires and motion detectors looking now?
  17. PoopMaster

    Make ESFs much more expensive and it would probably limit some.
  18. Tuco

    With stock ESF I got 2 turret kills, 1 turret assist, 1 sunderer kill, 1 tank assist, just screwing around for a couple minutes waiting for free cap XP at tech plant.
  19. Lausk

    Aircraft are farmy, the end

    Anyone who says otherwise probably uses it to farm. Great theres AA, go somewhere else and farm and come back. EZ PEEZY
  20. Eduard K.

    BF3 has a total active number of 300k players on the weekend (PC), this game has a 200k average daily, for a game that sold 15 million units and went head to head with CoD (carebear land), I am going to go ahead and tell them to keep this balance.

    I doubt you are laughing, since this looks more like crying.

    You peasants are all the same.
